Need Help with Food Choices mainly lunch and dinner

Need Help with Food Choices mainly lunch and dinner


  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    What do you like to eat?
  • I eat a 3oz of haddock/sole/salmon with baby spinach and grape tomatoes, or 5oz of chicken with green beans and avocado all with a cup of mixed berries.
  • CLDKess
    CLDKess Posts: 40
    check out

    There are lots and lots of good recipes that are very healthy!
  • Did you see the recipe yesterday for Soy Chicken in the Crock Pot. You can google it as well. It was very easy to throw it together. I am going to serve it over steam Quinoa (I am making that in my Rice Cooker) so dinner is going to be hassle free.
  • jesindc
    jesindc Posts: 724 Member
    The thing that has really worked for me, is that I sit back once a week and think to myself, if I were at a restaurant and wanted to eat healthy, but still get something good, what would I order. Then I write out a calendar for the whole week and stick with it.

    Here are a couple of things on my calendar for this week:

    Lunch: Vegetarian Cobb Salad: 400 Calories
    I mix two cups of Dole's Very veggie mix (I try to go with ease and convenience, but you could obviously just cut up your own lettuce and add carrots and radishes etc.), mix in chopped cucumber, half of a hass avocado, one hardboiled egg (I use eggland's best since they are lower in fat and cholesterol and I boil a dozen on Sunday so I have them for the whole week), a couple TBL of crumbled blue cheese and 2 TBL Marie's Super blue salad dressing on the side. [It's delish. I sometimes do the NON-vegetarian version by adding some cooked skinless, boneless chicken breast and one piece of cooked thin crisp bacon. If I add the meat, I use about half the amount of avocado and crumbled blue cheese and it works out to be *about* the same amount of calories.]

    Another one of my go-to Lunches was inspired by a salad I got at Vappianos once. And this one AMAZINGLY is only about 250 calories.
    Mix together about 2 cups of field greens (baby spinach, arugula, watercress, etc), top with about 1/2 cup of cooked chopped eggplant and cooked, chopped red & orange bell peppers (I usually cook a batch of the eggplant and peppers ahead of time and keep in the fridge for the week -- you just chop up and throw in a sautee pan with a tiny tin of olive oil until very soft. Top with 5 cooked shrimp (I like to saute the shrimp for about 4 minutes with some olive oil and then throw some fresh garlic on top right before taking off the stove), and then 2 TBL of green goddess dressing. Soooooo good. If you have leftover steak, you can slice it thin and throw on top as well.

    Here are a couple of our recent dinners both totaled about 600 calories: Grilled salmon with steamed brocoli and carrots sauteed with a little butter. Roasted bone-in chicken (cooked with skinon, but I did't eat the skin), steamed brocoli with a pat of butter and a tossed salad with Marie's Creamy Ranch.

    Tonight we are having Taco night (my kid's favorite night of the week). I use very lean ground beef for the tacos and use my own spices, rather than the packet stuff. We use low-carb wraps instead of taco shells, and serve a big salad on the side rather than rice (we still have refried beans, but you low fat-free ones actually still taste really good, and even the tradtional isn't too bad for you so long as you keep the portion relatively small.

    Hope this helps.
  • the carbs are my best friends