Day two! Seeking buddies for motivation and accountability!

I'm new to MFP, after finding the app yesterday while bored at work. For the past year, I've been feeling bad about the 20-30 pounds I need to lose. Every time I've tried mentally or manually tracking calories, I get frustrated or distracted, and quickly fall off the wagon. I'm a huge iPhone junkie, tracking all sorts of numbers and financial goals daily on my phone, so I think the MFP app might actually work for me! (I hope!). It's interactive, simple, and gadget-y... I like it. :-)

Sooo... Sadly, I have no friends on here, yet. I'd love some friend requests and online buddies to chat with and keep me motivated. Here's some junk about me:

I'm 25 years old, and graduated from college in December with my Geology degree. In January, I began working as a geologist for an environmental consulting firm. Blah blah blah, that's what I do.

From age 13 to 23ish, I maintained a reasonable weight of 145 to 150 pounds (based on my height, 5'8"). Within my last year of college, I plumped up to the 164 to 169 (at my very heaviest) range. Yesterday, I was at 164... Making my BMI 24.9%... a mere 0.1% away from leaving the "normal" weight range and crossing into the "obese" weight range for my height. I'm scared. I don't want to let my body go. I don't want to wake up 35 years old and 300 pounds. (Hey, it's possible... It happened to my mother).

My current weight loss goal is 19 pounds, at 1 pound per week. I don't want to set unrealistic goals or make drastic lifestyle changes... This will set me up for failure. Instead, I'm trying to gradually ease into better eating habits (hence the low, 1 pound per week goal).

Any guidance and support from newbies or seasoned MFP members would be great. Just having someone to encourage me or congratulate any progress I make would be awesome!


  • i'm a newbie here too! yesterday was my first day, but i too am feeling rather motivated at this early stage! kind of like you, i don't have a ton of weight to lose, but that dreaded 15-20 pounds (which i think is the worst!). i've joined with my sister and a friend who seem to also struggle with that last 15 pounds and go in spurts of i'm-doing-awesome-i've-lost-10-pounds to holy-****-i-ate-the-whole-pan-of-brownies! just remember WE CAN DO THIS!
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    Keep at it.
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    Have a read about body fat percentage as well as bmi; this is a good article
    Open your food diary to friends, and I'll friend ya.
  • Kkparsley: Omg, I swear that extra 20 pounds is the WORST! Constantly being *almost* thin, grrrr!!!!!

    Pedal: Thanks!!!!!!

    Guybrush: Diary settings changed... Didn't realize it was hidden, thanks! I'm going to check out that article now.
  • sweetkeys
    sweetkeys Posts: 81 Member
    love having new friends to share the journey - add me if you'd like!