Bulking and cutting in women

I am interested in learning about Bulking and cutting in women. I am almost 47, finally getting in good shape after a year on MFP and would like to take it to the next level. I weight train 3 days a week and do cardio 3 days a week. Eat around 1700-1900 calories a week. I'm interested in getting more definition and a bit more fat loss. I'm hoping someone has some information as I do not want to lose muscle in the process. I'm not even sure I can do it but I'm interested in learning more. Can someone explain bulking and cutting a bit, I only know what I've been reading online.


  • whiteheaddg
    whiteheaddg Posts: 325 Member
    Recommended reading...


    There is excellent info in both articles and throughout both of those websites. You can also experiment with the calculator at...


    ...to plan your own bulking/cutting method.

    You should also start with an idea of your current BF% and have a target BF% in mind. These tools can help.

    Good luck!
  • wmagoo27
    wmagoo27 Posts: 201 Member
    To preserve muscle during a cut, keep protein intake high and train heavy each workout. Whatever diet you use to cut, this will supply your muscles with enough protein, and tell your body not to burn them for reserve energy so easily.
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Yes, increase protein and decrease carbs and fat slightly for your defecit. And do this slowly over time, you dont get as quick results but they are sustainable and you dont have to worry about a quick bulk.and cut. As said aboveeep your training intensity high, lots of weights and do cardio but stick to HIIT and moderate steady state cardio, I wouldnt run more than 5k at a time when trying to.cut and maintain muscle mass, ive had to put distance running aside and focus on speed for this reason.
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    "Cutting" like for a bodybuilding show? I'm taking that's what you mean. It's a lot of work and workouts, you will consume a lot of whey protein, looking through my journal I was drinking 6 to 8 a day, I had the time so I was working out twice a day once in the morning 0530 and then in the afternoon about 4 or 5, the morning workout was only an hour and a half tops, in the afternoon I was lifting and doing cardio so maybe 3 hours.

    it was lots of fun doing a bodybuilding show I'm not sure I'll ever do another, I just wanted the check in the box to say I've done one.

    Good luck and have fun

    O one last thing I don't think they call it bulking anymore, you can try to gain muscle size but that's a whole lot harder then "cutting"
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    Thanks for the information and links, I appreciate it. I'm not looking to do a show but perhaps get close to show status. It would just be nice to take myself to the next level in time for next summer.
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    Yes, increase protein and decrease carbs and fat slightly for your defecit. And do this slowly over time, you dont get as quick results but they are sustainable and you dont have to worry about a quick bulk.and cut. As said aboveeep your training intensity high, lots of weights and do cardio but stick to HIIT and moderate steady state cardio, I wouldnt run more than 5k at a time when trying to.cut and maintain muscle mass, ive had to put distance running aside and focus on speed for this reason.

    I've backed off cardio a bit in the past few months even though I love it. I do however, do a 5 mile run 3 times a week on the days that I don't weight train. Hard to give them up but I could trade out one day for HIIT training.
  • mari0623
    mari0623 Posts: 2 Member
    If you are serious about bulking (hypertrophy), and cutting then you need to hook up with a professional to guide you through your journey. It can be slow and arduous. You have to train in cycles or phases and eat for the cycle. Basically, you would have to train 4-5 days a week, one muscle group at a time until pure muscle exhaustion. Consume 1.2 grams of protein for each lb. of body weight. Have your body comp tested.

    You look really good. You would fair well with this type of training.
  • mari0623
    mari0623 Posts: 2 Member
    I am a fitness professional if you would like some suggestions on where to find a reputable trainer. As far as HIIT, that would be utilized during your "cut" phase, and only on cardio days.

    When training for "bulk" you must keep your heart rate at a fat burning level. Once your heart rate gets too high, your body goes into the "Catabolic" pathway to reproduce energy. When performing high intensity training, or aerobic activity, the body uses calories for energy that are readily available. When your body has used the available energy, it will then tap into the stores in your lean muscle tissue. This would explain the questions "Why do I work out so hard and gain so little"? The pathway you want to stay in is creatine phospagen phase, where your body uses the fat stores, instead of glycogen to synthesize energy reproduction.

    Keep the 5 mile runs, down to 3 miles for starters. Train a large/small opposing muscle group each day, on a split with rest day or 2/rest/2. That way each muscle group has adequate recovery time. And yes, whey consumption 10-30 minutes post workout is paramount.

