
I weigh myself today and I gain a pound and a half I weigh myself every other week). I don't really understand why. I have been under my calorie goal every day except once and I have contiune to exercise on a regular basis. Any suggestions ? I really want to be successful!


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Weight loss is not linear.. its probably water retention.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Water retention could be an explanation. I weighed in at 149 late last week, then the next day I shot up 4 lbs! I know I did not eat the equivelent of 4 lbs, but then a day or two later, I got my period, so my weight gain is more than likely water weight and will HOPEFULLY be gone by the time it's over.
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    I guess there's a lot of possible reasons...

    Calorie goal is wrong?
    You've not been logging everything?
    The day you overate, you ate enough to eat back all the loss from the previous 2 weeks + that days intake + 3500 cals?
    You have been drinking more water?
    You've been working out with heavy weights more?
    It's a natural fluctation and tomorrow you'll be 3lbs lighter than today?

    Scales are only a small part of the story. At most they give you some information which you can compile with other information such as measurements and most importantly the mirror to come to a conclusion about how well your diet/exercise regime is working.

    So I guess the main question is: Do you look better or worse than 2 weeks ago?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Btw, go into your settings and adjust your macro to 35% carbs, 40% protein and 25% fats. High protein diets are much more effective for preserving lbm during weight loss.
  • Arrabindi
    Arrabindi Posts: 169 Member
    I just checked your diary, and I think you're underestimating what you eat and overestimate your exercise calories.
    Are you sure you're logging everything accurately? Do you use any oil for cooking your frequently logged breakfast (turkey patty, mushroom, canned potatoes)? It also seems like you often have take-out for lunch, which makes it really difficult to estimate the calories. I think you could also be overestimating your exercise calories. Do you wear a heart rate monitor? I seriously doubt you burned over 1000 calories by "light cleaning" on October 5th, and I don't think 45 minutes on a stationary bike will burn 430 calories, unless you're really obese, which it doesn't look like from your picture. If you're going to eat back all your exercise calories, you need to make sure you're logging them correctly.
  • jjusticenow
    I just checked your diary, and I think you're underestimating what you eat and overestimate your exercise calories.
    Are you sure you're logging everything accurately? Do you use any oil for cooking your frequently logged breakfast (turkey patty, mushroom, canned potatoes)? It also seems like you often have take-out for lunch, which makes it really difficult to estimate the calories. I think you could also be overestimating your exercise calories. Do you wear a heart rate monitor? I seriously doubt you burned over 1000 calories by "light cleaning" on October 5th, and I don't think 45 minutes on a stationary bike will burn 430 calories, unless you're really obese, which it doesn't look like from your picture. If you're going to eat back all your exercise calories, you need to make sure you're logging them correctly

    Thank you for taking the time to respond. I wanted to respond to your helpful comments:
    1. I log everything I eat. I actual sit in the morning and create a menu.
    2. I do not cook with oil. The sausage is frozen and the potatos and the mushroom so there is enought liquid so it does not burn. Before you ask I do not use any dressing on my salads.
    3. I very rarely have take out for lunch. You must have just looked at the fast few days (chinese, dinner on Oct 5th with my husband, Monday night dinner with the kids). I make my lunch every day. On the few days I have take out I research the menu on the internet and I log according to MFP. A lot of times I only eat a portion of the meal and will bring it in another day for lunch.
    4. As far as exercising on Oct 5th I cleaned my two car garage. I carried all the boxes out of the garage, swept the garage, put boxes in the attic and then put everything back,
    5. I ride the exercise bike for 45 minutes using the intervals on level three which is very difficult for me. I really have to work hard.
    Thank you for giving me some ideas to possible to reveiw.
  • jjusticenow
    Thank you for the tip
  • jjusticenow
    Thank you for taking the time to resopond.
    I am going to change my calorie goal. Recently at work I have not been as active. The doctor's office I manage the doc has been out so I have been doing more things at my desk. This changed the calorie account to 1200.
    I really log everything I eat. I really use this as my primary tool in weight loss. I am only cheating myself.
    The day I over ate it was only 12 calories.
    My water intake has remained the same.
    I have increased all of the weights by 5 pounds.
    What is TOM?
    My body is in full swing of changes (not fun) losing weight is very difficult.
    I hope the calorie change makes a difference
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Thank you for taking the time to resopond.
    I am going to change my calorie goal. Recently at work I have not been as active. The doctor's office I manage the doc has been out so I have been doing more things at my desk. This changed the calorie account to 1200.
    I really log everything I eat. I really use this as my primary tool in weight loss. I am only cheating myself.
    The day I over ate it was only 12 calories.
    My water intake has remained the same.
    I have increased all of the weights by 5 pounds.
    What is TOM?
    My body is in full swing of changes (not fun) losing weight is very difficult.
    I hope the calorie change makes a difference

    TOM = Time of the month.
  • jeme3
    jeme3 Posts: 355 Member
    3. I very rarely have take out for lunch. You must have just looked at the fast few days (chinese, dinner on Oct 5th with my husband, Monday night dinner with the kids).

    Could be a great deal of sodium in those meals causing water retention. That could account for up to four or five pounds.
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    IMO, you are eating too many pre packaged sugar and salt filled snacks. Lots of candy, chocolate, granola bars, chips and pretzels and even quite a bit of canned fruit. maybe you should turn your sugar and salt down a notch and increase your protein. have a small handfull of raw almonds instead of candy for a snack. Eat some raw veggies with some low fat ranch dressing instead of chips and pretzels... see if that helps!
  • jjusticenow
    Thank you I added sugar and salt to my diary this should help me be more aware of my numbers.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    IMO, you are eating too many pre packaged sugar and salt filled snacks. Lots of candy, chocolate, granola bars, chips and pretzels and even quite a bit of canned fruit. maybe you should turn your sugar and salt down a notch and increase your protein. have a small handfull of raw almonds instead of candy for a snack. Eat some raw veggies with some low fat ranch dressing instead of chips and pretzels... see if that helps!

    Sugar is a carb.. so if your carbs are moderate, your sugar will be too.. It's really not necessary to track. Sodium and Fiber are more important.
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    IMO, you are eating too many pre packaged sugar and salt filled snacks. Lots of candy, chocolate, granola bars, chips and pretzels and even quite a bit of canned fruit. maybe you should turn your sugar and salt down a notch and increase your protein. have a small handfull of raw almonds instead of candy for a snack. Eat some raw veggies with some low fat ranch dressing instead of chips and pretzels... see if that helps!

    Sugar is a carb.. so if your carbs are moderate, your sugar will be too.. It's really not necessary to track. Sodium and Fiber are more important.

    I agree somewhat, but there is a big difference between the sugar from a candy and the sugar from plain oatmeal :wink:
  • Caffeine_Addict
    Caffeine_Addict Posts: 178 Member

    should do it.