Girls: Contraceptive patch. Pro's and Con's?



  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    Noone should use it over 90kg about 190lbs. Ive never used it, dont think id trust it incase it fell off or became loose-same as wearing a plaster.
  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    I'll give it a go. knowing my luck i'll feel like crap on it and have to come off! lol thanks everyone for your advice :)

    Noone should use it over 90kg about 190lbs. Ive never used it, dont think id trust it incase it fell off or became loose-same as wearing a plaster.

    i read that if it does come off, to just replace it. you get 3 months supply at first, then if you are ok with it and blood pressure doesn't go up, you get a years supply.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    The patch doesn't work if you weigh over a certain amount.

    I had Mirena IUD for three years and it made me gain and made it impossible to lose weight, but I loved everything else about it and not everyone experiences that particular side effect. There are a million different pills you can try and there's the ring, too. Or just condoms.

    i'm 158lbs. I'll ask when i see the nurse. I don't like things that get inserted lol

    Haha. Problems solved!! Sorry. Had to!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have the Paraguard iud. Love it! No artifical hormones. No babies. I've had it for almost 7 years now. It lasts for 10 yrs before I have to get a new one. I think next time I'm going to go with Essure. Like the IUD but permanent. I don't like messing with hormones. I was on the pill for years and I even got pregnant on it with my first daughter.

    My gyno said Essure has a very high failure rate.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    I want to try something other than pills! Combined pills seem to make me feel sick, like Yasmin.Came off Cerazette about 5 weeks ago after being on it a year. What is the patch like? Anything really bad about it? Thanks :smile:

    I would go with an IUD. If you're only in a semi committal relationship, stick with an added condom.
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    I have the Paraguard iud. Love it! No artifical hormones. No babies. I've had it for almost 7 years now. It lasts for 10 yrs before I have to get a new one. I think next time I'm going to go with Essure. Like the IUD but permanent. I don't like messing with hormones. I was on the pill for years and I even got pregnant on it with my first daughter.

    My gyno said Essure has a very high failure rate.

    Actually it doesn't. Perhaps your dr has a high failure rate, and then it would be your doctor who is causing the issue with insertion. Essure is 99.74% effective when inserted correctly.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    Also, a pill/patch/anything that messes with your hormones make it that much harder to concieve when you get older.

    *Not sure how old you are.
  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    Also, a pill/patch/anything that messes with your hormones make it that much harder to concieve when you get older.

    *Not sure how old you are.

    I'm 25. I know it can do but I'll cross that bridge when the time comes.

    Neither me or my partner want kids just yet. Waiting a few years
  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    I want to try something other than pills! Combined pills seem to make me feel sick, like Yasmin.Came off Cerazette about 5 weeks ago after being on it a year. What is the patch like? Anything really bad about it? Thanks :smile:

    I would go with an IUD. If you're only in a semi committal relationship, stick with an added condom.

    an IUD would gross me out lol I'm squeamish!
    We're very committed :)
  • deadbeatsummer
    deadbeatsummer Posts: 537 Member
    I switched from the pill to the contraceptive implant (in the arm) and it was a good choice for me.

    Also it's based on the mini pop/progesterone only pill, like Cerezette rather than like the combined ones so it will be a good transition from Cerezette.

    It is a simple injection (they put a thin bit of metal the size of a bobby pin/kirby grip just under the skin) and it lasts for 3 years. I have no periods, no PMS or mood swings. It's great!

    I don't have to go back to the doctors for more contraceptives or remember to take it everyday etc. I love it.

    This is the one I have:

    More info:
  • perfecting_emptiness
    I had it but I'm allergic to the adhesive (got really itchy. I'm allergic to plasters and medical tape adhesive too so idk why I even tried it) . It did get a bit grotty on the last day but wasn't too bad. I have nexplanon (it's a sub dermal implant that goes in your arm) and love it. No side effects and you can keep it in for 3 years :) I don't have any period but have a tiny tiny bit of spotting every so often.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    Since we're on the subject, how about Nuvaring? Can anyone share thoughts on side effects?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have the Paraguard iud. Love it! No artifical hormones. No babies. I've had it for almost 7 years now. It lasts for 10 yrs before I have to get a new one. I think next time I'm going to go with Essure. Like the IUD but permanent. I don't like messing with hormones. I was on the pill for years and I even got pregnant on it with my first daughter.

