Hello all. Looking for friends and motivation.

Hiya all.

A little about me.
Im a 26 year old female in the uk. Im 5ft5 and currently 176lbs. Im looking to get down to 140-145lbs. At my heaviest I was 200lbs. Got down to 180 using slimfast, maintained for over a year or so and now trying to loose weight through healthy eating and calorie controll.

Ive been using MFP for a while now but I am new to the community. Im looking for some support to add me as a friend (lotte770) with the world being able to see my food habits, theres no hiding!!!! I also like to see other peoples diets and food diaries to get ideas!!

Im in full time employment, working 12hr shifts (day and night). Which to any one else who works shifts knows its a killer for diets!!

I love the idea of eating clean and adopting good, healthy lifestyle changes that will keep me going to good health once im older and with a family.

Please feel free to say hello and please add me as a friend.



  • Healingnutritionsolutions
    I have worked the weekends, nights and rotating shifts... it really stinks. When you mess up your circadian rhythm, you mess up your health in a lot of other ways! Hope you guard your sleep and try to stay on the same sleep cycle as often as possible. Wishing you luck on this weight loss journey! I am older and the older you get the harder it seems to become to change your habits, and your body doesn't know how to cope... good that you are striving toward health now! Good for you.
  • Lotte770
    I know its sucks.... But I am determined not to use it as an excuse.... There are plenty of people out there who work shifts and are not over weight.... It is possible!!