Am I crazy?



  • i so do that too xx
  • I've lost 24.4 pounds so far and I don't really see much of a difference either. When i'm in clothes I can tell I lost some but if nude, heck no I feel like how I did the day I started. (Started at 192, Currently 167.6...and i'm only 5'1").
  • cardiokitten
    cardiokitten Posts: 401 Member
    Yup. It's not so much that I see the same person, it's that I still don't like what I see all that much sometimes.
  • NoleGirl0918
    NoleGirl0918 Posts: 213 Member
    i think it's because we see ourselves everyday & therefore the gradual change doesn't really register in our brains. i have that same issue also - people have told me i no longer look the same, but i totally don't see it. Feel free to add me as a friend for some support if you'd like :wink:
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    I have always had an issue with body image. I have always seen myself as larger than others see me. It took me a long time to figure that out. (Google "Body Dysmporphic Disorder", an extreme version of the issue I have always had) So, yes, sometimes I look in the mirror and see no difference (my weight loss isn't significant yet though so that is partially why) but the clothing doesn't lie! Clothes that were snug are getting too big. I try and focus on that.
  • I do the exact same thing, I cannot see it in the mirror, pictures I notice it more but I feel vain staring at the pictures. My wife is amazingly supportive and has helped me every step along the way in my journey to a healthy lifestyle. She is always helping me to see the progress even when my eyes do not. 78 pounds down and looking for a few more.
  • catpow2
    catpow2 Posts: 206 Member
    I just had about 10-15lbs to lose, but yeah, I know exactly what you mean. I'm wearing pants right now that I have not been able to wear for at least 3 years. They are loose everywhere except for in the waist--I still need to slim down there. I would HAVE to be smaller--I tried the pants on a few weeks ago and thought they were still too tight, but when I look in the mirror I still think I look fat.
  • When I look in the mirror lately, I think, "Damn, girl, you look fine!" (As long as I'm wearing clothes, that is! In my underwear, I somehow don't look quite as good...) I'm down 15 pounds with 13 left to go, and I am noticeably trimmer all over.

    Lack of confidence has never really been an issue with me. I've always been quite tall (I'm 9 inches taller than my very petite momma!), broad-shouldered, and somewhat muscular, so I understand that I am a physical presence in a room, and I'm OK with that! I like being tall and strong.

    Focus on what you've got that works and feel good about yourself! Life is too short to beat yourself up.
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    When I look at the mirror dressed I say ´yes I look smaller and thinner´... but when im showering I see myself as before, guess its a matter of time as well.
  • spiregrain
    spiregrain Posts: 254 Member
    I think 2/3 of Hollywood has that same issue... hence why the plastic surgery industry is so successful.

    Body dismorphic disorder.... may shed some light.

    I'm the complete opposite - I think I look thinner in the mirror than I really am... then I see a current photo of myself and all those dreams become dust in the wind....


    I do the same thing! Hahaha. "I'm not that fat!" *looks at photo* "Holy crap, how and when did I get so fat?!" I always just look like myself in the mirror.
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Not crazy. I'm the same way
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    I think the only way to cure this is go shopping and buy something that makes you look damn good! Hopefully in a smaller size.
    I often look at people in the street and ask my partner Am i as big as them and he always says no (or hes being nice lol)
  • I think 2/3 of Hollywood has that same issue... hence why the plastic surgery industry is so successful.

    Body dismorphic disorder.... may shed some light.

    I'm the complete opposite - I think I look thinner in the mirror than I really am... then I see a current photo of myself and all those dreams become dust in the wind....


    so maybe THAT is why Joan Rivers keeps getting more and MORE done, she thinks she looks the same!!! hahaha sorry could not resist that one
  • Starzy696
    Starzy696 Posts: 133 Member
    I do the same thing...looking at photos is the only way I notice that I have lost weight and sometimes those I look at with my old eye. whenever i look in the mirror, I always feel I am still the size I was 10 years ago.
  • sexy48
    sexy48 Posts: 16 Member
    No your not...................I have the same problem it get better:smile:
  • crazylovergrl
    crazylovergrl Posts: 97 Member
    When I first got to my goal weight, it didn't even register... I still don't think I'm thin even though I can fit into my kids clothes. Lol, sometimes I'll look at a pair of my pants and be like "there's no way I can fit into those" Its weird! I hate taking pictures, but when I do, I'm like, damn I'm skinny... Glad I'm not the only one!
  • i only notice in my clothes that feel looser ... having my wife comment feels good , but i never really know if she telling me the truth or just being supportive either way , clothes are the best way for me to notice
  • I still have that problem. I had lapband surgery two and half years ago and dropped five sizes. I still go for the big clothes. It is still taking my brain time to adjust after so long, but when I try the clothes on they hang off me and then I realize that the reality is that I have lost close to 100 lbs. My hubby wishes I wear more fitted clothes, but I am still self-conscious. I guess I always will be to some extent. Just know you are not the only one feeling that way.