Polar FT7 Review



  • barwwd
    barwwd Posts: 63 Member
    I loveeeee mine!! The only thing i hate is it is hard to get the battery out. I was told that the sweat build up around it will cause it to lock so I have been making an effort to open it once a week and clean around it but it is still extremely hard to open.

    Since it is waterproof, you are merely increasing the chances of ruining that seal.

    I'd stop if I was you, or you will cause a real problem.

    Thanks for the advice. I can't get it open anyway now.

    I've had Polars for the last 10 yrs. and whether I don't open it or open it the battery is always hard to remove. This year I had to get a new strap set becuase the battery died and they couldnt get it open. They use a quarter but it was so tight it ruined the slot and then nothing would fit.

    That is my only complaint other than that it works perfectly!!

    LOVE LOVE LOVE my FT7. I'm on my second battery over the course of 2+ years. But be careful, the guy at the specialty battery store said once you open the back, you probably shouldn't submerge the watch because the seal is ruined. So basically now it is water resistent as opposed to water proof. Fine for everything but laps, ect. Grain of salt like with all advice, but just an FYI. Congrats!!
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
    I have had mine since Friday. I ordered it on Amazon.com and only paid $69 and was happy about that. You got a heck of a deal.

    So far, I like it. Sees to be going a good job. I have only used it a few times though.
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    You really scored!! I love mine but it took a little while to figure out the buttons.

  • ls_66
    ls_66 Posts: 395 Member
    you got a really good deal.... paid $45 for mine... I have had it for 6 months now, I had to call their tech support twice for technical issues with mixed results... I had to ship back the web link accessory cradle that syncs the watch to your polar web account, took them 2 weeks to ship it back, I'm considering a replacement for next year maybe an all in one unit with GPS, chest strap and maybe MP3 player
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    I currently use an FT7 and have used several FT4's, which are basically the same thing. When you need to change the battery, do so with an American nickel. If you use an object that is too small such as a screwdriver or quarter, you'll strip out the slot as the back of both the watch and transmitter is made of soft plastic.

    For those that wonder what's the big improvement with the FT7 over the FT4, there is one main benefit. The FT4 only keeps a summary of your workouts (average/max HR, time etc.). The FT7 actually stores all the readings it has recorded for a workout over time. I'm not sure how often it samples. My guess is once a second. With an optional accessory, you can upload your workout sessions to Polar's free Website where you can see how your heart was performing at any one time during the duration of your exercise.

    For most, this added feature will be overkill but for number crunchers or people who really want to tweak their training with the maximum amount of information it's a cool thing.

    Note that the FT7 will only store the detail for the previous 50 workouts. Thus, you have to upload the data regularly for it to be retained permanently.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Fantastic for that price but mine didn't hold up well! Kept not working after a short period of time, around 6 months, been fixed twice still won't work! X
  • LucyR7
    LucyR7 Posts: 2
    YAY! I'm happy to hear that it works well. I was second guessing it because of the price. I just happened to find it in the electronic department where they keep the clearance gadgets not in the fitness isle (for those running to their local Target). I was looking for headphones and saw they they had two of them and the clearance tag said $55. I was going to happily pay $55 for it but when the cashier scanned it it was only $33. I feel like buying the second one and selling it online LOL! Thanks all!
  • tgibbons1935
    tgibbons1935 Posts: 85 Member
    I bought the same watch for about $70 and love it! I did a lot of research before I bought it and it is the best one for just your heart rate and calories burned. The other ones had way too many features that I would have never used. I also bought the FlowLink device so I can download my training sessions to my computer. I like being able to tell if I am in my fat burning zone or fitness zone and this watch is perfect for that. It also links to the elliptical machine when I am at the gym so I can see my heart rate there and don't have to look at my watch. You really got an awesome deal.
  • Perfectdiamonds1
    Perfectdiamonds1 Posts: 347 Member
    A polar for under $100? Wow and for only $33, that was really a giva-a-way. wonderful deal. I have the FT4. I love it
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    You got an AMAZING deal!!!! Mine was $65
  • Cyngen
    Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
    Very pleased with my FT7. Only complaint is lack of any volume on the alerts, I can hardly hear it.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    I replaced my FT1 (rubbish!!) with a FT7 and very happy with it.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Also you burn way less calories than what MFP and other sites say you do. I cant say enough about how great it is to use an HRM.

    This is probably a side effect of you being more fit, and the HRM not knowing that.

    For instance, the calculators for walking flat between 3-4 mph are more accurate than HRM.
    Because it just takes so much energy to move so much mass so fast. Unless you have a club foot or such.

    Anway, do a test to find out how badly yours is off now.
    Walk level 4 mph on treadmill for 15 min. Get your calorie burn.
    Check MFP which uses the correct calculations.


    MFP and calculator above is most accurate in this case, how bad is your HRM off?
  • runnerjenn0708
    runnerjenn0708 Posts: 400 Member
    NEVER leave home without mine! It's a life-saver! Easy battery replacement - Good luck!
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    Note that the FT7 will only store the detail for the previous 50 workouts. Thus, you have to upload the data regularly for it to be retained permanently.

    Nah, it's 100.
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    I scored a Polar FT7 at Target on clearance for $33 from $105, so I wanted to get some feedback from users with this heart rate monitor. I've been wanting one for a long time but they're usually in the $100's. I'm sure I got a good deal but I just want it to be a good monitor. TIA!

    Great deal! I just ordered one as well. I wish I could have found that price!
  • jessknickle
    jessknickle Posts: 4 Member
    I'm waiting for mine to come from Ebay. I live in Canada and they are about $200 new. So I found one for $85 with shipping and everything, that was used once. I thought I had a deal.. I cannot wait to start using mine, so excited :)