Dealing with a coworker who always offers food!



  • Bossit
    Bossit Posts: 118 Member
    scream NO MEANS NO!

    and then run away
  • paulywoo
    paulywoo Posts: 169 Member
    I'm sure it's annoying, but I think the best response is a simple, "no thank you". Saying anything more could jeopardize your working relationship; I don't think it's worth it.

  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    Take the food, and just throw it straight in the bin - they won't ask you again, especially if they are not listening to your constant saying "no".

  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    grab the food and THROW IT ON THE GROUND
  • Cathcandoo
    Cathcandoo Posts: 107 Member
    Here's the thing....everyone LOVES sticky notes!!! So, just write, "Does not accept any food hand outs, due to religious reasons, thank you for respecting my wishes"...on a sticky and stick it on your computer, wall, door...whatever.

    The decline will be respected on many levels...for one - it is on a STICKY! Two....she wouldn't want to offend your "Health Religion" beliefs...and three....did I mention the STICKY NOTE????
  • lallaloolly
    lallaloolly Posts: 228 Member
    just say "no thank you." every day. short, sweet, and polite. and it takes nothing out of you to just say "no, thank you," but it takes a lot to get all worked up and direct so much anger at this person. try to remember that this person isn't asking to be cruel or mean; it is likely how he/she was raised, to share. your irritation stems from your own situation (if you weren't trying to watch your food intake, you probably wouldn't mind being offered food)...

    my stepdad drinks coffee only once in a blue moon, but my mom still offers it to him every morning. she isn't offering to be rude, she's offering because 1 time out of 100, he might say yes. and those other 99 times, he says, "no, thank you," and goes back to reading his paper.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Yep...just a no thanks. I have a hubby that eats, cake, cookies, & my favorite ice cream every night. I want to be thin to much to have it. Losing the weight makes me strong...and keeps me strong. There is no junk foods that make me feel as good as seeing the fat come off of me!! I just remember that when someone try to get me to eat their junk foods. I pack good tasty foods for me to eat. Being perpard is key to weightloss...and not using excuses allowing yourself to have to eat fast food junk!!

    Good luck
  • tanyaslosingit
    tanyaslosingit Posts: 178 Member
    Instead of expecting your co-worker to change, perhaps you need to challenge yourself to saying "No, thank you" as an automatic response and moving on. There's nothing to be gained by blowing up at or insulting this person, whose life/behavior happens to not revolve around your lifestyle change. Just a thought :-)
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    If she is spoon feeding you bites, obviously, try saying no "thank you".
    if you like the food and worried about calories, take the bite, swish it in your mouth and fake swallow. :shrug:

    if it is plates of food, offer a no "thank you"
    take the plate of food and eat it later in moderation
    take the food and offer it to a homeless person on the way home
    take the food and offer it to hubby
    take the food and offer it to your rugrat

    There are so many other options that you don't have to get bent over it.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    "No thanks" every time.

    Hopefully you realize that she has her own problems with food insecurity.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member

  • kacollins1970
    kacollins1970 Posts: 45 Member
    I appreciate all the comments! I will take some of them to heart. Just as recently as yesterday, I said in a very nice manner, "no thank you, if something looks or smells good, I'll ask you. I'm really struggling to lose weight right now and have my foods planned out so if you could not ask everyday it would be appreciated." She said sure, no problem, I totally understand....then 2 hours later asked me if I wanted a cupcake someone had brought in, then asked again this a.m. if I wanted some soup she brought in and some spinach pie! I consider her a friend, so I hate getting snappy, but unfortunately, I did this a.m. Flat out asked her to stop and repeated what I said yesterday. Said she totally understood, wouldn't happen again, but I'm taking the under. :smile: Thanks again everyone!
  • _danjo_
    _danjo_ Posts: 134 Member
    Accuse her of trying to fatten you up so that she can eat you later, like the witch in Hansel & Gretel.
  • NewMeAT33
    Talk to your co-worker to have someone else do it. Don't be nasty about it.

    I WAS that person. I was constantly bringing in donuts and cupcakes (I like to make them; not eat them.) and until a co-worker (a GUY) told me it was becoming really hard for him to stay on track with all the temptation, I stopped.

    Maybe suggest healthy options?
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    Some people just like to feed other people... I'm one of them, although I'm better at taking a hint than your coworker. If you tell her that you are trying really hard to log your foods and be health conscious (so you won't be nibbling between meals) and she still doesn't listen then you may just need to talk to your HR dept. about the problem. I know that sounds harsh but you have a right to work peacefully and free of harassment and food harassment is no better than sexual hararssment for some of us.
  • soulfulsally
    Food pushers suck. Try preaching to your co-work about how unhealthy her food is and how she's going to die an early death. Lay it on thick (think: evangelist religious tactics). Maybe she'll finally wise up.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Take the food, and just throw it straight in the bin - they won't ask you again, especially if they are not listening to your constant saying "no".

    My thoughts exactly.

    You could do what I did...

    Hold out your trash bin.... when she asks why... tell her "despite my telling you several times no, no thank you, not today, you just dont listen. Its just going to go in the trash if you keep asking me and Im getting fed up with you constantly asking me and you ignoring me each time"....

    When they ask me why Im being rude.. I give it right back: "you are being more rude by not listening to me"
  • ningggsm
    ningggsm Posts: 202
    A simple, 'No thank you. Trying to watch what I eat and brought some fruits today. Did you want some?' She'll see that you're trying to snack healthy and most times won't bother with offering the junk stuff anymore. Yelling and giving her attitude isn't necessary. She's just trying to be polite.
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    I like the sticky note idea. Maybe you could write something like "Please do not feed the animal" on it and show that to them when they try to offer food. HA HA:laugh:
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    grab the food and THROW IT ON THE GROUND

    ^^THIS^^ :laugh: