Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's 2/19 wk 7

Good Luck! Have a great day and an awesome weekend!


  • lynettep
    lynettep Posts: 157
    Hey guys! Well I lost .2 pds. Oh well...I will take anything! I am 131.8. Have a great weekend!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Happy Friday Pepper's,
    Well not expected but welcome 1 pound loss, 196 was weight this morning. I hope that means I lost more but because it is my week I will show more of a loss next week :drinker:

    I have not been adding my little walks and I think it helped with the loss. Hope everyone has a loss this week. Will check back to see how everyone is doing.

    Have a great day! :bigsmile:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Hey everyone, still trying to get some pep in my step. I lost 3.6 lbs this week, so that makes me feel a little better. :smile: I'm at 215.8 this morning.

    I'm determined to get back into the grove of things starting now! I need to find something to excite me about exercise. I'm bored. C25K is on the back burner for now. I really can't motivate myself to go run on the treadmill anymore. I hate treadmills. Once it warms up around here, I'll start back again but outside this time. Thinking I might find a kickboxing DVD to try until spring comes. I :heart: spring!!!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    mornin' gang!

    It should be ** wk 8 ** not 7. sorry, not sure how to change that...

    congrats to all you losers so far! hope we have more reporting the same! This pepper gained .8, at 192.4 this am. not surprised at all with the way I have been eating and not any real consistent exercise. mindset HAS to change, NOW or the 17 lbs I lost last yr will be back on in no time....time to get serious again, so expect a big loss next week.....gonna get obsessive here....

    hope you all have a happy and healthy day...don't forget to grab your smile!! take care SHGP's, here's to **:heart: you :heart: ** and making each day count!
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    hi peppers

    Congrats on being losers :tongue:

    Kelly you have the positive attitude .... you can and WILL do this ...... you can do it girl .... sending you motivation :flowerforyou:

    Have a great weekend everyone
  • angiemcnett
    I lost a little this week (.8 pound). I am at 214.4 today. :smile: I would like to keep at that weight for the next month so I will back on my track for weight gain. Doctor said every thing is going good so far with my pregnancy. He said if the glucose screening was abnormal he would call otherwise he'd see me in 2 weeks. I can't believe I go back every 2 weeks now. Time is flying by. 81 more days or less before baby will be here. I am getting excited.:bigsmile: I never thought that a 2+ pound baby could hit/kick as hard as it does. I hope everyone is have a great day!:smile:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hi everyone..... quick check in before I head off to Girl Scout meeting.
    Congrats to those who had a successful week.
    Have a great weekend all!

  • jacque509
    Hey all!!!!!
    Sorry for the MIa, work blocked all internet last week and my monitor at home broke.Just fell off and hit the desk. weird? Anyway life has been very strange this week. lost 2 pounds. weight was 244 on friday. Never got to the gym and ate all the wrong food. Like I said weird. Well in Dallas this weekend for dd NCA cheer competition. I am typing on her mini so this might have miss spellin due to not being able to see the screen to weel. Hope all is doing well and I will try to catch up when I get back on Monday
    Have a good weekend. THanks for checkin o me Kelly!!! what would I do without you
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Hey everyone, better late than never but the same this week. Lazy butt didn't make it to the gym till yesterday!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
  • angiemcnett
    Great chart Kelly! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!:smile:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's,
    Just wanted to check in. Did my shred yesterday. working right now so can not stay on. :drinker: for all the losers and for all that did not you will get there. Have a good day. :bigsmile:
  • angiemcnett
    Where is everyone? Everyone seems so quite lately. I hope all is going good with everyone. I look forward to reading everyone posts.I am a stay at home mom with not much to do, but I don't like typing that much so I don't post as often as I read. Plus, my life is pretty boring. I go to the gym and exercise then come come home and do things around the house. No excitement. I hope everyone had a GREAT weekend!:smile:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's,
    I dont know what happend last night I went chocolate crazy :sad: went way over my calories. I had no control I could not stop. I hope that does not change my loosing. Today the craving is gone. but it was bad and I did not even enjoy it because I knew I should not have been eating it. Hope everyone did better than me yesterday.

    Got to get back to work. I will just have to let this go but it is going to be hard. :angry: so mad at myself. :cry:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Good Mornin' SHGP's! Hope you all are doing ok. Been a little quiet in here lately, and that concerns me. Hope it's just work or busy life has taken you from here. Missin' you all....

    Helped my mom and dad Saturday paint at their rental. Just primmer, so not done yet. It is really looking nice though...makes me want to re-do some of my rooms here. Yesterday I did laundry and watched some Olympics. Today the sun is shining and I think I will sit near a window for a while to get some Vit D.

