Junk: what's easier for you- moderation or none at all?



  • LivyJo
    LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
    I choose moderation. If I go overboard, then I work it off...I figure this is my LIFE, and I don't want to limit myself, so I have to figure out how to make it work forever.

    Ditto. But I have never been a huge sweet tooth type of person either. I can have a tub of ice cream in the fridge and it will last 2 months. I am sure it just really depends on the person and the "addiction". Good luck!
  • ScarletTarah
    ScarletTarah Posts: 117 Member
    for myself moderation and I stick to those 100 calorie packs of whatever it is i bought that week, and I eat 1/2 a cup of soy creamery to get my ice cream/ chocolate fix, and I let myself have a tootsie pop if my craving is to much but make myself make it last at least 30 mins. this is the only way for me and it works so well for me.
  • dogmeat
    Moderation, with the exception of Crack Scout Cookies.
  • NurseMisty
    NurseMisty Posts: 312 Member
    ICE CREAM=BAD--for me atleast. I usually find that if I have it in the house, I'll eat it. So I just try to not eat it all. I wish I had the control..maybe one day!:smile:
  • NurseMisty
    NurseMisty Posts: 312 Member
    I have been thinking about this exact thing for about 2 weeks now. And I know it seems most people say to not deprive yourself of anything, have just a bite, etc etc. I have come to the conclusion that for me, I can't have any of it. "It" for me is ice cream and/or cookies. I need a good 2 weeks to get it out of my system to where I will stop thinking about driving across town to go get ice cream. Once I have it, it's like it's all I can think about. But if I can go 2 weeks w/out sweets, I usually get over it & don't care one way or the other.

    I'm the same- there is no moderation for me when it comes to sweets. I've driven to the 24 hour grocery store at 3 AM to get myself a birthday cake (when it wasn't my birthday).

    I'm guilty of driving across town to get to a 24 hour place that serves shakes at 2 or 3 in the morning:blushing:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,112 Member
    I'm following dogmeat and Brendalee around. :tongue:

    Brenda, oddly I sent you a personal msg about this just a few minutes ago and didn't know you had posted this!

    Poor little 100 Cal Pak mousie.......

  • PinguimPraiero
    PinguimPraiero Posts: 48 Member
    None at all. One taste of a polyunsaturated oily starch and I am scraping the bottom of the bag.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I have an off switch for most things except cheesecake and soda. I can inhale a whole cheesecake. I can eat a entire bag of potato chips while eating out of the bag but if I portion it out I'm fine.

    I used to buy the mini-birthday cakes and eat it all.:noway:
  • KarenWantsABikini
    I find i have to give it up completely. Have no junk around the house and don't even drive PAST Mcdonalds ! If there is biscuits in the pantry i will sneak one or two, eat it really fast and tell myself that it was ok cause i ate fast and no one saw ! LOL clear the cupboards and fridge and avoid temptation. However i had myself a Darrel Lea sugar free chocolate bar on Sat, made with Splenda and really low on fat and carbs. As it was the closest thing to chocolate ive seen in three weeks....it was divine !!!!
  • kiesha82
    NONE AT ALL, i already knew this but i psyched myself anyway. This is the first weekend in 7wks that i just went ballistic, NEVER AGAIN. So glad tomorrow is Monday and i can get back on track. This is why i don't listen to my trainer when he tells me to have a cheat meal, when i do that it turns into several. My first cheat day since i started was Friday and i still been cheating and its Sunday, lol. It doesn't help that i didn't go to the gym this weekend, tomorrow back on track that's a promise. I have to be 160 in 5wks!
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    most things i have just cut out. (haven't had a french fry or hamburger since i started dieting almost 6 mos ago)
    & the saying " an open bag of chips is an empty bag of chips" certainly works for me. (haven't had any of those since august either)

    but- i can have one glass of wine with friends and stop. take a couple bites of something sweet & stop (if someone else is eating it and offered me a taste) do not want to tempt getting a dessert, or sweet & trying to stop at one bite without someone there to take it away.

