roller skating vs. roller blading

We are planning on roller skating this afternoon. I was curious what kind of calories I could burn. When I looked it up roller skating for 30 minutes burns 269 calories but roller blading for 30 minutes burns 461.

If you skate for 60 minutes it burns 538. Blade for 60 minutes and you burn 922!

Why do you think such a difference???


  • lizzie84
    Maybe because you have to balance more on rollerblades??
  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    I disagree, roller blades seem smoother on the road - less resistance I wouldn't think would burn more calories. I suppose the people who calculated it consider roller skating leisure and roller blading exercise? Maybe google it to see if you can find roller skating values with speeds or effort factored in.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    and blades are usually on the road or asphalt............where as roller skating is on a smooth rink
  • BassBoneBabe
    BassBoneBabe Posts: 226 Member
    No idea about the calories burned, but I personally prefer roller skating, indoor or out. Roller blades hurt my ankles. Just thought I would throw that out to anyone thinking of purchasing either. :-)
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    Rememer the calories burned are if you are doing it for the full 1/2 hour with no stops.
  • nursevee
    nursevee Posts: 344 Member
    You know... those statistics are so variable because the calorie burn will differ for different people. Much like the difference between walking and running, roller skating can yield a higher or lower burn depending on whether you're going at a leisurely pace or if you're speed skating. Both styles involve balance so I can't imagine that the difference would amount to much, I think it more depends on intensity. I have a friend who does roller derby (and am planning to get into it myself) and her hour and a half training session alone burns over 1000 calories for her. Your weight, activity level and speed will factor into the number of calories you burn. Might I suggest that you invest in a small heart rate/calorie burn monitor so you can more accurately assess your own loss?
  • clothestoburn
    clothestoburn Posts: 36 Member
    Because I did want to see for myself - I wore my hrm. I was roller skating for 1 1/2 hours and burned 464. Some of my laps were faster and some were slower (with my 4 year old). Overall it was a nice afternoon with the family and I burned some calories, too!
  • clothestoburn
    clothestoburn Posts: 36 Member
    Roller Derby - I don't think I'm ready for that, but it would be a great workout and stress reliever.