Diet Backsliding



  • But I also have to agree with that other dude. Using SAD is a cop out. Why? Because there are many other people with diseases and issues that still bust their *kitten* at the gym. They still log in. People with thyroid issues, like myself that have no energy most days and still work out. People with PCOS who cant even lose weight parts of the month because of hormone issues, they still log in and work out.

    Sounds mean, but this IS the MOTIVATION you need. A few days isnt bad, but coming from a junk food junky, binge eating fatty over here... a few days turns into a week which turns into all winter long.

    See a doctor, get on meds, and burn that fat! Be the person you inspire to be! Not the person holding you back!
  • Also OP. I like you. We have the same goals. Here are some motivation pics ...


    Add me as a friend if you would like.
  • course they are too big for the thread...
  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    If SAD is a problem it can be down to a lack of vitamin D so look at things food-wise to put into your diet that has this? October/November is a problem as the days get shorter. Try to go outside at lunchtime for 15 minutes if you can and get some natural daylight. You don't have to walk fast, but it will probably help you feel better about yourself. Good luck.
  • transvenouspacer
    transvenouspacer Posts: 182 Member
    I know I don't want it to be hard to f'ing climb stairs. There has to be some kind of profound thought out there that isn't a cliche.

    Climbing stairs is just practice for the times in your life when you have the opportunity to go do something fun and exciting.

    There are some places in this world where the clichés melt away, the excuses and political correctness are laughed at by nature. Throw away the metaphor of climbing that mountain and getting out of the valley. Replace it with the real thing. Give yourself a real-word concrete thing to do. Climbing Long's Peak, doing a 5K in under 25 minutes, maybe just climbing the stairs without being winded. Find an actual goal you can accomplish and work on it. Don't focus so much on the food as an ends to everything. That's just one leg in your support of reaching your goal. Work on becoming a better person, a more fit person. A person who doesn't let physical barriers keep them from doing the thing they love to do.

    A picture of me from last month in Colorado. Waaaaay down below me, the massive trees look smaller than tooth-picks.
    (Open image in new tab)

    This is a beautiful post and a gorgeous picture. I swear I can feel the cold air and smell the trees!!
  • transvenouspacer
    transvenouspacer Posts: 182 Member
    Also OP. I like you. We have the same goals. Here are some motivation pics ...


    Add me as a friend if you would like.

    Wow your face looks so different! Amazing progress, way to go!!
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    Exercise cleanses the soul, it helps with depression and generally makes you feel better. Dieting is no fun. Why dont you eat a couple of things you really want a week and make sure you offset it exactly with exercise. When you feel better you can continue with the exercise and cut that treat for a bigger loss.
  • safjet
    safjet Posts: 1
    If anyone wants to add me then please do. I could do with the support.
  • MILFaspirations
    MILFaspirations Posts: 108 Member
    Hey girl I feel ya! But just do it and deal is my advice. Why so harsh. B/c I been in that rut since coming back from vacation in June. Guess what. I've gained back 10 lbs! And I definitely can feel it.

    And I feel the same, don't know how to get back on the band wagon.. I mean, I know how, I know what to do. but just doing it.. I haven't.

    Don't get too deep like me.
  • Mamasota
    Mamasota Posts: 144
    Been there, done that. After a few days of self talk, I get back on track. Try talking to yourself out loud (the car is a good place for this). Sometimes hearing it works better than keeping it in your head. Exercise is also very helpful - take a walk - preferably listening to some favorite music.
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    Most of us have backslides and the ones that don't... well, they're liars.

    But it's that perception - of a forward and a backward - that's your (our) problem in the first place.

    Whenever you think in terms of progression or regression, or of being somewhere other than where you are right now, you are thinking in terms of a 'diet' as a verb rather than a noun - and diets are statistically proven to fail.

    I think it comes down to understanding what is good for you in the present moment, because the present moment is all you've got. Trying to lose weight for vanity - well that's a lost battle inevitably. Trying to lose weight for health? Yeah but you could have an embolism tomorrow and drop dead in your breakfast cereal. Present moment is all we've got. Whatever we do, at the time we do it, is either gonna cause us some mental or physical anguish or it isn't.

    In some present moments a big greasy cheesburger is good for you, in most - it isn't. Not for health reasons but because right after you've eaten it, you feel kinda crappy - be it psychological or physical. There's always some subtle sense of disatisfaction there when we're not eating to fuel ourselves properly. It's a really, really hard lesson to learn but eating the right amount of the right stuff inevitably leads to the best feeling you can get in the present moment, i.e. the only reason you should give a damn about what you're eating.

    You wanted something different. Hope this helps a bit.

    Amen! Life - and therefore fitness - is not a linear progression. We zig and we zag; we're all in and then we're only giving like 50%. I'm having a little trouble with the shorter days and some crappy weather - so I'm taking this week "off." The key is to allow yourself to recharge but not to unplug completely. If you take some time off, be sure to have a plan of exactly what that means. For me, it's this week and on Monday, I am back - no excuses. As it happes, I may not even make it a whole week - I am definitely missing my program. (Which is exactly what was said above...) Happier when I'm eating clean and moving my body? Go figure... :)
  • joeysox
    joeysox Posts: 195 Member
    i think most people have been in this position. ive been dieting for a few years now and lost 172pounds but ive had many blips and backslides! i see that you put you are affected by SAD and a few people have said that this is making excuses, i too get SAD and also have clinical depression and it can be easy to blame things on this. These things certainly do not do us any favours but you have recognized what makes you feel crap now and its always good to rethink and change your goals. rather than thinking on your old ones make new small ones try to not be too hard on yourself. i can be terrible for wanting to binge on junk when im at a low but i made small changes healthier comfort foods ( home made soups etc) swapping my usual choc for lindt dark choc dont need as much just small things can help. whether they are excuses or not you are the only person you will let down if you dont keep trying and if all else fails use your aim just to be healthier.
    sorry if some of this makes no sense/or miss spelt i have a 2 yr old jumping on me :)

  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    In all my too many years of losing and re-gaining, the only thing that has worked for me has been logging and planning. All those other diets where you're supposed to be able to eat anything you want as long as it isn't "whatever"? Garbage! The determined eater (like me) can find a way to overeat if we don't monitor ourselves.

