I'm new and I need support!! x

Hello everyone!

Wow!! I have been looking through the before and after pics and you have all done an amazing job!! Well done to everyone.

I am just starting my weight loss journey, I weighed in this morning at 196.8lbs and after a couple of false starts have decided to really kick myself up the *kitten*. My goal weight is between 125-133lbs.

I could really do with your support though, because yesterday I gave up smoking too....

I'm 34, from the UK, 5'3" and I have lots of issues and goals;

Lose weight and give up smoking are a given, but I'm also stiff and achy, I have painful breasts (yes, I'm seeing a professional but weight is an issue), I get tired easily and lack motivation when it comes to moving my body. My posture used to be great, now I slouch and it's giving me back ache. The condition of my skin has also gone down hill and I am permanently dehydrated. I want to improve all these things.

I live in a little village with few amenities and I'm out of the house at 7am in the morning and get back around 6, 6:30pm, then it's cook dinner, have a shower, do the washing and bed. I'm finding it really hard to make time for exercise so, first of all using MFP I logged my calorie intake yesterday and it was shameful. Today I start by reducing that to 1200 a day. Hopefully once I can lose a few pounds by calorie reduction I will start to want doing more exercise.

Wish me luck! Please support me by adding me as a friend, thank you and good luck to all the other new starters out there too!! xx


  • hugh_rynal
    hugh_rynal Posts: 19 Member
    Welcome and good luck with your goals......I've been on here a couple of years now and although I havent used all the bits (mostly just the food and exercise diary) I'm planning on adding some friends now to help me when I get stuck. Its easier sometimes to discuss these things with people on the same journey !?

  • cybersam77
    Good luck. I've just started too, and could probably do with some friendly motivation as well. We can do it :) x
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Anyone and everyone can feel free to add me!
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Good luck. I won't lie..it takes hard work and dedication. But, you can DO IT! I did!!

    Feel free to add me; my diary is open and I try to be a good role model. (I try...I am human after all :smile: )
  • MissLotte
    MissLotte Posts: 101 Member
    Thanks Brian, I need all the help I can get! I don't think that I will be using loads of the features, like you the food and perhaps; if I get around to some, exercise tracker too. I will be happy to try and help if you get a bit stuck, you've been at it for two years so you definitely have staying power! Well done and best of luck x
  • FitFrazzle
    Hi MissLotte,

    I'm on here daily, and have been since ive joined a month ago. Its superb! The mutual help and motivation coupled with playful abuse is really motivating.

    I too am from the UK and we have a really good following. As a result I've lost 15 lbs in 4 weeks. I couldn't of done it without MFP support.

    I'll send you an invite, cheers Frazer.
  • kaybeau
    kaybeau Posts: 198 Member
    hello yes I am a 'renewed' mfp member and my logging is also an eye opener... good luck with your excercising maybe get up early or go to bed late either that or exercise at your desk
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Good luck on your journey! Remember you don't have to do everything all at once, make a little change each week. Good idea to review your food log and see how you can improve it: if you're feeling deyhdrated I'd make your next target upping your water intake. I'm preparaed to bet that'll improve your skin tone too!
  • MissLotte
    MissLotte Posts: 101 Member
    Hey fellow newbie!! Thanks for the support and good luck to you too!! You're right, friendly motivation and support are the order of the day, we can do it and WE WILL!! xx
  • fiabka
    fiabka Posts: 294 Member
    Hi :flowerforyou:

    Well done for everything you are facing head on, U go girl

    Feel free to add

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Ldysw357
    Ldysw357 Posts: 118 Member
    Wow, you sound a lot like me! I am 42 and as of this morning was 198.6; I'm only 5'2", so my goal right now is 140. I work and have 2 kids, so I know what you mean, you work, come home and cook and clean and then go to bed to start it all over again the next day. I live in West Virginia, so not a ton of things close to my house either. My husband now works out of state, so everything at the house falls to me...yay me, lol. The down side is that I still smoke...I'm not going to dare try to give that up right now; I can handle one at a time.

    I have started walking during work on my breaks, that's giving me an average of 2 miles per day/5 days a week and tonight I'm skipping cooking to try a Zumba class. The upside is my kids are 21 and 16, so they can fix something to eat if they are hungry and no sitter is needed. I too need all of the motivation I can get, please feel free to add me!
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    Hello and good luck on your weight loss journey! Finding time to excercise (and the motivation that goes with it) can be really difficult sometimes, but I'm sure once you get started and begin to see results you'll also begin to notice little bits of time creeping in where you could maybe get some excercise in. It doesn't have to be lots. As the busses all say, get off one stop earlier and walk it. I do ab crunches in a morning. It's 8 minutes. Not long, but it makes a big difference in the long run.