    It would probably be a good idea to consult with a dietician as well.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I am interested in learning about Bulking and cutting in women. I am almost 47, finally getting in good shape after a year on MFP and would like to take it to the next level. I weight train 3 days a week and do cardio 3 days a week. Eat around 1700-1900 calories a week. I'm interested in getting more definition and a bit more fat loss. I'm hoping someone has some information as I do not want to lose muscle in the process. I'm not even sure I can do it but I'm interested in learning more. Can someone explain bulking and cutting a bit, I only know what I've been reading online.

    Several have explained the how and are moreor less accurate but I want to explore the why and the what. Bulking is used primarily to cause Hypertrophy or the growing in size of the muscle tissue. That doesn't sound like what you want to do when you say, "I'm interested in getting more definition and a bit more fat loss."

    That would say to me that you want to reduce body fat a little more and continue to strength train to preserve muscle mass?? Would that be right? If so, continue to cut or eat in a conserative calorie deficit giving priority to protein at about 1 gram per lb of body weight while strength training. I'd cut cardio to one or two sessions of not more than 45 mintes or so as the body chemisty of cardio can work against maintaining lean mass as has been explained.

    As your body fat gets a little lower, your muscles will show more definition. This is basically the cutting part of the cycle. Am I understanding you correctly? You don't really need to bulk unless you truly want to add lean muscle mass. If so, you need to eat in a surplus, cut out cardio and strength train on a program that included lifting in the Hypertrophy range of 8 to 12 reps. If that's what you want, there are great programs for that. Most notably Layne Norton's PHAT. Can you clarify?
  • lady_in_weighting
    lady_in_weighting Posts: 196 Member
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    I am interested in learning about Bulking and cutting in women. I am almost 47, finally getting in good shape after a year on MFP and would like to take it to the next level. I weight train 3 days a week and do cardio 3 days a week. Eat around 1700-1900 calories a week. I'm interested in getting more definition and a bit more fat loss. I'm hoping someone has some information as I do not want to lose muscle in the process. I'm not even sure I can do it but I'm interested in learning more. Can someone explain bulking and cutting a bit, I only know what I've been reading online.

    Several have explained the how and are moreor less accurate but I want to explore the why and the what. Bulking is used primarily to cause Hypertrophy or the growing in size of the muscle tissue. That doesn't sound like what you want to do when you say, "I'm interested in getting more definition and a bit more fat loss."

    That would say to me that you want to reduce body fat a little more and continue to strength train to preserve muscle mass?? Would that be right? If so, continue to cut or eat in a conserative calorie deficit giving priority to protein at about 1 gram per lb of body weight while strength training. I'd cut cardio to one or two sessions of not more than 45 mintes or so as the body chemisty of cardio can work against maintaining lean mass as has been explained.

    As your body fat gets a little lower, your muscles will show more definition. This is basically the cutting part of the cycle. Am I understanding you correctly? You don't really need to bulk unless you truly want to add lean muscle mass. If so, you need to eat in a surplus, cut out cardio and strength train on a program that included lifting in the Hypertrophy range of 8 to 12 reps. If that's what you want, there are great programs for that. Most notably Layne Norton's PHAT. Can you clarify?

    You bring up a good point. I really do just want my muscles to get more defined. Been lifting since March steadily (before that I would lift about 6 months out of the year and slack off in summer). I could probably skip the bulking stage. I did have my bodyfat composition done with calipers and it came out to 18.93%, so I'm on the right track in that regard. I have my nutrition down pretty good but use some information about the best macros to cut more and lose fat while keeping muscle.

    Edited to add: I do currently get at a minimum 1 gram of protein per each pound of body weight.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I am interested in learning about Bulking and cutting in women. I am almost 47, finally getting in good shape after a year on MFP and would like to take it to the next level. I weight train 3 days a week and do cardio 3 days a week. Eat around 1700-1900 calories a week. I'm interested in getting more definition and a bit more fat loss. I'm hoping someone has some information as I do not want to lose muscle in the process. I'm not even sure I can do it but I'm interested in learning more. Can someone explain bulking and cutting a bit, I only know what I've been reading online.

    Several have explained the how and are moreor less accurate but I want to explore the why and the what. Bulking is used primarily to cause Hypertrophy or the growing in size of the muscle tissue. That doesn't sound like what you want to do when you say, "I'm interested in getting more definition and a bit more fat loss."

    That would say to me that you want to reduce body fat a little more and continue to strength train to preserve muscle mass?? Would that be right? If so, continue to cut or eat in a conserative calorie deficit giving priority to protein at about 1 gram per lb of body weight while strength training. I'd cut cardio to one or two sessions of not more than 45 mintes or so as the body chemisty of cardio can work against maintaining lean mass as has been explained.

