My dirty little secret

MirandaJayne Posts: 600 Member
edited September 20 in Success Stories
I have to get this off my chest now. I have a dirty little secret, and it's a sad one.

The 6 lbs I lost, I have gained back, and I gained them all back over my 3 day weekend away at Blue Mountain with Kevin.

Every night we were there, we ate out at a restaurant and I did not necessarily make the most healthiest of choices, because, well I skied all day Saturday and did lots of walking around through the day, so I figured I was ok to treat myself.

But that was a week and a half ago you say.

:sad: yes I know, and though I have been back at the gym, I did not have step class Monday as it was a Holiday, Tuesday I was still a little sore from skiing on Saturday so I continued to rest up, Wednesday I had a Youth conference that started 8:00, so I didn't want to go to the gym and be late to the conference. Thursday I had a networking breakfast that I had to be at for 7:15am, so again I couldn't make it to my morning class. Friday was my firstday back to the gym. I went to work this Saturday, but I had a basement party. I tried to be good, but I had like 6-8 bud light limes, nachos, nacho dip, pita bread w hummus and guacamole. All not good.

Yesterday I resolved that I was going to be on a better track yesterday and today would be 100% back on the healthy eating exercise wagon. So far so good.

The really hard part is sharing with everyone my failures and having to change my myfitnesspal ticker back thusly erasing all the weight loss to date.

But this is the point of the blogging, being more accountable, and really this is also an opportunity for others who may struggle to see they aren't alone and that its normal that people trip and fall, its all about you picking yourself back up, dusting off and getting back in the game.

Today I am back in the game!


  • You are inspiring by sharing your truths!! I hope your hard work in the next while pays off ten fold :) Good luck!
  • Oh, honey, we've all been there. Don't feel too disappointed in yourself. The important thing is that you've decided to get back on track, and so long as you keep your goals in mind, you will succeed- even if you treat yourself every now and again. Today's a new day: make it count! GL :bigsmile:
  • Well done for getting back in there and admitting where you went wrong. It's easy to keep dieting when you are losing weight it is harder when you don't see the results but if you stick in there it will come back off. I'm a firm believer in not letting one bad day ruin a week and the sooner you get back on track the better but you do have to let yourself have a blow out every now and then.

    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I just read in a weight loss book that those who are successful at weight loss are the people who make mistakes but instead feeling like a failure and quitting they get right back on track and learn from their mistakes! Keep going it will be worth it in the end!
  • Kudos to you for getting it off your chest! Now you can breathe easier and get back on track! Good luck with your weight loss journey!
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I just read in a weight loss book that those who are successful at weight loss are the people who make mistakes but instead feeling like a failure and quitting they get right back on track and learn from their mistakes! Keep going it will be worth it in the end!

    great advice!!!! I gained a lot of weight back over christmas. And it truly did make me more motivated. I'm now on a way better exercise plan, so that was a great change for me.

    Good luck getting back on track!
  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    Good for you for putting it all out there. Way to start back up!
  • Glad you are back at 100%
  • kiki75243
    kiki75243 Posts: 194 Member
    Thanks for sharing that story I didn't do to well this weekend either I did work out but I didn't always eat good. Today is a new day and I'm back on track to. Good to see I'm not the only one.
  • I can relate. I went on my first cruise over the holidays. I knew how dangerous the food could be before we went & promised myself I would watch it. We really did only eat 3 pretty healthy meals a day and what we could in the dining room instead of the buffet. But the alcohol was another story. At least with the food you had to go into the serving areas. The booze was everywhere & anywhere you looked and if you didn't see a bar set up, then they were walking around with it. I haven't been a drinker in years, but for some reason I enjoyed it way too much on the ship! I gained 5 pounds between Christmas and the cruise afterward and just now finally got it off. Every pound I lose is a struggle, yet it can really come on quick.
  • Baab1
    Baab1 Posts: 1
    Thank you for the story. We are all human we fall and we get up start again.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    You are not alone!!!! My struggle is always on the weekend!!!! But you dust yourself and get back on the wagon. Thank goodness for second chances! You can do it. We've all been there. :wink:

  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    Hang in there..... as discussed with one of my best friends here on MFP, sometimes we succeed on our journey not "despite" our setbacks, but because we REFUSE TO GIVE UP when we have them. We all have our moments where things don't go so well.... it's picking ourselves up and continually improving, trying again, and not throwing in the towel that enables us to make progress, and do better. You can do this, I am proud of you for learning something from your experience, and especially for not giving up!!!!
    :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    I can't express how much I appreciate you sharing this :) I think it's going to help that you've got ALL of us on your side cheering you on while you get back on track!

    I'm glad you enjoyed your trip!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hey at least you've admitted it! And you are on track now again. That is the biggest thing you can do for yourself, and the best.

    Also, I stayed at Blue Mountain a year and a half ago on a work trip and how can you NOT gain weight there? That place is fantastic with the cobblestone street area and all the restaurants and bars. Not to mention the awesome food!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Wow - - - you gained 6 pounds in a 3 day weekend? That means you ate maintenance calories,,, plus 7,000 calories a day too much! That's amazing! Where the heck were you having dinner - Sicky's house o'pizza & custard?

    Settle down, get back on track and get your diet and exercise back under control and I'll bet you're back where you were pretty quickly. Between the wierd eating and the exercise (skiing is hard work) I'll bet your body is retaining a gallon of water.

    Let's see where you are in a couple days... :smile:
  • JeanneTops
    JeanneTops Posts: 2,633 Member
    I'm slowly going "public" here and this post of yours has been the inspiration for the next step. My goal, as I lose weight, is to figure out how not to gain it back. You described very succinctly how the "gaining back" process starts. I admire your openness and I think it must help you to stop the "gaining back".

    So I've started a blog on MFP on how not to gain the weight back and I used your "Dirty Little Secret" as part of my first comment.

    I can see that you're already back on track. Congratulations! You are an inspiration. Thanks.
  • cfischer81
    cfischer81 Posts: 111 Member
    Good for you, getting back on track! I have to agree with must be retaining at least a few pounds in water because you would have been eating 9,000+ calories a day to gain 6 lbs. I've notice restaurant food has a lot of sodium so hit the gym and drink LOTS of water and I bet you'll have it off in no time!
    I had a "bad" weekend over Valentine's day weekend and it was HARD to say NO MORE and get back on track but it was so worth so!
  • MirandaJayne
    MirandaJayne Posts: 600 Member
    Yes this was Vday weekend here in Ontario it was a long weekend, Monday is a newish holiday here (2nd year) Family Day (to break up the long strech betweek getting back from xmas break and march break or easter.

    Anyways Yes it must have been water weight cuz I didn't eat all taht much more than i normally do (though def had fish and chips at a pub the saturday night then pasta the sunday night lol)

    But since getting back to the gym i have already lost 2.8 lbs (gotta love those digital scales).

    Thank :happy:
  • saritacg7
    saritacg7 Posts: 9 Member
    i feel ur pain after being great for two weeks i just chowed down on some pizza hut!!! I was planning to go to sleep, but thanks to ur post i'm gonna jump on the elliptical see if i can take it off, lol. Don't worry stay focus and u will be back on track in no time just consider it a learning curve for upcoming temptations!!!!
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