it feels impossible.

I need good supportive friends with similar goals.

I'm 5'6"
Cw: 196

I need someone to be accountable to and someone that will kick my butt if I don't eat right
I would say someone that will help me keep motivation to work out but due to a recent injury there isn't much I can do
I feel like I've tried everything and I just can't seem to lose weight! I'm in the same place I was when I started and I'm sick of it so if someone, or hopefully more than one person, is willing to really help me of be soon great full and do the same for you


  • EmilyJaneRigali
    i started at 200 lbs and got down to 157. then gained some back when i moved in with my bf and got up to 186. i'm back down to 169 and still truckin. it's possible. i'm trying to get to 135. i feel like we have similar goals so feel free to add me :)
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    Well, I'm 8 lbs heavier than you right now, but we have the same goal weight!! I love to motivate people! Feel free to send me a request:)
  • Brandi1168
    Brandi1168 Posts: 105 Member
    I'm 5'4" and currently 181 lbs. I started at 190 and my goal is around 140. Feel free to add me. :)
  • jszcdouglas
    I am in the same boat and would love to help motivate and be motivated! I am fairly new here, Does this board allow private groups?
  • Bondgirlforever
    Bondgirlforever Posts: 64 Member
    Hey! It isn't impossible! Though this is my first go round you really do need to have the right mind set!

    I will be here with you 100% I love to motivate! I am willing to dish out my email for more motivation faster as well.

    We don't have exactly the same goals, but a goal that is in general none the less!!

    I am 23
    SW: 211
    CW: 195.2
    GW: 120-125
    Height: 5'3"

    So, I will send ya a request!
  • DonnaLeeCattes
    DonnaLeeCattes Posts: 492 Member
    I'm 5'3 started at 196, I'm 156 now, I want to be 130 to 125, feel free to add
  • theamorash
    theamorash Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 5'5" (maybe 5'6"?) and my SW was 197; CW 166. Any of you can feel free to add me - I could use the encouragement too as I haven't lost in a while now...
  • Marc713
    Marc713 Posts: 328 Member
    YOU have to hold yourself accountable, first and foremost. Until you want it bad enough for YOU, it's likely not going to happen. Sorry that’s not sugar coating it for you, but it is the truth. Once you decide you want to do it for yourself, having other people support you is nice, but in the end, YOU will be the one to get off the sofa and work out or to make better food choices, or you will be the one that decided to see what’s on TV.

    There’s a success story. There are many of them. It can be done, if you want to do it. You have to decide to GET up and do it, every day. When you need some inspiration, just scroll thru all these wonderful threads of people that decided to change their lives…..that should be plenty of inspiration for you!

    **Edit** You CAN do it! Good luck! Also, has some great workout plans if you need a plan already laid out for you. Don't be intimidated by the name of the site, there are plans for for women and for losing weight/leaning up. Now, go kick butt and take names!
  • CTCMom2009
    CTCMom2009 Posts: 263 Member
    I am right with you!! I started out at 190, then had a 9lb 11 oz baby boy.... came home from the hospital at 208 (after topping out at 220, but I don't count that since I was pregnant and high risk).

    7 months after his birth, I finally decided I was sick of looking and feeling yucky, so I joined a gym and watched what I ate. I managed to get myself down to 152. Then I got lazy over the summer and enjoyed myself a little too much and worked out a little too little... was back up to 168.

    Now I'm working on getting back to 152 and my goal would be around 145, but I'm not sure that's possible since I already carry a lot of muscle.

    It's not impossible, but it's definitely tough! Don't give up! Add me if you like and we can get on each other if we get lazy!
  • bowser625
    bowser625 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm close.

    5'6'' 29 years old....mother of 2 (last one born Dec. 2012)

    SW before MFP: 172 (size 12)
    SW: 165
    CW: 148.8 (size 8 - maybe 6)
    GW: 135-140

    What works for me: I workout at 4:30 in the morning (before work) because it's the only time I get a good chance to. I get 35-45 minutes of cardio in before my day even starts really. (love my Jillian Michaels workouts and Leslie Sansone walking videos)

    I started losing weight at first using SlimFast for breakfast and lunch but am done with that. Now I eat pretty healthy and low calorie in the morning and lunchtime. (snacking under 100 calories in between) And eat what I want for dinner...but in moderation!!! All about portion control and taking the extra time to measure the food into healthy serving sizes.