    As your body fat gets a little lower, your muscles will show more definition. This is basically the cutting part of the cycle. Am I understanding you correctly? You don't really need to bulk unless you truly want to add lean muscle mass. If so, you need to eat in a surplus, cut out cardio and strength train on a program that included lifting in the Hypertrophy range of 8 to 12 reps. If that's what you want, there are great programs for that. Most notably Layne Norton's PHAT. Can you clarify?

    You bring up a good point. I really do just want my muscles to get more defined. Been lifting since March steadily (before that I would lift about 6 months out of the year and slack off in summer). I could probably skip the bulking stage. I did have my bodyfat composition done with calipers and it came out to 18.93%, so I'm on the right track in that regard. I have my nutrition down pretty good but use some information about the best macros to cut more and lose fat while keeping muscle.

    Edited to add: I do currently get at a minimum 1 gram of protein per each pound of body weight.

    Tried to view your diary to give macro input but can't get at it. Your protein is good, fats should be about .4 grams per lb and carbs should fall where the do with what's left. You can get a little more agressive by upping fats and dropping carbs if you want. If you mentioned it, I don't recall but what is your calorie intake? Could you get a little more agressive with that?

    Other than that, you've done great. Just keep doing what you are doing and you'll drop those last couple of % of body fat and the muscle definition with appear!
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    Recommended reading...


    There is excellent info in both articles and throughout both of those websites. You can also experiment with the calculator at...


    ...to plan your own bulking/cutting method.

    You should also start with an idea of your current BF% and have a target BF% in mind. These tools can help.

    Good luck!

    thanks for the video great info and it's funny
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    I am interested in learning about Bulking and cutting in women. I am almost 47, finally getting in good shape after a year on MFP and would like to take it to the next level. I weight train 3 days a week and do cardio 3 days a week. Eat around 1700-1900 calories a week. I'm interested in getting more definition and a bit more fat loss. I'm hoping someone has some information as I do not want to lose muscle in the process. I'm not even sure I can do it but I'm interested in learning more. Can someone explain bulking and cutting a bit, I only know what I've been reading online.

    Several have explained the how and are moreor less accurate but I want to explore the why and the what. Bulking is used primarily to cause Hypertrophy or the growing in size of the muscle tissue. That doesn't sound like what you want to do when you say, "I'm interested in getting more definition and a bit more fat loss."

    That would say to me that you want to reduce body fat a little more and continue to strength train to preserve muscle mass?? Would that be right? If so, continue to cut or eat in a conserative calorie deficit giving priority to protein at about 1 gram per lb of body weight while strength training. I'd cut cardio to one or two sessions of not more than 45 mintes or so as the body chemisty of cardio can work against maintaining lean mass as has been explained.

    As your body fat gets a little lower, your muscles will show more definition. This is basically the cutting part of the cycle. Am I understanding you correctly? You don't really need to bulk unless you truly want to add lean muscle mass. If so, you need to eat in a surplus, cut out cardio and strength train on a program that included lifting in the Hypertrophy range of 8 to 12 reps. If that's what you want, there are great programs for that. Most notably Layne Norton's PHAT. Can you clarify?

    You bring up a good point. I really do just want my muscles to get more defined. Been lifting since March steadily (before that I would lift about 6 months out of the year and slack off in summer). I could probably skip the bulking stage. I did have my bodyfat composition done with calipers and it came out to 18.93%, so I'm on the right track in that regard. I have my nutrition down pretty good but use some information about the best macros to cut more and lose fat while keeping muscle.

    Edited to add: I do currently get at a minimum 1 gram of protein per each pound of body weight.

    Tried to view your diary to give macro input but can't get at it. Your protein is good, fats should be about .4 grams per lb and carbs should fall where the do with what's left. You can get a little more agressive by upping fats and dropping carbs if you want. If you mentioned it, I don't recall but what is your calorie intake? Could you get a little more agressive with that?

    Other than that, you've done great. Just keep doing what you are doing and you'll drop those last couple of % of body fat and the muscle definition with appear!

    I just recently upped my calories from 1700 to 1900 daily. In looking at my percentages, they are as follows (weekly view). Last week, Protein 22%, Carbs 38%, Fat 41% , Week before, Protein 21%, Carbs 37%, Fat 42%, and one more week before, Protein 22%, Carbs 36%, Fat 43%. (Just wanted to give you a bigger picture than just one week). I do tend to go high on fats to keep carbs low and it seems to be working. Just need to bring my proteins up a bit as I'm not consistently getting 1 gram per lb of body weight every day which throws off my weekly numbers.

