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463home Posts: 3
edited September 2024 in Introduce Yourself
I wanted to share a couple of things with you that you might find of great interest. I started reading this book, "Eat Right 4 your type", and I went to a naturepathic doctor and master herblist who shared with me the importance of food combinations as well as knowing the types of food I should eat to heal my body. Knowing my blood type helps me to understand why I would feel ill after eating certain foods, when I really should not be eating them. I was having muscle cramps so bad in my legs, hands and back that I was having trouble trying to cut tomoatoes with a knife, not to mention trying to exercise without cramping. After changing my diet I noticed I was not cramping anymore and I'm not hungry!!!! Banana's are suggested because of their Potassuim but Prunes are higher in Potasuim. Also I'm an A blood type and Banana's are one fruit I should not eat.

If you are interested you can check out this web site!
Go to the tab at the top named about the diets to see about your blood type. They also have a great recipe section.
Keep in mind the book does not mention doing food combination but it is important for digestion.

The Master Herbalist explained the importance of Food Combination, such as eating fruit only on a empty stomach and never eat a starch with protein. One thing for sure this can not hurt you it is healthy food intake.
I have also been diagnosed a diabetic and the blood sugar kept climbing higher when I was on the typical American Diet and after the doctor increased my medication, I decided to try an alternative approach. I have been on the Blood Type Diet for 3 weeks , eating only fruit for breakfast and my blood sugar is going down daily without medication. It feels great to see the numbers under 120!!!


  • MotherGoss
    MotherGoss Posts: 2 Member

    My name is Jenna and I am a stay at home, home schooling mother of five great kids, ages ranging from 10 months to 12 yrs. I do not get a lot of time to myself, or should I say for my self, as my day consists of feeding the kids, getting through school, cleaning my house, and whatever else the children need from me, not to mention being a wife to my husband who works two all that to say, I decided to drop my excuses of I just don't have time....and pick up the attitude that I am making time for myself....I look forward to my success and being encouraged by all of your successes too!! I can't wait to fit into normal size clothing again, and having just as much energy as my kids do...I also want them to see me being disciplined and follow my lead.
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