Whole30 - completed :)

Last night marked the end of the 30th day that I rigorously followed the rules of the Whole30 program.

I lost 16.6 pounds in those 30 days.

I ran a half marathon to completion on day 29, which isn't really related to the Whole30, but worth noting, since I totally had the energy, stamina and strength to do that without any carbo-loading, or sugary gels or recovery drinks, all of which are verboten on the Whole30.

My only minor issue with getting through the Whole30 was lack of variety - I pretty much ate the same things the whole month. Lots of eggs, lots of roasted chicken, lots of steak, lots of bulletproof coffee made with ghee and coconut oil. Lots of ghee and coconut oil in general, which I used to cook my veggies and protein in.

Aside from the boredom from lack of variety, it really wasn't that hard. Sure, I missed my dark chocolate (especially during my TOM), and I missed bacon and my protein powder shakes and pancakes, and my occasional dairy... But I never felt like I was really struggling with missing that stuff... I knew that it was a finite period of time, and that when it was over, I could add those things back again. I knew that once I got through day 30, that going back to Primal eating would seem downright permissive! :)

And yes, I've already had some bacon this morning, and a chocolate protein shake. What's weird is that - while they were yummy - they weren't SO YUMMY THAT I COULD DIE - which is an interesting lesson to learn. So much of the joy of our "favorite" foods come from the anticipation and emotional attachment, and maybe are not always all about the taste.

Truly, the feeling of accomplishment that I have from sticking to the program for 30 days without a single lapse is way better than the taste of that bacon. I needed to refresh that lesson for myself - that I get more joy from being hardcore healthy than I do when I allow myself indulgences. I'll enjoy processing that, and I know it will keep me motivated to continue my happy, healthy lifestyle. :)



  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i'm really interested in this program....i just really need variety so i am "afraid" i couldnt stick it out...
  • sethandjane
    sethandjane Posts: 74 Member
    Way to go Amy! Again, I just want to add that you continue to inspire and motivate the rest of us - I hope your wedding was/is wonderful!!!

    :) Jane
  • lindzmt22
    lindzmt22 Posts: 335
    Congrats friend!!! You are such an inspiration. For me this challenge is the opposite of boring or monotonous though. I have been eating more delicious food in a short span of time than EVER before. I have so much variety doing this program it's crazy...it's all about finding fun recipes online or in cookbooks. My favorites are paleomg.com and my Well Fed cookbook. So worth the money and comes with lots of tips as well. I've already made around a dozen recipes from that book and they are all AMAZING. Just a tip for people who are interested. :)
  • womanwithamission
    womanwithamission Posts: 67 Member
    Wow! You are awesome! I'm going to look into the whole30. Despite all my Mfp friends, I'm the only one at my home that is eating differently. My eats healthy, organic or natural, but they did have dessert every night. So a plan for me would be awesome. You are an inspiration!
  • womanwithamission
    womanwithamission Posts: 67 Member
    Wow! You are awesome! I'm going to look into the whole30. Despite all my Mfp friends, I'm the only one at my home that is eating differently. My family eats healthy, organic or natural, but they did have dessert every night. So a plan for me would be awesome. You are an inspiration!
  • kristarablue2
    kristarablue2 Posts: 386 Member
    As always you are a true inspiration to me and I am even tempted to try it...the strength that you continually display is magnificent ...love ya girl:-*
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    I'm on day 6- thanks for the inspiration to keep in my sights!