    Don't do like I did - lose the weight, stop logging or even paying much attention, gain it all back plus more. Last time I lost weight, it was only 35 pounds I needed to lose. This time I had 60 pounds to lose. If you think you're sad now, think how sad you'll be if you double your problem.

    You've had a nice little break, now climb back onto that naughty bucking horse and hold tight. We're going for a ride!
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    I'm having the same problem, last week i had such a solid, good week and lost 3lbs and this week i just can't get focused :frown: Not been 100% well in myself and its making me want to eat naughty food like Ben and Jerry's and hearty meals. Im feeling so off track at the moment and as much as i want to get back on my diet, im really struggling :frown:
  • Franzibear
    Franzibear Posts: 41 Member
    I got tired of logging as well and at some point me and my bf decided that we knew the cals more or less of the things we eat; we know what's good for us and what isn't, and we don't need to guesstimate it all down to the single cal anymore. In short, we just stopped logging (but we haven't stopped eating the food we love and that is good for us)! We still search for better alternatives to things we like and want in our diet, but it is all a bit more relaxed without the constant logging and trying to figure out if 'x' fits into the goals today or not. Some days are gonna be bigger, some smaller, but in the end it all seems to work out (and the stress of logging, combined with the stress of "OMG was under cals yesterday, how am I heavier today?" kind of melted away too, which is very nice).

    So I'd say, if you are tired of logging, stop doing it for a while. Find foods that you like to eat and that you know are not terrible for you. If you are prone to eating the bad things, don't bring them home in the first place.
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 543 Member
    I also suffer from seasonal depression - and have since I was a kid. I totally understand where you are coming from and have had a similiar breakdown over the last few days. My journey has taken me years so far, but I HAVE lost 70 pounds. I am one of those people that need a constant reminder of the successes I have had. I know this sounds silly - but yesterday I wrote a letter to myself, or rather, the skinny girl inside me wrote a letter to the FatGirl on the outside... I printed it out and have it hung at work, on my fridge, and in my bathroom. Motivational pictures, quotes, sayings, and lists of my accomplishments hang all over my house. It reminds me of how far I have come, and helps me to WANT to keep going.

    I posted the letter as a blog post yesterday. Feel free to read...
  • IrishMc
    IrishMc Posts: 24 Member
    Been where you are, if fact just coming off a year-long backward slide where I regained 30 lbs. Don't let yourself get there - you'll feel a hell of alot worse than you do now, trust me. I am trying to look at this as a "rest of my life" type of thing. I put the vodka bottle away for most of the week, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to fit in a couple of drinks when I really want them (seems it's more the ritual of having an evening drink that I miss, not the alcohol so I just eliminated the vodka, still have the club soda and mio during cocktail hour). I ate crap & cals on Saturday for lunch, so an apple with cheese for dinner, and I know (and told my husband for future ref) I need to put half in a go box when the food comes to the table. Not giving it up, just trying to eat well much of the time and dealing with the "crap" food differently. Having a $#!T relationship (eating for comfort or out of boredom, etc...) with food sucks, but it's reality. We're the only ones that can figure out a way to make it work.

    I'm also taking some of the advice from above - let's both get outside in the sunshine that's left before winter really sets in and move - walk, hike, bike, rake leaves, whatever - and stay on track!
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    I know firsthand that depression can cause you to not want to do anything; however, I'm sure you know that exercise is a wonderful natural anti-depressant. It has helped me tremendously. You have to be stronger than your mind. Negative thoughts breed negative actions. No one can motivate you but, you. Read motivational quotes or the motivational stories on here to remind you why you are doing this. You want a healthier version of you so, do it.
  • Indygirl_81
    Indygirl_81 Posts: 142 Member
    I too know about depression and SAD... I have worked it out with meds, upping my exercise, and the occasional tanning session (helps with light for some reason).... I don't recommend everything/anything I do, but it seems to work most of the time FOR ME.

    I also know what it is like to go up a few and back down a few.... you have to be in the right frame of mind and really want it.

    I also have a problem with motivation... so I found some quotes and posted them on mirrors in my apartment for me to see daily... although it isn't a "cure," I find this helps also.

    I have done this more than once before and lost 85+... only to gain it back and now have to lose more than 100+ now. I understand motivation/lack of it.... but I also know what I want... and my current life is literally killing me. Good luck! If you want support- feel free to add me.
  • tinjc
    tinjc Posts: 2
    I have been doing the same thing so you are not alone. I just started logging again yesterday. I was doing great and was only five pounds away from my goal, I put 5 pounds back on by eating whatever I wanted so now I am 10 pounds away. I have PMDD and just recently started on Prozac, which i have read isnt going to help the weight loss. Trust me I know what it feels like to not have control of your body or your emotions. I also know that it is so much easier to eat what you want and say screw it, to reason that I already messed up today so today is shot i can eat whatever I want, and its Wednesday so you know what screw it the rest of the week is shot too because i cant start a diet on a Thursday.

    In my experience, knowing that I am now further away from my goal is even more depressing. I know that when i get the extra weight off I am going to feel better about myself and that will help the depression. So my best thought right now is...Just for today. Maybe I will cheat tomorrow maybe I wont. But today I am going to make good choices. Something else that motivates me is to think about someone that I think judges me. When i exercise...I picture them.