Do You See It?

hey everyone..i am just curious to see if i am the only one or if there are other ppl out there that feel the same way i here is my story...April 17th of this year i weighed 280lbs i am now currently at 211lbs but when i look in the mirror i dont see the change in my body...everyone around me says they see a huge change..but in my eyes i still feel like i look i can see my clothes fit way loser but when i see my body i just dont see the 69lbs i have lost...i see the 280lbs girl i was in April ..i hate this feeling cause i want/need to see the change..if u have felt this way or even if u havent i could use some advise...when did u start seeing the change?


  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    OMGunness..........I am struggling with this so badly right now. Im not gonna quit or anything but Im having a tough time of it. Ive lost 60 pounds or so since July 16th and I just dont see it. I feel it in my clothes and others have remarked on it. BUT when I look in the mirror....nothing....nada. Its so frustrating.......then I start thinking is it to late to lose all the weight? Can I lose it? I know what the scale says..I know how the clothes feel...................and I KNOW how I feel........I just dont SEE IT.

    Stand strong.......
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    Hell to the yes, you see your body daily much much harder to notice the change and also you must remember that we are always our biggest critic. A lot of the time it's the people who don't see you for a couple of weeks or so who notice it more. I'm going through it but eventually you'll get to the stage where you see it and it'll probably be quite drastic, just keep on trucking.

    Just remember you're not alone or the only one feeling like this. I've seen some people put photos up of their progress and then maybe the reaction you get from strangers/mfp friends will change your view.
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    I don't SEE the change in myself so much either, but I know that it's true because my old pants are just way too big; I have more space around my body in the bathtub; the number on the scale; and the fact that everyone else can see a change--plus the undeniable difference in before vs current photographs.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Trust me, it is gone. But our minds take longer to catch up. I have just in the last month realized I really am that many sizes down from where I was in December 2011. I actually pick a size closer to what I am to try on clothes.

    I actually felt the difference long before my mind and eyes believed I was lighter. I can walk longer and have a higher energy level. I know when I get on an airplane I will no longer "fill up the seat"... I don't bump into furniture as much ( one of the few benefits of having been larger - I am a klutz so now my mind has been trained to take a wider way around furniture so I don't get bruised as much).
  • samerz91
    thank u for your guys feedback..its nice to no i aint the only one that is or has felt this way...i just cant wait to see the 21 years old i should of never got up to 280lbs an now that i got there even tho i am losing it now i still feel like im stuck in a 280lb going to keep doing my thing an just be pacient an wait..thank u guys sooo much for ur input.
  • MSam1205
    MSam1205 Posts: 439 Member
    I can so relate to this! I def don't see it in the mirror, and i think i have to lose a lot more for this to occur (started at 290, down to 240). The positive side is i do see it in my clothes, down from size 26 pants to an 18. I do see it in other small ways... Belt on the plane fits now with some extra room! Used to be so scared I'd have to ask for an extender!! I also feel so much more comfortable in a booth at the local diner, used to always ask for a table.

    I mention this so that you look for the smaller, easier to recognize wins and tally them up as you go thru this journey. One day you will look in the mirror and will see the smaller, healthier you. It just may take a little bit more time!
  • Elly829
    Elly829 Posts: 9 Member
    Stop negative thoughts and self talk......make positive comments about yourself in your mind.
    When the mind sees it, the body will follow and you will see yourself so much thinner.
  • pierremignon
    pierremignon Posts: 172 Member
    Same here, I've lost 36 pounds, and I don't see it much on the mirror. My clothes, however, have gone insanely loose, and I don't wear my favorite shirts anymore as they've gone too loose on me.

    I agree with other posters. It's probably because you see yourself every day. Last time my friends saw me (I didn't see them for around two months), there were compliments left and right on my weight loss. Hang on, mate! Look at the positive side, you're still losing weight!
  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
    Can you do a photo comparison? Might help to see some change.
  • feather314
    I hear ya... I had a similar start weight and have lost just about 30 lbs (still a long way to go). I can barely see the difference but man oh man can I feel it. I feel smaller, clothes are looser, etc.

    Do you have a photo of yourself at your start weight? Take a photo now and put them side by side. I bet you see the difference.
  • samerz91
    thank u ill def start trying to see the little things..maybe that will help me