Has anyone had success with the Flat Belly Diet?

I am new to MFP and returning to the Flat Belly Diet, a diet I went on about a year ago, but quit because it was too expensive. I was doing boot camp classes at the same time, so in 30 days I lost 15 pounds and some of that was definitely belly fat. Since that was the only time in my life that a diet has had such dramatic results, I decided to try it again, but with a little more structure.

If you know anything about the Flat Belly Diet, it is a diet that incorporates MUFA's (MonoUnsaturated Fatty Acids) that are found in a variety of foods like avocado, healthy oils, nuts, and chocolate, and specifically target belly fat. The diet gives you a bunch of meals and snacks you can make that each have a MUFA in them and add up to around 400 calories per meal.

I liked it because there was a nice variety of meals and they are made with healthy ingredients that are customizable. However, some of those ingredients are expensive and I found I was buying to much at a time. So this time around I'm doing things a little differently. I went through each section of meals and picked 1 or 2 from each section that have overlapping ingredients and have committed to only making those until the ingredients (at least the perishable ones) run out. I just started this week, but so far I've found this to be way more effective.

I started this post because I would like to know if you have had either success or failure with the Flat Belly Diet and if you have any tips to pass on to me or anyone else you has considered this diet.

:wink: Thanks!


  • Jenny7y
    Jenny7y Posts: 2 Member
    I just bought the book, but it seems very intimidating and hard to maintain. Were you following the recommended shopping lists? I wonder because it says all your good will last the 28days and there shouldn't be anything left over. It seems like a lot of money to spend on food, but I am sure it's less than I am spending now eating out a lot. I would love hear tips from other MFP members too.