what is your favorite cereal?



  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    What I crave: Fruity Pebbles and Cinnamon Toast Crunch

    What I actually eat: Kashi Strawberry Fields or Honey Bunches of Oats with Pecans

    I just tried Chocolate Cheerios and they are amazing!
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    I love Coco Puffs!:tongue: Yum Yum
    But if I am looking for something a little more healthy it would have to be Multi-grain Cheerios
  • mgodby86
    mgodby86 Posts: 27 Member
    I used to live off Frosted Mini Wheats.....soo good! I also love Fruity Pebbles, and other cereals like Blueberry Morning, Cranberry Almond Crunch, etc. But I can happily say I haven't bought any of those in awhile.

    I like Kashi Go Lean crunch. The regular Go Lean is actually best, it has quite a bit of fiber and protein and only 6g of sugar, but it tastes like cardboard to me. Sweeten with berries and it's not so bad. Kashi Go Lean crunch cereals (esp Honey Almond) aren't so bad on their own, but they do have a bit more sugar.
  • Relaeh
    Relaeh Posts: 102 Member
    LOVE Kashi Heart to Heart, Go Lean Crunch, and their Autumn Wheat cereal....tasty!!
  • astrosnider
    astrosnider Posts: 151 Member
    My fave is John McCann Steel Cut Oatmeal. My husband gets up early to make it, and it's soft but kind of chewy and nutty at the same time. I have it with cinnamon, Splenda and a few pie cherries (I keep them in the freezer and thaw as needed). Very filling at about 150 calories per serving.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I love Kashi Heart to Heart Warm Cinnamon.

    I love this one!!! My kids love it too. Yum yum! I also love Kashi GoLean or GoLean Crunch!

    But I don't eat a lot of cereal, I prefer old fashioned or steel cut oatmeal. :bigsmile:
    Cracklin' Oat Bran and Special K Low Fat Granola with a Touch of Honey!
  • TwentyTen
    Frosted flakes, altho I haven't indulged in years. The steel cut oats so have some staying power!

    Curious if anyone remembers Quisp cereal? Awful stuff, but I love the character. :bigsmile:
  • emmie305
    Lucky charms all the way!! :smile:
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    hot, I like steel cut oats... I try to keep the cold cereals I like out of the house because I eat way too much of them (chocolate life, raisin bran crunch, cinnamon toast crunch, cocoa krispies, kashi go lean crunch, peanut butter puffins, chocolate mini-shredded wheat - to name a few)
  • Dumspiro
    Kashi Go Lean. I add blueberries and low-fat vanilla soy milk. Mmmm.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I am totally hooked on cinnamon crunch by cascadian farms organic. I compared the nutrition and i chose it over my usual, special k. I do not like sugary cereals so I was skeptical at first b/c it looks like cinnamon toast crunch, but it is just perfect and so yummy :)

    Cinnamon Toast Crunch is what I crave, but Cascadian Farms Granola is what I buy because its healthier!
    I can have my cascadian farms organic and my cinnamon crunch too? I am sooo going shopping in the morning! :laugh:
  • youngs
    youngs Posts: 250 Member
    Fiber one(carmel crunch), cherrios, special k( fruit and yogurt),,, and of course the good old OATS...(mmm)
    but I also like coco wheats and cream of wheats.. shall I go on..LOL
  • vanessadawn
    LOVE cereal. I cravey cinnamon toast crunch, corn pops, reese peanut butter cereal, nesquick puffs, captain crunch, fruit loops and frosted flakes. What I actually eat mostly all bran flakes (actually taste good!) with bananas sliced in, or fibre one honey clusters (so much fibre) or guardian heart cereal, or muffets (not really ceral I guess lol). Plus people if you have not used unsweetened vanilla almond breeze, try it out only 40 calories a cup. Versus 90 cals for skim milk, that is so much more cereal I can be cramming in instead of milk calories lol. :)
  • mouser79
    Speciak K Fruit and Yogurt
  • l8ybug
    l8ybug Posts: 24
    I am totally hooked on cinnamon crunch by cascadian farms organic. I compared the nutrition and i chose it over my usual, special k. I do not like sugary cereals so I was skeptical at first b/c it looks like cinnamon toast crunch, but it is just perfect and so yummy :)

    Cinnamon Toast Crunch is what I crave, but Cascadian Farms Granola is what I buy because its healthier!
    I can have my cascadian farms organic and my cinnamon crunch too? I am sooo going shopping in the morning! :laugh:

    Yea! I hope you can find it cause it's so yummy. I see a lot of people posting they love cinn toast crunch but don't eat it, this one is actually pretty good for you. I think the box says 'for kids' and when you're comparing the labels notice the serving is 1 cup compared to other cereals 3/4 cup. This is how I realized it was actually better for you than so many 'healthy' cereals.
    Happy Crunching !!
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    What I crave: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Captain Crunch

    What I like and leaves me feeling good through the day: Quaker 5 mins oatmeal w banana or cranberries, Cheerios, Kashi Go Lean, PC Blue Menu Granola

    You have the exact same 3 cereals I was coming on here to write down!! I find that really weird, don't know why. Except Lucky Charms would've been listed 1st for me just b/c it always comes to mind 1st. YUMMMMMMMM big bowls of sugar. :love:

    However, like many others I now don't eat those "favorite" cereals. I eat Kashi Go Lean.
  • lmross62
    Special K (cinnamon/pecans). As soon as I can I measure out the correct amount for the servings, put it in baggies, put them back in the box. When you eat, just reach into the box and grab a baggie, then just pour contents in a bowl. You don't have to measure before you eat it. Rinse out the bag and use it the next time you buy the cereal.
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    I love Kellogg's apple crisp Müslix. Very rarely, I enjoy a bowl of Frosted Flakes.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Cinnamon Toast Crunch is what I crave, but Cascadian Farms Granola is what I buy because its healthier!
    I can have my cascadian farms organic and my cinnamon crunch too? I am sooo going shopping in the morning! :laugh:

    Yep, I buy the Cascadian Farms Cinnamon Squares for my kids too. They love it! It's not *health* food, but it's better than the other junky cereals out there!! Also, a cheaper version is Mom's Best Cinnamon squares that you can buy at Wal*mart for $2 for a huge box! My kids also like the Oats & Honey cereal (the Mom's Best version of Post Honey Bunches of Oats).