    Add me if you like, I'm a housewife and usually leave my computer logged on and just hit f5 as I walk into the room, and check on things sporadically through the day ^_^
  • bunnybliss
    bunnybliss Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm just re-starting myself! Over the last year I've tried a couple of different healthy diets, but I can't seem to find my "want to". I plan to try and use this to help me! Years ago I had put on 60 pounds from an anti-depressant med, and lost 30 lbs of it, and have gained back about 12 or 13. Love sweets and candy, and when I have a good week, it seems that I just can't give up the sweets and I sabotage myself. My BCBS care coordinator (great program) suggested this site. Looks great so far! I seem to have lost the desire to lose weight for looks (although I HATE to shop for clothes), but need to lose weight for health! Trying to avoid diabetes (my mom was Type 2), and my family history includes several cancer diagnoses. Mom died of ovarian cancer. My dad's side has heart disease. In addition, my chol count was 199 last time - too close to the danger level! So there certainly is plenty of reason to strive for weight loss! Always cave to sweets and/or too many carbs!

    I would love to have an accountability partner - someone I could e-mail with back and forth, besides this board system.

    Anyway, looking to lose at least 25 lbs. Weigh 183, but should weigh 140!! I have a treadmill which is relatively unused! I have not yet put laundry on it, though - refuse to do that!

    Have to find out if e-mails can be shared privately.

    Have a good eating day! Today, when food comes into my mind (which is all the time), I'm going to try to distract myself. Eat to live, NOT live to eat!
  • rzaloudek67
    I love your attitude! I too, just started here. It was suggested by a weight loss clinic that I went to yesterday. They are going to be helping me do a 'quick start' weight loss for the next month. It was a 'groupon'.

    I have some of the same issues as you do. I too, have a treadmill...that doesn't get used much. I have a dog, and should be walking him more, it would be healthier for both of us!

    I need to lose about 50 pounds. Heck, any weight would make me happy! I've been on the 'I need to lose weight' track for several years now, and have not lost anything...except desire. :( I hate the way I look in the mirror, and have NO desire to buy clothes that are this size...or anything larger!

    If you figure out how to share emails, let me know! I'd totally be open to this, and private email exchange for support to get the weight OFF!
  • Luciabella07
    Luciabella07 Posts: 205 Member
    Hey! Friend request sent. I am near the same weight as you and goal weight. Im 190 and want to be around 130. I work full time go to school full time and can relate to your feeling of constant exhaustion. I am up at 430 and dont get home until about 9:30-10:00. I still try my hardest to come home at night, eat dinner and work out. Even though its exhausting, its totally worth it and completely outweighs not exercising. We can support and motivate eachother!
  • chicadejmu
    chicadejmu Posts: 171 Member
    Welcome! Don't just assume 1200 is the ideal calorie count for you. Check these out:


    Good luck, you can do it!
  • MissLotte
    MissLotte Posts: 101 Member
    Wow!! Thank you all so much for your support, inspiration, suggestions and ideas. It's really great to know that there is a support network behind me. My boyfriend (who eats for four and is losing weight....aarggghhhh), is getting a bit fed up of hearing me say how much I want to lose weight, weighing food, planning meals etc... He's happy to go along with it and says he loves me just how am I, he knows that I have to do this for me but its clear he doesn't want to hear about it all the time.

    Knowing all you guys are here to help me and support me and encourage me really is humbling. A whole group of strangers I hope to get to know better may very well be the best friends I ever had and will help me change my life for the better.

    Thank you all, please feel free to message me or add me as a friend. I am interested in everyone else's stories and I am here to support and encourage you too.

    Thanks again and good luck everyone! xx
  • jjbooty79
    I just had a baby and am a full-time working mom. I understand the lack of time issue as I also struggle with lack of sleep due to taking care of an infant. My schedule, like yours, consists of getting up every few hours at night to feed my little one, get my husband out the door in the morning, work a full 8+ hour job, then cook & clean in the evenings when work is done. Finding time to exercise is difficult but I've used these tricks to exercise during the normal course of my day:

    While sitting at my desk I will flex and release my glut muscles, always practice good posture by sitting up straight and take frequent stretch breaks during the day.

    While cooking dinner at night I do calf raises, squats and abdominal "twists".

    While holding my infant or walking from one chore to another or folding laundry, I do squats.

    I also take (2) breaks during the evening to do a quick set of crunches.

    Good luck!
  • bunnybliss
    bunnybliss Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there!

    Thanks for your support! It helps to know that there's other people just like me out there! I saw somewhere on this site that you can send messages. I think if you jot down the usernames you want to contact, you can click on the Invite Friends tab. Also, you may be able to do that and click on the Find Members tab, then maybe that's where the Send Message tab is.

    Anyway, I'll Invite you as a Friend, and maybe we can go from there. The community is great, but I think personal e-mails back and forth would be additional help to keep each other accountable!

    Although I made the choice to have a chocolate covered pretzel, I was still just about within all my limits yesterday - yeah! I even had some celery (don't like raw veggies and not a fan of fruit). So I'm happy with my day. Even had some Pillsbury quick bread, but overall was very close to my limits.

    Hope to talk to you soon!
