Anyone feel this way?

I feel like i'm not getting enough friend requests lol, I need friends who are motivated and have a good attitude. Requests Please? 12070 calorie diet range.


  • DaniJeanine
    DaniJeanine Posts: 473 Member
    Request from fellow Zumba addict accepted :-)
  • SheenaLSmith
    I feel the same way!
  • goldengirlamiee
    goldengirlamiee Posts: 13 Member
    scroll my friends list - everyone is super friendly, motivating and helpful. I only get on a few times a day, but i try to encourage !!!
  • adpatrick92
    adpatrick92 Posts: 67 Member
    I meant 1270 Calorie diet lol.
  • amylouize2012
    amylouize2012 Posts: 268 Member
    Feel free to add me you guys xx
  • badmunke
    The friends I have no longer use this site much. I'm getting so unmotivated anymore & would appreciate some new support. Anyone is welcome to add me as well. Have a lovely day all. =)
  • currierand
    currierand Posts: 155 Member
    I'm new here (and new to dieting in general). I have a question. What exactly do friends (on this site) do for you? I get that it helps keep you accountable but this is a genuine question. Is there more to it? Maybe I just don't get it yet? Oh, and I am also a Zumba addict and would love to talk with like minded people. Maybe I just answered my own question?