New mom trying to lose pregnancy weight

Hey everyone!! I just joined so I could make a healthy lifestyle change and lose my pregnancy weight. I know it'll be difficult, but hopefully I'll get some support from people on this site.


  • amandanpaul
    amandanpaul Posts: 375 Member
    GOOD girl! i've been pregnant 4's tough, but worth it! :smile:
  • latinspicefit27
    this is what an instructor told me... cardio workout minimum 5 times a week but shoot for 6 times a weeks plus 2 days of weight training. If you have a gym membership I suggest bodypump for weight training and nike training for cardio and some weight(just use light weights). My first pregnancy I gained 100+ lbs (yeah I know insane) but watching what I ate and and following the cardio and weights routine works.

    Eating: try lactose free drinks like coconut milk, almond milk & soy milk. Cut down on eggs and eat a ton of veggies & mix it up. Eat your berries, apples, oranges, grapefruit. Lean meats and fish like tilapia, salmon, tuna in water.

    you can jump right in with the eat clean or work your way up by cutting all sodas, dont add sugar, no fried foods or fast food, order healthy at restaurants=) Hope that helps=)
  • latinspicefit27
    also when working out it should be 1 hr per workout, but you can also work your way up & I find music helps especially fast paced music because it keeps me energized...i dont know about you but I can jog or workout to slow paced, it makes me want to sleep lol =)
  • mandytigress1
    mandytigress1 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm currently using the Walk-At-Home videos right now. I usually do 1-2mile workout routines which is between 15-30mins. I'm also eating as healthy as I can. I am nursing the baby so I cannot do an excessive amount of exercise. My doctor gave me a time limit for my workouts because I have to make sure that when I'm burning calories, that its not interfering with milk production.
    I eat well-balanced meals; lots of fruit/veggie/protein/carb combinations. Since I started this program and began working out again, I have so much energy. I like how I can keep track of everything I do.
  • latinspicefit27
    thats awesome! Breastfeeding also helps burn calories =)