    i try to keep a variety of sweet & savory snacks that range from 10 to 100 calories in the house, so i can indulge without messing up my daily intake. i've done ok, so far, but it is very hard sometimes. overall, i just say no to myself ( and go get another glass of water) & maybe try to substitute something i'm allowed to have.
  • Moderation. I keep a bag of hershey mini's or kisses and eat one or 2 when I need a fix. I am not a chip eater so I am able to count out a serving when I have a sandwich or something...ice cream I don't care for, BUT when we were in So. FL I WOULD buy a birthday cake from publix "just because" - yea just because they taste so dang good! :) Fortunately here on the West coast there are not only NO Publix stores, but also NO ONE that makes a decent cake! LOL
  • lwebsmfp
    lwebsmfp Posts: 297 Member
    Since I'm starting out I have my cravings in moderation but I hope to eventually be able to eliminate them. I may not be able to give them all up though. I like ice cream although it's not at the top of my list. I love chocolate and some other candies. I also love baked chips but haven't bought any in weeks and instead bought baby carrots to snack on when I feel that hunger kick in.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    At first I cut my major problem foods out altogether (candy especially, also chips, cookies). I've slowly added a few things (chips, pizza, I had a few cookies over the holidays) back in moderation and I have no problems with them now. I don't even crave candy anymore so that solved that problem -- no moderation needed.

    Overall for me I know complete deprivation results in failure. Even when I cut out candy, I allowed myself a sweet substitute I used frozen yogurt and diet soda cupcakes to wean myself off chocolate candy & other baked goods (suffice it to say I can relate to driving to the store at 3am to buy cake). Now 1/2 a cup of frozen yogurt is my usual sweet snack (I try to make sure even my sweet stuff contains valuable nutrition).
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    None. Once I start I can't stop.
  • spikess
    spikess Posts: 113 Member
    I've never been a big junk food eater. my problem is the size of my portions, so if i fancy something junky I usually just got for it. I'm much better these days, instead of two slices of cake i'll just have the one! :D
  • dax58
    dax58 Posts: 22 Member
    None at all for me.

    When it comes to bad food its all like pringles for me "once you pop you cant stop"

    And all the best things tend to be on offer so i get best value saying that will last till next week..... 2 hours later ive eaten the whole lot :(
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    When it comes to things you either shouldn't be eating or need to eat less of, do you find it easier to have a little once in a while or to give it up completely?

    None at all works best for me:noway:

    I'm learning to be ok with that though, because truly the longer I stay away from it the easier it is, to the point I don't even miss it.

    One of my goals is to fuel my body in as many healthy ways as possible, junk food has never felt like clean fuel to me even as I ate it, especially when I ate it. :wink: . When I've binged in the past I would go through the same exact thing each time, it got old, feelings of failure, guilt, feeling like crap, waking up like crap and realizing what the withdrawals would be like all over again:frown:

    Sugar/Salt seem hard to withdraw from, but as it's leaving my body and I'm downing more water my body begins to feel good again, what a huge difference it makes in my energy level after it's out of my system, even my self esteem as I realize I'm growing stronger and making progress and learning I can trust myself.:smooched:

    I know refined foods are not healthy and I want :heart: healthy:heart: to be in my life!! After I'm off it for awhile (sometimes within 3 days) the sugar craving is killed as long as the rest of my foods are healthy, I don't seem to crave the junk..

    Then other foods become treats to me, healthy foods such as an apple, some raw almonds,1/2 banana etc. Foods that I know are healthy for me seem to work for me to stay off the simple carbs.

    I lose the urge for it, but once on it, it's tough to get out of my mind and I'm liable to binge rather than moderate.

    Everyone has a different idea of what a treat is, for me, now it's a handful of almonds and a portion of Raisins tossed in a sandwich bag, but it didn't used to be that way.. So I do eat sweet foods but they aren't 'junk foods' like I've eaten in the past.

    Raisins have never caused me to binge! :tongue:

    Great topic, love it...you always come up with some good ones!

    i have tried to just not have any. I understand the all or nothing mentality, I have NO self control! Went to a banquet the other weekend and sure enuf as soon as they put that chocolate mousse in front of me, I inhaled it. And it was awful! It was dry and gross, but I ate it anyway. The hard thing is that we have some sweets here cause the kids get stuff for Valentine's Day and they are of a normal weight so they can have a sweet a day and it's here with me ALL DAY LONG...whispering my name..but I have not had any. My "bad" recently is that I have started "finishing" their plates which I have not done since the end of December. Portion control has been a big problem!
  • angel_eyes17
    angel_eyes17 Posts: 103 Member
    moderation. I have about 3 low cal snacks every day. I have 60 cal puddings and 40 cal fudgesickes. I'm a big 100 cal snack fan. But sometimes I have high cal like cheesecake and chocolate cake, but I just don't have the other stuff that day and I stick to smaller portions of high cal stuff.