    Thank you for the encouragement. I can continue to do what I'm doing and perhaps I'm being impatient but I think i'm more concerned about whether I am on the right track for my goals.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I "bulked" last winter. Gained 10lbs. I'm not very good at "cutting" however....
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I am in bulk right now. My body fat went down to 16% and it got very obvious that cutting was not giving me the physique I wanted. I will bulk for 3 months or until I get to 10 pounds gain then cut. I do not do it for competition just for long term health.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I am interested in learning about Bulking and cutting in women. I am almost 47, finally getting in good shape after a year on MFP and would like to take it to the next level. I weight train 3 days a week and do cardio 3 days a week. Eat around 1700-1900 calories a week. I'm interested in getting more definition and a bit more fat loss. I'm hoping someone has some information as I do not want to lose muscle in the process. I'm not even sure I can do it but I'm interested in learning more. Can someone explain bulking and cutting a bit, I only know what I've been reading online.

    Several have explained the how and are moreor less accurate but I want to explore the why and the what. Bulking is used primarily to cause Hypertrophy or the growing in size of the muscle tissue. That doesn't sound like what you want to do when you say, "I'm interested in getting more definition and a bit more fat loss."

    That would say to me that you want to reduce body fat a little more and continue to strength train to preserve muscle mass?? Would that be right? If so, continue to cut or eat in a conserative calorie deficit giving priority to protein at about 1 gram per lb of body weight while strength training. I'd cut cardio to one or two sessions of not more than 45 mintes or so as the body chemisty of cardio can work against maintaining lean mass as has been explained.

    As your body fat gets a little lower, your muscles will show more definition. This is basically the cutting part of the cycle. Am I understanding you correctly? You don't really need to bulk unless you truly want to add lean muscle mass. If so, you need to eat in a surplus, cut out cardio and strength train on a program that included lifting in the Hypertrophy range of 8 to 12 reps. If that's what you want, there are great programs for that. Most notably Layne Norton's PHAT. Can you clarify?

    You bring up a good point. I really do just want my muscles to get more defined. Been lifting since March steadily (before that I would lift about 6 months out of the year and slack off in summer). I could probably skip the bulking stage. I did have my bodyfat composition done with calipers and it came out to 18.93%, so I'm on the right track in that regard. I have my nutrition down pretty good but use some information about the best macros to cut more and lose fat while keeping muscle.

    Edited to add: I do currently get at a minimum 1 gram of protein per each pound of body weight.

    Tried to view your diary to give macro input but can't get at it. Your protein is good, fats should be about .4 grams per lb and carbs should fall where the do with what's left. You can get a little more agressive by upping fats and dropping carbs if you want. If you mentioned it, I don't recall but what is your calorie intake? Could you get a little more agressive with that?

    Other than that, you've done great. Just keep doing what you are doing and you'll drop those last couple of % of body fat and the muscle definition with appear!

    I just recently upped my calories from 1700 to 1900 daily. In looking at my percentages, they are as follows (weekly view). Last week, Protein 22%, Carbs 38%, Fat 41% , Week before, Protein 21%, Carbs 37%, Fat 42%, and one more week before, Protein 22%, Carbs 36%, Fat 43%. (Just wanted to give you a bigger picture than just one week). I do tend to go high on fats to keep carbs low and it seems to be working. Just need to bring my proteins up a bit as I'm not consistently getting 1 gram per lb of body weight every day which throws off my weekly numbers.

    Thank you for the encouragement. I can continue to do what I'm doing and perhaps I'm being impatient but I think i'm more concerned about whether I am on the right track for my goals.

    I'd probably up protein and drop carbs a little. It's a little hard to tell in % instead of grams but overall you are on track and look great! Just keep on keepin' on. Those last few % of body fat can be slow coming off.
  • jrreed1
    jrreed1 Posts: 57 Member
    bump to check out links later
  • pamelapeldo
    pamelapeldo Posts: 47 Member
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    or a relatively older woman i would suggest instead of bulking (young women dont really bulk anyways especially not like men because they cant add much muscle anyways) they might get around 5-10lbs heavier but i suggest just eating at matinance when not cutting or maybe 100cals over just to heal from the metabolism from dieting... but no dirty bulks like men do it will be harder for women to take off the body fat especially if you are over 40.