Changing Exercise Routine?

So I've read in several fitness magazines, blogs etc. that doing the same kind of exercise over a long period of time causes your body to become more efficient at it and burn less calories doing that similar exercise over time.

I love the elliptical and find that it's the only machine I really enjoy. I like to go for an hour 5 times a week. I also walk several miles everyday (living in NYC) and love to dance on the weekends when I can.

I'm worried that just using the elliptical is causing my body to become more efficient at it and burn less calories. However, I do switch up what I do on the elliptical -- interval training, reverse strides, one constant incline etc. Based on your knowledge do you think my body will burn less calories doing the elliptical over time even though I switch up what I'm actually doing on the machine?

A second question I have is: If this efficiency is true, why does this phenomenon not seem to happen to runners who only run and follow a similar path for weeks at a time?

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


  • semira6
    semira6 Posts: 36 Member
  • semira6
    semira6 Posts: 36 Member
  • kateowp
    kateowp Posts: 103 Member
    The sadness post got me! Im no expert, but I do think bodies adjust to exercise and this would happen to runners, too. The more you do an exercise the easier it gets. I assume that the easier part is not all psychological, but your body does become more efficient- more efficient body means less calories needed for the same exercise. Imagine a new runner running in their first month and then imagine what they would be like if they kept at it for ten years. Ten years later they would most likely not get nearly as tired and not burn nearly as many calories in a one hour run as when their body was not used to it. How big the difference in calories burned and how long it takes I have no idea. Hopefully someone more informed will chime in.
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    Only just saw this.

    Actually it does happen to runners too, My friend has become a great runner. When she started her heartrate would be in the 170's, now its in the 130's as her bosy has become more efficient.

    If you love the ellipical then keep it up but chuck in some strength training, boxing etc aswell. Mix it up and keep your bosy guessing.