Not eating enough


i weight 71 kg and am 163cm tall and i am currently on a 1260 calorie eating plan, ever since ive started my fitness pal ive relised how few calories i actually eat each day, each day im struggling to get up to 1260 calories, wich means im under eating so if i eat 1260 calories i feel that i wil put on more weight :(
im feeling like losing weight is hopeless, and that it wil never achieve my 10 kg goal


  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    Had to do some quick math...For the Americans around here. =)

    So you're 5'4" and at 156 now trying to get to 134. Okay. I see from your profile you're 18 years old so your estimated BMR is 1473, if you're fairly sedintary (desk job) your TDEE will be 1767 which means a 25 cut in calories for you would take you right back to near your BMR. 1415. That's what I would suggest you shoot for maybe set your goal at 1425 minumum, and eat back any exercise calories you earn. If you're more active you might set it at 1500 but I say 1425 is a good minimum.

    What helped me was to up my protein percentage and concentrate on that. Somehow when I weat more protein the rest falls into place and I end up having better meals. Fell free to check out my food dialry for meal ideas it's open.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    That's one of the biggest drawbacks of prematurely and unnecessarily cutting calories too low and why it's not recommended for those with not much fat mass to begin with and/or not much to lose. Basically, we all have a calorie range where we'd lose weight - the higher end is more sustainable with fewer endocrinological alterations whereas the lower end results in more: ie greatly reduced RMR and serum leptin concentration levels. Thus, the combination of chronic calorie restriction and decreased leptin continues the cycle of eating less and less as time goes on. Next thing you know, you are feeling full on half the calories. Add in psychological changes such as paranoia and anxiety over "weight regain" and that's a recipe for disaster as cortisol levels shoot through the roof and lead to excess water retention and fat storage. You also expose yourself to disordered eating when this happens.
  • mearlie
    mearlie Posts: 224
    That's one of the biggest drawbacks of prematurely and unnecessarily cutting calories too low and why it's not recommended for those with not much fat mass to begin with and/or not much to lose. Basically, we all have a calorie range where we'd lose weight - the higher end is more sustainable with fewer endocrinological alterations whereas the lower end results in more: ie greatly reduced RMR and serum leptin concentration levels. Thus, the combination of chronic calorie restriction and decreased leptin continues the cycle of eating less and less as time goes on. Next thing you know, you are feeling full on half the calories. Add in psychological changes such as paranoia and anxiety over "weight regain" and that's a recipe for disaster as cortisol levels shoot through the roof and lead to excess water retention and fat storage. You also expose yourself to disordered eating when this happens.

    This is the best, most inspiring explanation I've ever read about eating the right amount of calories! Thank you for such a short and sweet explanation!