Anyone doing the Visalus Challenge?

I'd love to have some friends doing the same diet as I am :)


  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Just another scam.
  • FoxDarling
    I actually lost 7 pounds on it in just a week, unlike many of these things there isn't anything that proves the claims that it's a scam. It's really healthy, I feel more energetic and I don't crave as much. But we all have our own opinions. For me the weight I have lost is enough to persuade me to continue on with my "scam" diet :P
  • FoxDarling
    But thank you for your concern :)
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    It's a scam.

    Even so, the product is completely incompatible with this site, which is based around logging real food and taking part in exercise, rather than chugging replacements and learning nothing about nutrition.

    As soon as you stop, there will be nothing to stop you gaining all of the weight back on, and likely even more fat due to the lean mass lost through meal replacement diets.
  • LizL217
    LizL217 Posts: 217 Member
    I'd venture a guess that the 7 lbs you lost in the first week was a combination of water and all the $$ you dropped on this program, not actually 24,500 calories of fat.

    If in 6 months you find that you have lost fat (not muscle and water) and kept it off, even when going back to normal food, more power to ya.

    But personally my main criteria for a health and fitness program are the following:

    1. Doesn't cost money (eating less and exercising are actually free afterall!)
    2. Doesn't involve products from a box, bag or bottle
    3. Involves eating real food that resembles the original raw form from which it came out of the earth.

    So I think I'll be passing on the Visalus Challenge.
  • Kelly_2013
    Kelly_2013 Posts: 117 Member
    I've actually been looking into a shake for breakfast... Would it be that bad if I got this shake for breakfast over making my own in the morning if it has all the same nutrients or better than one I would make on my own?
  • FoxDarling
    I've been off the diet for quite a while and I haven't gained any of it back to be honest.
  • FoxDarling
    But please if you don't have anything else to say keep it to yourself. It isn't nice to push other people down based on their decisions and experiences. Many people have lost weight with different shake-type diets and the ones that gain the weight back are the people that go crazy and eat like they did previously or worse..

    I lost about 14 pounds in just a couple of weeks and then stopped for 2 months and I haven't gained anything back because I'm watching my proportions and sugar intake. And to be quite frank- health shakes are WAY healthier than the junk I was stuffing myself with before. Also you only have 1-2 shakes a day and a normal healthy meal.

    I made this post for people in the same situation as myself, who are friendly and supportive. We're all allowed to have opinions but I don't see the point in voicing it over something so mediocre that doesn't change anything other than maybe make someone feel bad because of all the negativity. What is the real reason for the negative comments? I'm losing weight, my energy is high, I'm a lot healthier, I'm happy and that is all that matters. It is a lot healthier than what most people are cramming into their mouths these days and I make enough to be able to not worry about the cost- it's cheaper than buying instant food.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    I'm not trying to 'push people down', I'm trying to protect people from falling for products that I have fallen from in the past. I'd like others to learn from my mistake.

    Indeed, the whole reason I got into the fitness industry is to fight the nonsense of people with lack morals, supplying gimmicks that sell, rather than worrying about what actually works.

    You've admitted in your last post that you are a supplier. I suspected from the start this was just an advert.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    You posted on the forum and people are entitled to their opinions. I'll wager your thread will be removed anyway because this is a diet and fitness site and doesn't endorse scam shake programmes.