Good Cardio Suggestions?

I started running/jogging a few months ago, but then I quit when I started having pains in my legs. Started up a few weeks ago, and the pains are still there. My guess is shin splints. But I really want to work out anyway, even though I've been told to just take it easy. What are some good alternatives to help burn calories and keep my heart rate up?


  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    Try the elliptical. It's low impact but it sure kicks my butt with one heck of a workout!
  • KFilthy
    KFilthy Posts: 46 Member
    I have thought about that. I need to get a gym membership. At the moment, I'm limited to what I can do at home :/
  • trevpimp
    trevpimp Posts: 170 Member
    It could be your shoes for the shin splints. Cuz I was getting those till I got running shoes now I never got em again.
  • KFilthy
    KFilthy Posts: 46 Member
    :O that makes so much sense. I've been using my 3yr old flat top vans for all my workouts..yeah, definitely need to invest in new shoes.
  • Brooklyngurl3
    Brooklyngurl3 Posts: 53 Member
    Running causes my knees to hurt as well. The elliptical is magical. You have to be careful
  • _kannnd
    _kannnd Posts: 247 Member
    I started running/jogging a few months ago, but then I quit when I started having pains in my legs. Started up a few weeks ago, and the pains are still there. My guess is shin splints. But I really want to work out anyway, even though I've been told to just take it easy. What are some good alternatives to help burn calories and keep my heart rate up?

    Go to a shoe store like New Balance or something and actually be measured for a shoe. Some places have the computer now that will map your foot and instep and show you exactly the type of shoe you need to be wearing. My hubby had really bad shin splints and couldn't run far at all. We went to a New Balance store and they fitted him for a new running shoe with a higher arch and then fitted him for a different insert as well. When he runs, he puts the new insole into the shoes, and if he wears them normally, he puts the original in. The type of shoe you wear will make a lot of difference.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    If you cannot afford gym membership, or equipment, walking is good also. I have lost all of the weight I have lost so far just walking.
  • KFilthy
    KFilthy Posts: 46 Member
    Wow I was not expecting to get any replies, but these have all been so helpful :)
    thanks :)
  • I cannot run due to killer shin splints. and I have tried new shoes, and support in my shoes to try and help but nothing seems to help. I have given up on running and decided it is not for me. So I do stairs and the elliptical. Low impact cardio is the best for your shins, google it and find some low impact carido exercises that you can do at home and see if that helps.
  • Insanity!
  • salcala
    salcala Posts: 19
    Def get new shoes. To run you need running shoes. Plus they say that shoes are only good for so many miles, so I'm sure your 3 year old shoes are def past that. :-) If you get tired of running you could also try renting a zumba dvd or something like that. For cardio, it doesn't matter how you get your heart rate up and long as you get it up. Good luck!
  • olerolls
    olerolls Posts: 70 Member
    You have to get new shoes, no matter what you're doing! Your feet need better support or you're going to end up with injuries.

    I am not a fan of machine-based cardio (I get bored), but I have really been enjoying a class called Cardio Jam that I'm taking at my local gym. It's a dance-type workout but is pretty challenging and it keeps me engaged. I burn about 600 calories (per HRM) in an hour.
  • Same exact thing happens to me! I get shin pains very easily and often! I went to a shoe store and was fitted for shoes that were for running and it worked magic!
  • soehlerking
    soehlerking Posts: 589 Member
    personally i got TERRIBLE shin splints during my recent 5k (i only trained indoors and the race was outdoors). i rode the stationary bike a lot while i healed b/c it put less strain on my shins--i was able to hook my feet into the little straps on the bikes, and that helped. otherwise you and stuff. :) but i'm with you; i hate sitting still.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
  • Ralphrabbit
    Ralphrabbit Posts: 351 Member
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I usually do the elliptical, exercise bike or the treadmill "hill" option. I mega sweat with all 3 and hit my target heart rate as well. If you don't use the gym there are workout video's you can get at Walmart or just exercise by doing other things like cleaning your house or something.....
  • ukulele2010
    ukulele2010 Posts: 126 Member
    I alternate between biking and roller-blading (inline skating) in the summer for most of my cardio work. Both of these activities are relatively easy on the body compared to running. I do a lot more running in the winter as it can be done year-round in the climate where I live - biking in the winter is cold. Swimming is also quite good - but you have to push yourself swimming.
  • Flan656
    Flan656 Posts: 24 Member
    I suffer from shin splints too! I used to do loads and loads of running (3 marathons so far and loads of half ones) but shins got really bad a while ago, mainly due to just over training and not stretching properly, my physio said there was too much scar tissue around the calf that I never gave a chance to heal so I would say for running:
    >Get new trainers, but ones that specifically suit your style of running, a lot of running shops are able to do an assessment to see which ones will be best. I suffer from over pronation so have a special Nike pair!
    > warm up properly- start really light, do a little light stretching
    >COOL DOWN properly and STRETCH, foam roller the back of your calves if you have pains, it works!
    > think about joining a running club? My gym has one and it's great to be a part of, it also structures your workouts more so that you can track improvements

    As I'm not running right now for another week or two, I'm going to spin cycle three times a week, doing a lot of cross trainer workouts, weights in general, power walking, swimming and any aerobic classes like body combat etc!
  • KFilthy
    KFilthy Posts: 46 Member
    I'm now planning to get new shoes and start running again, awesome! Until then though, I've just found a blogilates website, and Cassey Ho's workouts are insane! That should keep me busy in the mean time :)