Jillian Michaels Is Starting To Annoying Me

It may just be me, but is Jillian Michaels all over T.V. now? I mean from the Nordic Track, Biggest Loser, to dieting supplements, to being on grocery store foods, to lord knows what else, she is really starting to get on my nerves watching her on T.V. all the time. For some reason, I just don't like her personality... It may just be me, but there is just something about her that is starting to grind on me a little bit. Maybe it is because of my diet or something? lol Or maybe it is the fact that she is becoming a millionaire off of advertising? Anyone else have a comment? or am I off my rocker?


  • nyy03
    nyy03 Posts: 652 Member
    I actually like her way of training. I'm currently doing the 30day shred. Love watching her on the biggest loser. I don't watch too much grown up TV so I don't see her commercials. I do agree though she is becoming very commercial. I have one of her books and she talks about supplements and how they are crap. But WOW all of a sudden she has her own line. I was surpised to find out that she's bi-sexual and her sister is a porn star.
  • Jerzeebabie04
    Personally, her attitude on the show annoys me more than anything. I think she is too focused on being mean to make people cry and bring out their past. I like Bob and would want him as my trainer in real life because he seems more compassionate and understanding, yet he knows when to be tough. He also knows how to get people to talk about their issues without being sooo mean about it.

    However, I do like Jillian Michaels DVD's and I read a little part of her book through a website link I was given. I think she knows her stuff when it comes to getting fit, I mean she does have a really nice body. But I can understand what you are saying, she is definitely getting rich off of a lot of things. Her weight loss website to me seemed more like it was geared to make her money then to help people learn to eat more healthy. I expected it to teach me more than it did so I didn't pay for it. I can't say much about her diet pills because they seem like a scam like all other diet pills out there.

    Overall I don't like her attitude, but I like the information she gives and her workouts. I just think she needs to chill down the attitude on the show.
  • bethany_85
    I've never watched the Biggest Loser or seen her much anywhere but I just started doing the 30 day shred and I think she is very obnoxious. I don't really know why but her voice bothers me and she definitely rubs me the wrong way. She is one of those people who I think if I met in real life I wouldn't be friends with them.
  • Jerzeebabie04
    I actually like her way of training. I'm currently doing the 30day shred. Love watching her on the biggest loser. I don't watch too much grown up TV so I don't see her commercials. I do agree though she is becoming very commercial. I have one of her books and she talks about supplements and how they are crap. But WOW all of a sudden she has her own line. I was surpised to find out that she's bi-sexual and her sister is a porn star.

    Wow I had no idea either! Does her sister look like her?
  • cashman9955
    And to add to the advertising, just look at the top of your screen to see more of it......JILLIAN Michaels. In big bold letters at the top of the screen in an advertisement. She is EVERYWHERE!!!! It is like I can't try to eat healthy or lose weight without seeing her involved in something. Just starting to get a bit much.
  • brendac72
    brendac72 Posts: 109 Member
    I agree somewhat. I like her approach on the show but now as you say she has her name & face on everything. You wonder if all the products she is advertising are really good or just a way for her to earn more. I heard that she is really good on the Wii game.
  • nyy03
    nyy03 Posts: 652 Member
    I was surpised to find out that she's bi-sexual and her sister is a porn star.

    Wow I had no idea either! Does her sister look like her?

    Whenever my husband see's her, Jillian, he says she looks like a man. I didn't find her sister attractive, big boobs and all. I think her name is Devon or something like it.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I think it's funny how everyone loves Bob and yet you never see him on weight lost pills, shakes, books all the things Jillian is on cause he knows true fitness and changing your body is all about eating right and working out not how much can i make off these diet pills or shakes. I use to like how Jillian was until she got big and now is all about the money. And they say she was fat as a child and that's why she got into fitness and wanted to change people but when you google her photos of way back in the day you can't find much on her and wouldn't she want to show those pictures to show people it's true and she really does care and wants to help others.
  • artbabe
    I like Jillian Michaels for a few reasons:

    1-She's an attractive brunette with a natural look...and she's making it socially desirable to stay a brunette (unlike our previous sex symbol-Pam Anderson).

    2-She's promoting health and environmental awareness...but also inner growth.


    She seems like a bit of a *****.
  • robbienjill
    robbienjill Posts: 456 Member
    nope...don't like her!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I don't l like her either. I think she is TOTALLY annoying.
  • cecilsmom
    the woman is just plain mean and verbally abusive.

    BTW I was doing an online diet thing on her site my computer went down for a while when I got back I had emails from her site calling me lazy all for not being able to log in. EXCUSE me but just because your computer is down mean you are lazy thank you very much.

    yes the woman is pretty ON THE OUTSIDE.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    One word comes to mind when it comes to Jillian- fake. Actually two- fake and crazy. :tongue:
  • robyn12770
    robyn12770 Posts: 243 Member
    She has her own tv show coming out. I think it's called Losing It with Jillian Michaels.
  • Vallandingham
    Vallandingham Posts: 2,177
    I am tired of her on Biggest Loser. Her original tirades seemed genuine. I think they are now contrived as she tries to live up to the Cranky Hardnosed Jillian persona.
    Actually the whole show is becomong too contived.