
spritie Posts: 167
edited September 20 in Recipes
So I was suggested by a natropath to include spirulina into my diet. Cause it fills a few of the low intake criteria I have in my vegan diet.

So I bought the powder

Anyways I have not found that you can get tablets/capsules which are stuck together powder, which is what I'll be doing next cause drinking it in a smoothy tastes like soggy nori which is disgusting.

But I don't really want to waste what I've got left, so do people have any ideas on how I can incorporate it into food, etc. so that I can have the rest of it.

Only thing I've been able to think of is having it with vegemite and tomato on a corn thin. As vegemite would be strong enough to cover the taste/smell.

I've also heard of soups having it incorporated, but I'm assuming it would have to be quite strong/spicy to not make it taste/smell off.

So any suggestions or methods would be appreciated.

** note, Vegemite is a yeast spread made from vegetable sources which we use in Australia. Sort of like a non-sugary version of promite/marmite (but IMHO way better) depending on if your reading this from the US or UK.


  • shariguymon
    shariguymon Posts: 245 Member
    I've never tried the powder, but I do have some protein bars that use it. I'll do some research and see what I can find out... The protein bars are paired with chocolate, and are quite tasty. They are called Prograde Cravers.
  • Hi there, I usually buy the tablets but bought the powder at some stage because it was reduced and a bargain. Anyway, same story , the stuff is disgusting. I ended up buying really good orange juice (not the reconstituted), put one heaped teaspoon of the powder in there, stir it and have it for breakfast. It's still not a very nice taste but drinkable especially if you drink it in one go. Hope I could be of help. Just noticed you live in Australia. The orange juice I bought is the one from Coles (in the refrigerated section, Coles brand), it has 99% orange juice and 1% vitamin C in it. I think it's about $5.
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