    Feel free to add me and look at my food journal. I don't always meet my goals but I'm usually pretty close! :)
  • CTCMom2009
    CTCMom2009 Posts: 263 Member
    You CAN do it! Good luck! Also, has some great workout plans if you need a plan already laid out for you. Don't be intimidated by the name of the site, there are plans for for women and for losing weight/leaning up. Now, go kick butt and take names!

    Thanks for the website info! I took a look and since I am convinced that adding more weight training to my workout, it has some really great info! I guess I will have to get over the intimidation of lifting weights in the gym 'manland'!
  • quiltingducky
    quiltingducky Posts: 103 Member
    I would say that you have to motivate yourself and find your inner strength. The number one thing you need to do is be honest with yourself and record everything, and I mean everything, in your diary. It keeps you accountable. Make sure you're eating enough to keep your body going. I am eating right now most days between 1300 and 1500 calories a day (except the past few days while I was sick), and on the days when I feel I need something extra for my hunger, I go as high as 1700 calories.

    I still can't find the get and up go to exercise everyday, and most weeks only exercise 20 minutes on the exercise bike twice a week. I read somewhere that fidgeting and standing up from my desk from time to time keeps the metabolism going as opposed to just sitting at my desk all day, so I get up and move around if even just around the room once.

    One other thing that is helping me is to not tell anyone I am trying to lose weight. That way I only have to be accountable to me and not feel the pressure of other people watching my progress and feeling like I have to lose quicker for them to notice. Here on MFP I don't mind since we are all in the same boat.

    Oh and don't be a slave to the scale and the daily fluctuations in your weight. Weigh weekly or bi-weekly.

    Lastly, I would tell you to read through the success stories and look at the pics. That is a biggie for keeping me motivated, knowing that if all those people could do it at however long it takes, they did it, and so can I!
  • nicoleyoung480
    nicoleyoung480 Posts: 5 Member
    I am in the same boat too! I am a mom of 4 (my youngest is 7 months).

    Height: 5'5''
    SW: 190 (weight at the highest point of pregnancy)
    CW: 142
    GW: 135

    I have been STUCK at 141-143 for over a month and can't get the scale to move. I am losing momentum to get off that last amount of weight! Would love to help/be motivated and be held accountable!!!!
  • jessigrabenstetter
    Thanks everyone here is great and I really look forward to getting to know all of you!
  • Marc713
    Marc713 Posts: 328 Member
    Thanks for the website info! I took a look and since I am convinced that adding more weight training to my workout, it has some really great info! I guess I will have to get over the intimidation of lifting weights in the gym 'manland'!

    The one thing you need to remember about lifting is your body will transform, so DO NOT make the mistake of using the scale as your measurement of success!

    Things you should do as or before you start your lifting program:
    Get your body fat percentage measured. Most gyms now has the electronic device you hold in both hands that can measure it for you in just a few seconds, and no uncomfortable callipers. I just ordered one that looks identical to the one they use at my gym for $30 from

    Get some body measurements taken. Measure your neck, waist, etc.
    Be sure to either get a personal trainer for 3-4 sessions for the express purpose of learning proper form and to learn how to use the equipment so you are NOT intimidated by it! If you are scared of it, you will likely cop out and either skip or go find something easier to do, that is counterproductive. A good alternative is to make friends at the gym and ask the people that know what they are doing to help you now and then, or use this site to potentially find a workout partner. If not here, use other forums and fitness communities to find a partner. The Lee Labrada program I am using and recommend has videos that show you the exercises.

    If you want to log your workouts, you can use an app and website called JEFIT, it’s a great tool for planning routines, logging them, and also seeing how you progress as you are able to lift more weight or do more reps. There is a free version and a paid, I’m using the free one for now & love it. You can set everything up on the website then sync the app so your routine will be with you on your phone at the gym, or you can set it up on the phone as well, it communicates both ways….so you can sync your workout from your phone then view it on the web later if you like.
  • Marc713
    Marc713 Posts: 328 Member
    I'd like to add this as well as I'm looking into doing crossfit, I found the "pros" list on their pros and cons to be interesting for you women.

    It seems like a good way to workout, have trainers, get encouragement, etc. It's usually not cheap, but if you want results, this is WAY cheaper than paying for a gym AND a personal trainer.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    going to have to learn how to motivate yourself instead of leaning on others if you want to succeed, Im sorry but its true.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Gonna have to learn to be your own best friend in that respect.

    It's tough but you won't regret it. It helps in more than just weight loss I assure you.