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Diet Pills???



  • chicynth
    chicynth Posts: 48 Member
    I bought some and I have to say that combined with MFP...still not any significant weight loss. I was planning to stop taking them, before this thread appeared.

    I can say, however, that I missed taking them one day and weighed the next morning and was down by 4lbs ???? So, I don't know if they actually cause a person to retain water or what...but I'd lost more (seemingly) over night than I had in two weeks.

    I do exercise daily and try to stay within my calorie count. I know muscle weighs more than fat but I'm thinking I should see more of a weight loss by now. At any rate, I feel your frustration...I guess we just have to keep on keeping on and the weight will eventually melt off. PS: I also take B-12.
  • robinsonmsn
    robinsonmsn Posts: 16 Member
    I did the diet pills in 2002. I lost 56 pounds great. But the downfall is coming of the pills. (mood swings/anger/frustration). When your on the pills you in this "fairyland experience" and don't really deal with why you put on the weight. I gained about 40 pounds back . So I'm at square one again. Learning how to journal, plan out my meals, exercise regularly etc etc. the best thing I've done is start meditating in the morning and letting go of all the drama from the day before and gotten a few smaller fit friends I go to the gym with. I needed to learn to be around people who had the energy and healthy lifestyle I'm working towards.
  • I agree with a lot of these posts, diet pills aren't natural, you didn't need them to gain weight and you don't need them to lose weight either. I would look at what you are eating. Even though you can stay under your caloric intake maybe some of the foods you are eating aren't the best energy producers or the most fullfilling? Lots of fruits and vegetables and protien like chicken and fish help meals stay low in calories and makes you feel full. I know my biggest problem is eating to fast and then thinking i'm still hungry because i just inhaled my meal. You feel fuller faster when you sloooowww down! Drink lots of water too while your eating your meal. Hope this helps!
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    There are things like drinking green tea, taking fish oil caps, and cinnamon supplements, ect......They can ENHANCE performance and metabolism slightly, but I would never rely on them only.

    All the above I have taken on the rec of my physician, and even then I would never suggest anything before you consult a health professional first.......

    I agree that pills are a quick fix, and do not help change your lifestyle....once people stop taking the pills, there is no learned behavior, and alot of people gain!

    I have abandoned the idea of quick fixes, and I am trying not to say "I'm on a diet" I say "I am changing my lfe" !!!!!!!

    Good Luck on your journey, and I hope some of the comments help your decision :laugh:
  • innerhottie
    innerhottie Posts: 163 Member
    and just to add...

    These "herbal" diet pills are not even regulated by the FDA. If you do a google search you will find that there have been studies that have shown everything from talc to ground up drywall in certain brands.

    I took Tri-Chromalean back in the 90's and I could drop 10 lbs. in a week.
    I also now have tachycardia, panic attacks and GAD.
    I am convinced this is from 10 years of "natural" diet pills.

    Oh and I am 100 lbs. heavier than I was at my thinnest.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    I know what you mean, it SUCKS to work so hard with little to know results. you did say you could use something to boost energy and Vitamins B & D deficiencies definitely make you tired.
    I didnt take vitamins for the longest time because they upset my stomach. I friend told me to try to find "raw" and naturally sourced (from plants) vitamins because they're easier for your body to digest. I just started taking this multivitamin: http://www.thevitamincode.com/Formulas/MultivitaminFormulas/Women/tabid/1312/Default.aspx

    I definitely see a difference, its not monumental but I do feel like I have more energy and it doesn't upset my stomach at all (before it was all I could do to keep from throwing the vitamins back up... those were Women's One a Day's I think).
    Also you can try drinking green tea, its a diuretic so helps you not retain water & will give you energy & lots of antioxidants, and drinking something will help suppress your appetite & make you feel fuller, faster when you eat. I drink tea with my morning snack (usually an orange or pistachios) and there's a difference for sure.

    above all, stay strong & positive!! you are doing great things for your body, you'll get passed this plateau!!
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    also I just went back to check the site for those vitamins and they have a "perfect weight" formula. Its not so much a diet pill as a diet support, if you read the description they're using B's & chromium & Ashwagandha (an indian herb that works as a diuretic & stimulates the thyroid among other things... google it for more info!) to boost the metabolism and the rest is just there to make sure you're getting the proper nutrition to support the diet & exercise you're doing.
  • No such thing. If there was, I would be taking them.

    That's not stopping the Diet industry from making more than $1 billion each year on diet products. Diet pills promise quick weight loss, but experts say that's just a big fat lie.
  • spikess
    spikess Posts: 113 Member
    I've not tried any diet pills, but i did try one week diet plan. and it worked for me, i took two bottles and lost a stone. it's an all natural cleanser, you can't take it and eat whatever you want, if you do that you'll have wasted your money. you need to exercise and eat healthily. it just gives you a kick start by getting rid of the crap in your body.

    unfortunately once i lost the weight i started eating giant portions/junk again. so you really have to be good at portion control.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    All that is true and I knew it. I have lost 60 lbs already and haven't used a pill but I have been stuck here in this place and can't seem to get back on track.

    Excercise definitely helps curb my hunger, well eating all my cals I actually don't get 'hungry', but if I get cravings I do something physical and that seems to be the key for me! To distract myself with something healthy instead of caving to my craving.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I like to do this way cool little diet pill they sell at Kroger. Comes in a little clear box. Tictac, or something like that.

    So I take one of those, and then I ride my bicycle on this fun 14 mile loop thru town. I do that and watch my food intake with MFP and it works like crazy.

    Try it! Tictac,,, in the little clear box. :laugh:
    :laugh: :laugh: :wink:
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