    Still trying to get control with my eating and motivate myself to exercise. Want a better week then I have had for a while. Last week of Feb!! Planning my meals and doing as much prep ahead of time will help. Need to stop the negative thinking and get my mind back on track. Meals are all planned for today and even though I am dreading the workout and the pain it is likely to bring the next few days, I know it is necessary. I remember saying in the past "don't ever stop exercising"...well, I ignored that, and look where it has put me. Just have to do it, regularly. Make it a habit. I actually think exercise is more important ( for me ) than eating. If my eating is not all that healthy, but within calories, I can still burn them off. So, I guess the change to eat healthier has been easier than the change to exercise more. Getting out of my comfort zone and pushing myself is what I truly lack. Trying harder here.

    Angie ~ congrats on the loss, almost a pound! glad all is going good with your pregnancy!! little more than 2 mos to go! do you have everything ready? I am so happy for you and your family!! Babies are precious! take care lil momma!

    Jacque ~ congrats on being down 2 lbs! Hope you had a good time in Dallas with the cheerleaders! Sounds like a lot of fun! How many are on the squad?

    Cindy ~ it's ok... your choc fix was only 1 event and 1 day. no more! how is the shred going? is your soreness letting up? are you on level 1 or 2? keep at it, you are doing awesome!!

    oh, I wanted to share with you all too....I had my dh and sons measure my ht over the past few days. Now, I had heard that you are a little taller in the am than the pm ( b/c of your joints compressing during the day ) BUT, I was shocked when I was just over 5'4" in the am and about 5' 3 1/4 in the pm. :noway: That is almost an INCH!! Have any of you experienced this? So, do you average the two for your 'real' height? Crazy!

    Have a great day team, make it count!!! :bigsmile:
  • lynettep
    lynettep Posts: 157
    Hey guys, Don't know why but on weekends it is so hard to stay in calories!!! Frustrating....I need to get SERIOUS!!

    Has anyone ever had bronchitis? I have been feeling better since a COLD but now sometimes when I cough (dry) I have a BURNING OR stinging in the chest? Never had that before?? Might have inflammation? I am getting kind of down since this cold started over 2 weeks ago and now this?? Want to work out but just dont feel 100%. :(
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Lynette ~ with bronchitis, I usually get a sore throat and a little tightness in my chest esp w/just breathing or deep breathing. sometimes I get a little wheezy too.... and when I cough it hurts in my chest, mainly when it's productive. HTH. do you have a temp or yellowish mucos? might need some antibiotics? get well soon....take care!
  • lynettep
    lynettep Posts: 157
    Thanks Kelly!! I have yellow to clear mucus....also no temp. Never really get sick like this...frustrating. Guess I will just see if the chest pain goes way in a couple of days...if not...Doctor here I come. :)
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    HEY all! So sorry taht i have been MIA! My mother was here and was on teh computer every second of the day:(
    I didnt eat junk, or over eat, just didnt record what i ate....which is a no no too but, what the hey weighed in at 206 (So I gained a pound) :( Things ae getting back to norm here STILL EATING MEAT FREE.
    Taking a mini trip that I am getting excited about for mothers day with my gal friend!!!we are getting rid of the kids for the weekend and FLYING to VEGAS! no men, no kids! JUST RELAXATION! this is a very close friend and she has never been away from her kids (JUST LIKE ME) her parents both took their lives this year:( so i told her that we were gonna go and hang out. Havn't seen eachother in two years! BATHING suite required:( so I gotta get this jiggle gone!
    Bought a new bra yesterday;( that was depressing..... for a girl with DD's to now be in a C is a sad day, but atleast it is for a good reason!
    Gonna read back and get caught up! Missed you all!
    HEY BARB~ my girl scout cookies came to me, and I didnt order my fave this year (SOMOAS) I ordered the berry ones that were healthire (Dont know if you guys have those too) but I dont like them;( It for the better though then I dont have to eat them! LOL
    I know you are a scout mom so I wanted to tell ya.
    Kelly~Thanks for checking in on me!

    NOW TO THE GYM!:) I hope!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Hey Vita! So glad you posted.... :bigsmile: Your Mother's Day weekend sounds like a good time coming! There is plenty to do in Sin City! What a fun place to go!! Where are you staying? I, along with my mom, sis and aunt were at the Imperial last July. Hopefully it won't be too hot in May. Oh, have a good time girly! I don't mind the 'girls' smaller size....and another positive is that you are likely losing the back flab/fat too! No more roll over the bra!! ( sorry Mike :happy: )