ugg...ready to throw in the towel :(

So I've been fighting these last 10 pounds for the past 5 years or so. I go up then down etc etc. For me to lose I need to be super strict with logging my food and really carving out a lot of time for exercise. Last fall we put our house on the market and so my exercise pretty much ceased. Then between the holidays, moving to an apartment, building a house and switching jobs I found myself back up in weight again. This summer I dedicated to again trying to lose it. AFter 10 weeks I was down maybe 4-5 pounds. Pretty frustrating. We then had a BBQ party at our house that was catered. I let myself have a "free" day..basically didn't worry about what I ate. Then of course we had leftovers that I didn't wnat to throw away so I ate that for a couple more days. AFter a week I was up 3 pounds. I knew I didn't actually eat an extra 10,000 calories so hoped it was just temporary. After another week or so I was up another 1-2 pounds. AT this point I just said forget it...why do I work so hard for 10 weeks, only to have it fall apart in just a couple. It's been a few weeks since then and I go in spurts..somedays I want to get back to it and other days I say why bother. I like to exercise, but it's hard to do it as much as I like with a FT job, 2 kids etc etc. (I averaged 2 workouts a week at work, try to take a 20-30 min walk the other days and 1 workout on the weekend). These 10 pounds would get me about my prepregnancy weight...definitely not under weight. Anyone else have this difficulty and just wonder of it's worth it? My like has to revolve around my logging in foods, looking up calories etc etc to lose weight and sometimes it just gets to be too much.....


  • RockinSkiBunny
    RockinSkiBunny Posts: 152 Member
    I think you need to stop beating yourself up over a few lbs. Don't frustrate yourself like that. AL ot of it is probably water weight and too much salt etc after eating lie that. Trust me..I am bad a lot on my weekends and know how that feels.
  • marielusha
    I really think you should worry about inches not weight :)
  • strawberru314
    strawberru314 Posts: 26 Member
    You may want to reassess your goal weight to see if it is realistic for you. If you are at a healthy weight, your body might just be a little heavier than your were pre-pregnancy. That is ok too. I would not stress about the last few pounds. Keep being active and watching what you eat.
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    You are letting life throw you off your game. You need to grab it by the balls and go after what you want. Everyone has stuff to deal with, you can either deal with it and stay in the game or give in, make excuses and get out of the game. Up to you.
  • tlo5
    tlo5 Posts: 16
    Don't throw in the towel!!! I'm a mom of 5 (birthed 4) and I work so hard too... I've totally been in the same boat as you. I do Insanity at this moment and it has helped me so much. I'm commited! I have 9lbs to go and honestly I've lost 1lb since starting, but I've lost inches in areas I didn't think was possible. You can do this!!! I'm 35 and I don't want to lose sight of what's important... HEALTHY Heart and body... YOU CAN DO IT!!! You have to take care of you to take care of your family. ;) Try Insanity... Next, I'm doing the Beach Body Ultimate Reset to get rid of my 9lbs. We'll see if it helps... I've heard great things about it. I highly recommend a program that's daily and keeps you on track. I only take off Sunday's. If you can get involved in local runs in your area, that helps out too.
  • skelley331
    skelley331 Posts: 38 Member
    It sounds like you are under alot of stress and as we all know stress adds lbs, i agree with everyone else don't worry about that 10lbs, just focus on getting back on track, we all lose sight i know i did and this week i managed to lose 2.8lbs so re-evaluate things and take it one day at a time. Good luck
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    If trying to fit exercise in is a problem you can still lose weight without it. Of course it is good for you to exercise. Try not stressing over exercising but doing it when you can. It's okay to go over from time to time but it helps if we get right back on track the next day. Next time freeze the food that is leftover and save it for another day. I cheat all the time but I get right back on track the next day. Sure I gain a pound or two but it comes right back off if I get right back on track. I have a 7 night 8 day cruise coming up in December. I plan to enjoy myself because I know I can get the weight back off if I gain, I however will try to exercise some on the boat and try not to over indulge every day but we will see how that goes. I'm not gonna beat myself up over it though and I will be back on track right after cause this is a lifestyle change for me not a diet.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I really think you should worry about inches not weight :)


    add some strength training to your routine, and dont worry about the scale so much!
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    This is why I don't even own a scale. Don't obssess over numbers. If you feel better, and look better keep at it! It's not about some temporary changes, it's a new lifestyle. You will make mistakes, but it doesn't mean you just chuck it all. It's a learning experience!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    nevermind, I misread.
  • beccala18
    beccala18 Posts: 293 Member
    If at this point you are frustrated, then take a break! Switch over to maintenance calories, keep working out, and just let yourself breathe a little. The more you stress, the worse you are going to feel. Allow yourself a month or two month maintenance break, then switch back to weight loss mode.

