Weight Loss

I got this from one of the discussion site. i want what u guyzzzz think??

Our society is filled will absurd weight loss myths, which ones drive you the most crazy? Here's my top three:

1) Eating before bed will cause food to (insert made up scientific theory) and make you fat while you sleep.

2) If you take _____ supplement, you will lose weight so much faster!

3) Carbs make you fat


  • country91
    country91 Posts: 77 Member
    #2! --- its the diet pills that are rediculous
  • xxloveiswarr
    #3 the atkins diet creeps me out
  • LAWoman79
    LAWoman79 Posts: 348 Member
    My opinion is this:

    I have tried every diet out there. I will say, when I eat before bed, I do tend to weigh more when I weigh myself in the morning, but if i had eaten at 6, gone to bed at 9, then weighed myself at 7 in the morning it is obviously different then when I eat at 12am and wake up at 7 to weigh myself.

    Atkins-awesome...welcome to bad cholesterol.

    Diet pills-fantastic, I hope you enjoy feeling like a drug addict and hope you do not have a convulsion or heart attack.

    Truth: The only GOOD HEALTHY way to lose weight is to eat right and work your *kitten* off. Diet trends can and will get you skinny, but you will gain it all back. By eating right and working out, you are training yourself to be healthy for the long run.

    Like I said, just my opinion.
  • pmcco
    pmcco Posts: 56 Member
    ok I am gonna just say this... richard simmons.... haha.... he said that you cant say diet you have to say live it... if you only do this to lose weight and then go back to your old life style you will have to diet over and over and over again... so if you do the fad thing you may lose weight but you have not learned how to be a better healthier you for the long haul. I agree with the peeps that say move your a** every day and make overall better choices in what you put in your face. But lets face it.... we all wish there was a magic pill to make it oh so much easier... sigh
  • Annawaywego
    Annawaywego Posts: 35 Member
    My opinion is this:

    I have tried every diet out there. I will say, when I eat before bed, I do tend to weigh more when I weigh myself in the morning, but if i had eaten at 6, gone to bed at 9, then weighed myself at 7 in the morning it is obviously different then when I eat at 12am and wake up at 7 to weigh myself.

    Atkins-awesome...welcome to bad cholesterol.

    Diet pills-fantastic, I hope you enjoy feeling like a drug addict and hope you do not have a convulsion or heart attack.

    Truth: The only GOOD HEALTHY way to lose weight is to eat right and work your *kitten* off. Diet trends can and will get you skinny, but you will gain it all back. By eating right and working out, you are training yourself to be healthy for the long run.

    Like I said, just my opinion.

    I agree with you however-
    1) Did Atkins lost weight- but a high maintenance diet which is hard (and ridiculously expensive- all the fresh meat and fish, organic etc) to stay on long term. You do not have raised cholesterol levels because you go into ketosis-its science and it works- my cholesterol went down by 1.5 points when I was tested on it.
    Of course coming off it I did put some weight back on, but it is about maintaining your weight loss.
    2) Reductil ( now banned in the U.K) again I was losing 1lb a DAY- I lost a hell of a lot, had massive energy ( due to the amphetamine quality of the drug) and no side effects, again different for some people - but then it piled on when I stopped taking it and more- bad option!

    The long Term is changing your lifestyle, and to get it in your head somehow that it isn't a diet but a lifestyle change and that weight loss should happen slowly with sensible eating and an exercise plan. I have lost 14lbs in 10 months, I am really frustrating with how slow it is, but at least in 10 month I haven't put it all back on, so I am hoping my mindset is catching up with my body. Because it is a mindset that has to change and this takes time before the body can change.
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    2) If you take _____ supplement, you will lose weight so much faster!

    Love number two. Anything natural is good for you. Like asbestos, cyanide, arsenic, uranium, mercury, carbon monoxide, etc. All natural goodness.
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    carbs do make me fat....but i have a medical condition where i must restrict them. otherwise, i agree...the weightloss hype is insane. just exercise and eat right.
  • rwalston86
    rwalston86 Posts: 50 Member
    Bad carbs make you fat...not all carbs...eat clean and natural. The less chemicals, the less processing the better. =)