What is the best at home workout DVD series??-HELP

What DVD home workout series do you recommend?? I am not a big fan of cardio like the Turbo Jam stuff. I am looking for s weight lifting series :)


  • savlov30
    savlov30 Posts: 233 Member
    Les Mill Pump, Body Beast, P90x. Let me know if you like to learn about any of these videos. Send me a message

  • Keffinger22
    Keffinger22 Posts: 100 Member
    I have P90x but I can't quite keep up. Would Les Mill Pump be good to do and then move onto P90x?
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Look at Chalean extreme and body revolution. If you do a search here and on YouTube, you'll find loads of stuff about both. Be aware that a lot of stuff is by Beachbody coaches who are trying to sell you stuff for commission.
  • breatheHeaven
    I love Debbie Seiber's Slim in Six! The music is awful, so you will have to make your own workout playlist...
    Anyway, this program is amazing and the perfect starter! It will make you sweat, but has little cardio. Just enough! I am on week four of this program and I cannot believe how toned I am! Cellulite on my bum AND back thighs are GONE! My tush is nice and toned! My collar bone is not hiding away anymore but defined!
    It's also easier than Insanity, P90X, etc. (I will conquer those in a couple of weeks, though!)
    You will notice your tummy just get smaller and smaller! I love it!
    It's six days a week. The first week is 28 minutes a day, weeks 2-3 47 minutes a day, and weeks 4-6 are 53 minutes long!
    I highly recommend it! :) (Especially if you are not a fan of cardio like me :D )
  • claire_90
    a lot of this site is obsessed with jillian michaels range of dvds, mostly the 30DS
  • chardi7
    chardi7 Posts: 42 Member
    America's Funniest Home Videos! :)
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    Zumbas working amazing fir me hun x
  • luzmidd
    luzmidd Posts: 154 Member
    Jillian Micheals 30 day shred is amazing... really, and it works! Do that to start of with if you are a beginner... then move on to Insanity! If you are already quite fit, go straight to insanity...
  • UpBeatMaria
    UpBeatMaria Posts: 49 Member
    Les Mills Pump :)
  • SorchaRavenlock
    SorchaRavenlock Posts: 220 Member
    Leslie Sansone "walk at home" is low impact and perfect for beginners, while still providing a good workout. I started out with her when I couldn't manage the harder DVDs. Look it up on youtube if you want to try it out before buying.
  • fallonrhea
    fallonrhea Posts: 388 Member
    If you have P90X, I would say try going for that again, even though you say that you can't keep up. I couldn't keep up at first either - but I wrote down what I COULD do in the amount of time that they're doing it and the next time I did the video, I tried to do one more rep. You'll be SHOCKED at how quickly you progress! In a month or two, you may even be blowing the "kids" out of the water!

    The first week or two you'll be more sore than you've ever been - but this goes away.

    If you want support, feel free to friend me! I'm a P90X grad and I'm currently doing P90X and Insanity at the same time. I can answer any questions you have :)

    PS: I can't keep up with Insanity AT ALL - but I push through and do what I can :) Don't let the beginning discourage you!
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Hi fallonrhea. Great post - and great shoulders and arms - do you work out!

    I have been trying out the Insanity workout suite - thought it would be for me but I found an awful lot of plyometrics in all the sessions and a load of overlap of exercises across the cardio DVDs as well. Decided all that plyo on my knees and back was not worth it. I did like the Pure Cardio though and the Abs. I already go to Yoga so I wouldn't have used that one. I did like the trainer's attitude and the sweat I got out of the workouts.

    P90X is more what I need as the emphasis is on strength compared to cardio. I already cycle to work, run on the beach and swim on open water so that bit is taken care of. I do have a copy of Insanity Pure Cardio and I do like that one in my week.

    What I didn't like about P90X was the trainer. I didn't like how he referred to his female participants as "girlfriend" and found him a bit patronizing because the girls were keeping up with the guys. Otherwise the routines I have so far seen are great.

    So what's your feeling about the above? Am I being too sensitive?

    Of the two I would choose P90X.
  • Keffinger22
    Keffinger22 Posts: 100 Member
    Thanks for the idea! Chalean Extreme looks good and the Julian Body Revolution looks really good to. Also the Les Body Pump. Hmmm I think I might try the Body Revolution I think! Thanks everyone!!!