When should I weigh myself?

I've read that when trying to lose weight, it's best to weigh yourself everyday. However, I know some people who weigh themselves every two weeks, or once a month. What's the best time to weigh yourself? I used to weigh myself once a week, but when I wasn't seeing the scale go down enough, I would get discouraged and fall of track. Then I started weighing myself once a day. Now that I'm losing weight again, I'm not sure when the best time to weigh in is. Any suggestions?


  • ryry06revolution
    weigh your self once a week on the same day like mondays for example and always in the morning when you wake up. You gain weight during the day but its just water.
  • ReesesPuffs
    Definitely after taking a poo, not before.
  • Techn0mancer
    As long as you don't weigh yourself before you get on the scale, you should be good. Doing that can rend the fabric of space and time and there are also theories that it can make calories count double
  • DaniKenmir
    DaniKenmir Posts: 387 Member
    I weigh everyday, just because it's fun to see it go up n down, but every wednesday I log it as my weigh in =)
  • ryovanovich
    ryovanovich Posts: 13 Member
    Personally, I weigh in after the restroom, upon waking... I figure that weighing in every day eliminates the possibility of some water weight fluctuations hitting on that one day, and being a big swing (either way).

    I also like having the feedback for short term choices. If I have a burrito (even though I made it fit under budget) I know that I'll see a gain back 2 days later... keeps me on track.
  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    Who on earth advised weighing once a day? Your weight fluctuates tremendously, and women have their own special brand of fluctuations. Weighing yourself once a week (or less) is more likely to give you the big picture of where your weight is going.

    As far as time of day, I personally weigh myself in the morning post-bathroom, pre-breakfast in nothing but underpants. That's me, though.
  • misscfe
    misscfe Posts: 295 Member
    Weighing everyday is not a good thing to do. Dr's and trainers have always told me to do it weekly. You are supposed to weigh yourself on the same day around the same time. It should be first thing in the morning right after you have had that morning bathroom stop, prior to eating or drinking anything. That is when you will weight the least. The average fluctuation of weight throughout the day is 2 lbs.
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    I weigh everyday, just because it's fun to see it go up n down, but every wednesday I log it as my weigh in =)

    This is a good idea, weight every day, log weekly :smile:

    I weigh every day and write in in my food diary comments box, and usually log in my entry as well. Then I can match my diary and exercise and see what effect it has - up - down - I am aiming for down. I always weigh firt thing in the morning, after visiting the bathroom, no clothes or shoes.

    Depends on your personality really, I just happen to like to weigh every day. Get immediate "feedback" if things not going well or are going well.
  • lakingfish
    lakingfish Posts: 24 Member
    I get to hung up on the numbers so I try to weigh only once a month. Because I found that it would really affect my mood for better or worse just by the numbers on the scale. I know when I'm doing well by the way my body feels or if my clothes are loose or tight. If I weighed every day it would drive me nuts!
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    As long as you don't weigh yourself before you get on the scale, you should be good. Doing that can rend the fabric of space and time and there are also theories that it can make calories count double

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: love it!
  • scowper
    scowper Posts: 13 Member
    i only log my weight once a week but i weigh about 3 or 4 times a week just to keep an eye on my progress. i used to weigh once a day, or sometimes more. i find it useful to know how my body weight changes over the course of a week, it also means you're more likely to notice if something's not right. i also was able to notice how changing my daily routine changed when i'm at my heaviest and lightest. i used to work early morning, finishing at what most people consider lunchtime (i tended to lunch at 11am as i had breakfast at around 5am) and would find i was lightest in the afternoon, but now i work daytime and some evenings i'm lighter first thing in the morning. weigh as often as you find useful and informative, but don't let it become an obsession. by getting this understanding of my weight over the course of a week, i know i'm at my lightest on a Friday morning so this is when i do my MFP update. it's purely a psychological thing, if i lose a lb Friday to Friday then chances are i lost a lb Tuesday to Tuesday too, but hey we all need the odd mental boost at times. just experiment with it, you'll soon find out what works best for you. good luck on you journey :)
  • Lukeboe
    I weigh in each morning as soon as I wake up, as weight will fluctuate greatly throughout the day. Weekly is fine too as long as it's at the same time, same day each week. Again I'd recommend as soon as you wake up. Day to day you probably won't notice much variation (0.1 or 0.2 lbs, it all depends on your routine/goals), week to week you should be seeing more substantial results. If you're strength training along with losing weight, you probably won't notice much difference at all, as you will be losing fat but gaining muscle.

    Really just be consistent with it, and if you feel discouraged, add another category such as muscle mass to the equation. You might be pleasantly surprised. Many times, the focus is on weight alone. Really the focus should be weight + fat mass vs muscle mass. Do a google search on it. There are some great guides on how to determine your weight/fat/muscle ratios.

  • GreyEyes21
    GreyEyes21 Posts: 241 Member
    I weigh myself every day- eat no later than 8:30pm the night before. Wake up in the morning and do cardio before ANYTHING, then take a shower and weigh yourself. Weight does fluctuate, but if you do it like this it is fine. It's like a mini fast every night, and turbo boost in the morning to wake up your muscles and make them lighter. - then eat breakfast and move on with your day :D
  • viccigb
    viccigb Posts: 93 Member
    I know it's not recommended, but I find that if I weigh myself every morning, I stay more on track. If I'm up, it makes me do better that day and if I'm now, it encourages me to keep going. I count my Thursday weigh in as my weight for the week and that's what I track. Do what you think is best for you!
  • dutchman24
    dutchman24 Posts: 108 Member
    You definately should weight yourself the same time of the day. I personally weigh myself about twice a week...but only if the week has gone extremely wel.
  • Kattcooper
    I weigh myself every Sunday morning, good luck to you!!!! ;-)
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    Pick a time and do it the same time for every weigh in. I think it's best in the morning...after you piss/*kitten* and before you eat or drink anything! lol
  • Rhia55
    Rhia55 Posts: 247
    I weigh once a month, after my monthly cycle is over because I gain water weight during that time. I don't weigh more than that because I lift weights and I know the number on the scale might not be going down if I'm adding muscle, so I'm trying not to fixate on the scale as much as how my clothes are fitting me.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I step on the scale every AM first thing and every night before bed...it just helps me be aware of little changes and also be aware of types of food that affect me more for whatever reason.

    However, if you are the type to obsess over every ounce, then I don't recommend stepping on the scale twice a day or even every day because there are variations in a day (2-5lbs at least between AM and PM) and just day to day because of different foods/water intake and you may get frustrated with the changes even though it's natural.

    I would go for weekly if you don't want to see normal daily fluctuations.
  • RyanWilson1993
    RyanWilson1993 Posts: 409 Member
    Once a week in the morning