    Also, take measurements (if you haven't already) and use that as a benchmark as well. There are times when pounds won't come off but inches are - your body is redistributing where the weight is.

    You can do this!
  • FelicityEliza36
    FelicityEliza36 Posts: 252 Member
    # 1 - How much have you lost thus far? Weight and inches...

    # 2 - If you have completely changed your body and your mind why are you worrying about your LAST 10 lbs? You seem like you have probably accomplished so much more than just those last 10 lbs. Be proud of what you have already lost and dont obsess over it....
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Don't throw any towels in!

    I think it would be best for you to change your goal from weight loss to finishing a program, like Insanity, Body Revolution, etc. Even a 30 day one is a good start, like 30 Day Shred or Ripped in 30. They really make a huge difference in body composition without making big changes to your diet if you're already eating moderately healthy. The 30 day ones only take a half hour too, which is doable.
  • steph0924
    steph0924 Posts: 78 Member
    Wow! I could have written that same post myself! After both of my pregnancies I had no trouble at all getting back to my prepregnancy weight, but my prepregnancy weight was always 10 or so pounds more than I'd like to be. So, right now I am 146 and would like to be 135. I always ask myself why was it so easy to get from 164 (after pregnancy) to 146, but to try to get down to 135 feels like climbing a mountain? I think for me it is just a matter of being comfortable. I was soooo not comfortable at 164 and worked my butt off to get to where I am now. Then, I slack. I think 146 isn't so bad. I can wear a 10. Then, even though I workout all the time, I would sabatoge my efforts with my diet. Eating more than I should, not logging it. Splurging on the weekends, ruining everything I did during the week when I am more strict.

    I've never been thin. I've always been kinda chunky and this I feel works against me more, but I refuse to give up. I swear I will see 135 before the end of the year! So, I have no idea if any of this relates to you, but I decided one morning about 5 weeks ago that 146 is just not where I want to be anymore. I don't want that to be my confortable weight. I started P90X on Sept 8 and haven't missed a workout. It is my priority for what I am trying to accomplish right now. I work FT also, get home, get dinner, work on homework with the kids (10 and 6 yo) and they play while I workout between 7:30 and 8:30 pm. No, I do not have the most organized house on the planet right now, but it is the thing that has to give while I am on this journey to get to this goal finally!!! Also, weekends are no longer a free for all for me. I am counting all on the weekends too, because gosh calories add up fast!!! So, don't throw in the towel! I know I don't see a lot of peeps around here that have a similiar struggle to lose just 10 pounds, but I do!
  • steph0924
    steph0924 Posts: 78 Member
    You are letting life throw you off your game. You need to grab it by the balls and go after what you want. Everyone has stuff to deal with, you can either deal with it and stay in the game or give in, make excuses and get out of the game. Up to you.

    ^^^ I love this!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Try focusing more on your muscle tone and physical endurance than the weight. It may very well help you lose that extra weight and gain much more than just "skinny" in the process.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    If you're 10lbs from your personal goal weight, it's highly unlikely that you are at a weight right now that is challenging your health.

    You know what's harder than losing the last 10lbs? Keeping them off. The people who maintain exquisite bodies are the ones who live, breathe, and most importantly, LOVE fitness. Their body is a reflection of what they love to do.

    Is 10lbs worth this amount of anguish? I could stand to lose 10lbs of fat myself. I decided I'd rather eat cookies once in a while and be able to take a break without beating myself up.
  • chardi7
    chardi7 Posts: 42 Member
    Try Intermittent Fasting :)
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Don't throw in the towel!! I've heard the last 10 pounds can be grueling. And the scale is VERY fickle!!!

    Yes, you're going to have to food journel "ad nauseum", and I agree with someone else who said that a lot of it is probably water weight or due to salt intake (particularly with the BBQ - LOTS of salt). Someone else suggested paying more attention to measurements - also a great idea.

    One thing that's helped me a lot in terms of "having enough data" was getting a Fitbit. It syncs with MyFitnessPal and the website for it is free. I make sure I look at the "calories burned vs. calorie intake" chart - and as long as the calories burned line is above the calorie intake line, I'm going to lose weight.

    Having that insight has kept me from throwing in the towl since I got it in February because I have enough data to show me I'm going in the right direction. I've been on this journey since June 2011, and have lost 102 pounds, and have another 100+-ish to go.

    (And don't forget to drink lots of water and get in lots of fiber!)

    Keep at it! You can do it!!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Wow ready to throw a healthy lifestyle out the window over a few pounds???? What's more important? A lot of people will get so focused over the number and the scale and are so convinced that if they can lose 5 or 10 more pounds they will have the body they desire. When what they really need is to strength train/ lift weights to add more lean muscle mass for a slimmer look. Also if you're plateau'd there is a good chance you're not netting enough calories and actually need to eat more!!

    What is your current weight and height?

    How many calories are you netting a day?

    What types of workouts are you doing?