Getting discouraged

I don't know why, but all of a sudden all of this seems a waste of time. I got to thinking today, unfortunately the thinking started after my shower standing in front of the mirror and hating what I saw, that I'm 42, with a horrid hanging baby belly that I've had for 25 years and only surgery will get rid of, and everything else is sagging too, and that maybe I'm just too old to really get into great shape again. Depression set in and I was thinking of trying the Insanity workout, a thought which got discarded when I realized I am in no shape to do it.

I don't want to give up, though. I know that would make me feel worse. I still did my upper body workout at work today, I climbed 5 flights of stairs 3 times at work today, and tomorrow I'll be going on an 8 hour hike in the woods. But it just seems like the goal will never be met, and i know it's because I'm bothered about my age.


  • Starbuck2020
    Starbuck2020 Posts: 173 Member
    My mom is about to turn 55. She has been uncomfortable with her age for as long as I can remember. She is always comparing herself to other women. She is always asking my sister and I...How old do I look? Do I look older than that woman? Would I look younger if I lost more weight? Etc.

    It makes me sad because she isn't allowing herself to enjoy the time she has. She doesn't stop to see her personal beauty. I know our society is terrible when it comes to this. Constant pressure to look young be young. Buy this face cream! Get this skin treatment! Do this do that or you aren't worth anything because you are OLD. It is all crap!

    Love yourself! Love that you have made it 42 years. How many people don't get to say that?

    My fitness goal (aside from my fat % goal) is to do triathlons. I want to do Ironman in 5 years. I will start with sprint triathlons. I will work on running in other races and join a master swim team and take a lot of spin classes. Then I will buy an awesome bike and bike everywhere I can and so on an so forth. This has turned WORKing out into training for me. This gives it purpose. This makes it fun. As I build muscle I start to imagine a firm me, but she is still far away. I would like to meet her someday. I would love to meet the 42 year old version of myself as well. I will tell her "you rock and you're super wise by the way" :)
  • Rhia55
    Rhia55 Posts: 247
    Thanks for your post. You are quite right.. society is terrible about this. It also doesn't help that my ex husband constantly told me how I'd have more sex appeal if I were thinner, and now I'm single and looking and it seems that if you have any body fat at all you're going to stay alone. I KNOW that isn't necessarily true, but it's hard to not think that way thanks to society.
  • Starbuck2020
    Starbuck2020 Posts: 173 Member
    In that case I am glad he is your ex!
    My husband is always telling me I am sexy and beautiful. I try to just appreciate it becasue deep down inside I really want to argue with him about it. haha I would FEEL more sexy and beautiful if I lost the weight. When I was skinny guys use to hit on me all the time and now.....well let's just say I think I am wearing an invisibility cloak. haha
    I realized I am going to be extra annoyed with guys when they hit on me (after I lose the weight) Like...uh my amazing husband has been into me this whole time and you come out of the wood work when you think I fit the image you are told to like? Piss off. lol

    So yea, the guy that loves you for you is totally out there. Love yourself and he will find you. :)
  • Rhia55
    Rhia55 Posts: 247
    That's just it... for the most part I do love myself, I like who I am, just don't like how I look. But the posts here are helping me get over this mental slump.. I'm NOT giving up.
  • MaggieLouise
    I know exactly how you feel! I too have the terrible baby pouch that will never go away and I constantly go back and forth between being positive and then depressed. It is also really hard for me to accecpt any positive comments on the way I Iook. My weight is on a constant roller coaster and right now I am back at the top which means I can only go down from here :smile:

    As far as being single...stay postive. I too felt like I would never find anyone who would love me due to my body but I found the greatest guy who loves me jsut the way I am...even when I am at my heaviest weight.
  • dmarie50
    dmarie50 Posts: 7 Member
    Put me in the same group with the baby pouches! I've had mine for 17 years but I did manage to lose some of it when I lost 50 pounds back in 2007 and I was 45 then. But fast forward and the 50 pounds plus a few extra pounds have crept on and I'm in the same boat as you.

    I've struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember and it's always affected me when I go out to eat, to the movies, grocery shopping, going on vacation etc. I feel good about myself but then I catch a glimpse in the mirror and get depressed.

    I've resorted to going to a clinic to get a prescription to lose weight and although the first week I lost 10 pounds (I know too fast - but I needed a kick start because no matter what I tried nothing was helping me to lose any weight) I've been counting every piece of food that goes into my mouth but I've only lost 1 more pound in three weeks!

    We'll always have set backs and good days and bad but just remember you're not alone WE'VE ALL BEEN THERE! You'll get over the hump and start to feel better about yourself. Try not to get discouraged - you're only 42, I just turned 50 and I'm trying that's all you can do! And good for you for doing exercise!! I'm at a point where I don't have 10 minutes to spare and I miss working out but soon things will change and I'll be able to.

    Good luck to you and I know you can do it!
  • Rhia55
    Rhia55 Posts: 247
    Thanks everyone for the replies. I realized I have not been using MFP as much as I should. I was doing the logging but I wasn't reading the posts or sharing much with other members. That's going to change now.