    My gyno said Essure has a very high failure rate.

    Actually it doesn't. Perhaps your dr has a high failure rate, and then it would be your doctor who is causing the issue with insertion. Essure is 99.74% effective when inserted correctly.

    No, The practice doesn't use it because they've seen too many pregnancies from other offices that do. And not just here, but across the country.
    In the current package labeling, Essure’s bilateral placement rate is 94.6%.4 The initial labeling, which was based on the first-generation device and the experience of the pivotal trial investigators, Essure’s reported placement rate was only 86%.5 The 94.6% rate is based on the Essure 205 second-generation model that was commercially available from 2003 through 2007. More recent studies have suggested even higher bilateral placement rates (Figure 4).

    As for the IUD suggestion, if you're only in a sem-commited relationship, you shouldn't get an IUD. Having one ups your risk of contracting an STD if you're exposed.
  • noiva
    noiva Posts: 94
    Hey, I am a couple of days late but am hoping you see this. I saw a couple of mentions of the Nuva Ring. I was on Nuva Ring for less than 6 months and ended up with blood clots! Lots of people use it just fine, but a lot of us had underlying blood issues that were previously undiagnosed. Before you go on ANY form of hormonal birth control, but especially the patch or the ring, PLEASE get tested to see if your blood carries any risk for clots.
  • noiva
    noiva Posts: 94
    Hey, I posted below on the Ring but just saw your question. As I said in my first comment, I ended up with blood clots after using NuvaRing for just 6 months. If you're thinking about using it, get your blood tested for clotting disorders before. My doctors say they are seeing a HUGE increase in young women with blood clots after using NuvaRing.
  • valolerie
    valolerie Posts: 41 Member
    I've been on the patch for about 5-6 months now because I was spotting a lot on the pill and it was driving me nuts. I haven't had any side effects from it, but I'm probably switching back to a different BC because it drives me nuts. The edges of the adhesive get really gross and I had issues with it both times I went on vacation with the beach - if you spend a lot of time in the water, the adhesive stops working and it detached halfway both times a few days in to my vacation, so my main concern is getting pregnant next time I go away. I stick it on my butt, but even then, I had to be careful with my bikini bottoms so that my patch wouldn't show which is a pain.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Personally, I like it. I don't have to remember to take it every day at the same exact time.... It doesn't make me gain weight like the progesterone only birth control does. I can control when and if I decide to have a period (most of the time I do... unless something special is coming up like a romantic getaway.. :wink:)

    The only big con is the cost... right now it cost $121 without insurance... and I just paid (yesterday) $95 with insurance.

    If you are smoking, considerably overweight, or have a history of high blood pressure though, I would talk to your doctor about it... because like all medication there are risks when taking it... but the side effects are more predominate in these groups of women.
  • sarahmichelexo
    sarahmichelexo Posts: 42 Member
    as soon as I'm under 200lbs I'm switching to the patch!!
  • sarahmichelexo
    sarahmichelexo Posts: 42 Member
    Hey, I posted below on the Ring but just saw your question. As I said in my first comment, I ended up with blood clots after using NuvaRing for just 6 months. If you're thinking about using it, get your blood tested for clotting disorders before. My doctors say they are seeing a HUGE increase in young women with blood clots after using NuvaRing.

    ahh this freaks me out! my mom is on blood thinners due to heart disease and I'm on the ring and thinking of switching to the pill just because I don't want to worry about the "what if".
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Also, a pill/patch/anything that messes with your hormones make it that much harder to concieve when you get older.

    *Not sure how old you are.

    Pshaw... maybe in some women... I was on it for 5 years before trying to concieve... in 2010 (I was 29) took off my last patch in May, had my period on time, got pregnant in June. Seriously, that's how quick it was... and I even had a history of very irregular periods before going on birth control.