Motivation Help Needed!

I need people to help motivate me to excerise and eat healthier! I would like to lose about 15-20 pounds. If you can send me what your eating, what your diong to work out.. i will take all the advice/help i can get.

Thanks :)


  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    I, and everyone else here, could send you what we do and what we eat - but the bottom line is YOU have to find the determination to actually take the advice and implement it!! We can be your biggest cheerleaders, but if you opt to sit on the couch and eat ice cream - the cheering section will go quiet.

    The fact is, you need to move more - regardless..... more cardio more weights.....all of the above. Eat less processed foods, eat more raw veggies and lean protein. Reduce carbs and increase water.

    My tricks may or may not work for you - we all have our own special formula that works for our bodies and our lifestyle. MFP has great tools to get your calorie intake where it needs to be to lose weight. If you only need to lose 15-20lbs - I'd suggest putting your settings at .5lbs per week, but no more that 1lb per week loss.

    Get up and move - YOU CAN DO IT!
  • jdownes89
    :) Thank you!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    motivation doesnt last, which is why its recommended daily - like bathing.

    here's the trick about motivation though, the 'catch'.

    It cannot be stored.
    It cannot be put in the fridge until later.
    It cannot be hoarded or stacked up around you or saved as a jpeg with 1423 other motivations in a file on your computer.

    You have to use as soon as you get it and then release it back into the universe for others to be motivated by. Release back out there so others can use it. Release it by using it to its fullest extent. use it all up and it will be so much stronger when you let it go back out there.

    its just a moment.

    Motivation is a fleeting beautiful thing that takes the edge off doing something out of sheer determination and willpower. People will tell you over and over, myself included, that you MUST learn how to motivate yourself if you are going to make it any distance toward your goals... but Im going to tell you something different.

    Dont lean on motivation. be surprised by it when it happens upon you- or love it when you create your own. BUT DONT LEAN ON IT.

    Lean on your WILLPOWER.
    Lean hard on your determination to prove to yourself that you can do this.
    Stick to your training.
    Pick something too big to work toward.
    Use discipline and prove you really want it.
    Actions speak louder than words.
    Willpower is more reliable than motivation because you CAN control that.

    You dont need the spoonful of sugar to make the medicine work.
  • massaoli
    massaoli Posts: 170 Member
    jdownes89 wrote: »
    I need people to help motivate me to excerise and eat healthier! I would like to lose about 15-20 pounds. If you can send me what your eating, what your diong to work out.. i will take all the advice/help i can get.

    Thanks :)

    Check out just for today thread, it keeps me focused for the day, and motivated. We all can do something positive just one day right? And then the next day and again and before u know it ur body and food are ur best friends in a positive way. Eat what u like in moderation and exercise doing something u like doing! Don't deprive yourself, not good in the long run . Good luck!