62 days....lost my mojo

So here is the deal, I started off slow with a few good weeks, a horrible week, then a REALLY GOOD month or so... now I have fallen back in to this rut of horrible days. I eat too much, and exercise to little. I am having a rough time getting back on track. I know I am not happy with where I am at, but how do I keep the motivation going when I feel like I am so alone in this. Please give me any words of encouragement/suggestions, or simply share with me the things that keep you going.


  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    bump. im having this problem as well. :grumble:
  • MiSo_SeXy
    MiSo_SeXy Posts: 210 Member
    I've been feeling like this too. I just read my friends updates
    And their calorie Burns and try to push my self to
    do some exercise at night so i'm not the only lazy one
    In the group.
  • xtina449
    I honestly think of all the mean hateful things ppl used to say to me and look at the progress I've made...it's worth it! Any change you have seen should be motivation in itself, you can do it Marni. I know you don't have any motivation at home, but you gotta prove the "haters" wrong. Thats what ive done and im almost 20 pounds lighter than when i started. Like one once said, its not the quick results but the results in the long run that you have to look to..i cant remember who said it tho but its important!! Stay positive!
  • kyzalie
    There is a tumblr page of befores and afters. If you just look up weight loss before and afters on google you will find it. This is what keeps me motivated. Just the knowledge that so many people have done it, so why can't we. Don't we deserve to be healthier? Damn right we deserve it!
  • maisita509
    maisita509 Posts: 6 Member
    I"m having the same issue. My birthday was on September 5, and prior to that I was doing great, exercising almost every day, eating pretty well... And then i kinda went downhill, and can't seem to pick myself up from there... No idea where all my motivation went!!!!
  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member
    Just look at your profile pic. That is brilliant. You know the work that went into it.

    Are you still logging, are you still drinking the water. I know when I am slacking that I tend not to drink water, daft isn't it. And that is just the start. Last time for me I started again. Checked all my stats were correct, took a note pad and pen and wrote things out that I could try doing and planned my food diary for a week in advance. It sort of helped me to get focused. talk to your friends on here see what they are doing.

    You know how to do it, you know it works, you can and are allowed to relax a bit.

    Good luck.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    Print out that comparison photo of you (around 4-8)

    and put them in various places when you start to get discouraged and look at them. Look at how far you've come!
    Look at how far you can go if you put your mind to it.

    We all have bad days... we all have bad weeks and even months. But if you just give up, you will eventually look like your former self again and have to start at the beginning. why ruin all that hard work because you've had a few bad weeks here and there?

    Things could be soo much worse and you have to focus on the positive.
    for the last 2 years I've had 2 medical issues that have been kicking my butt and haven't been able to dedicate as much time at the gym as I can. Upper respiratory infections about 3 times a year, along with strep. Finally had my tonsils out on the 3rd, had a severely disgusting set back on tuesday and have only been able to choke down a tiny bit of food outside of ensure. Not fun!
    Monday I should be good to go and I *will* kick the gym's but til halloween because I want to be there.

    By december I hope to hit a good portion of my goal, not hitting 40 not looking as good as I can!

    Get up, step on the scale and think about every meal you're going to eat and rethink it.
    Think about what exercise you're going to do.

    Continually challenge yourself at the gym and in the kitchen.

    You can do this if you allow yourself to believe you can. Don't try. Do.

    Good lord I cannot wait to eat solids!
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    I was feeling this way a few months ago. Honestly, just admitting that this was hard and I was struggling seemed to help. I think acknowledging the fact that I'm not perfect, and that this is really, really hard helped. I think I was feeling like I had to be perfect, or I would be a failure. I really had an all or none mentality. It's not an all or none thing though, and that really helped me relax...suddenly I had my mojo back again.

    If you quit now, where will you be in a year? Back at the beginning? Will you be able to maintain the loss you've had so far or will it come back on and then some? What are your fitness goals? Do you have any? Would making some fitness goals motivate you? Is this just a "health and fitness" season/fad or is it a lifestyle change? If it's a lifestyle change, it really isn't going to matter how long it takes you to get to the goals you've set for your weight and fitness. Just keep making progress by *NOT* quitting.

    Just some thoughts that helped me push through.
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    girl i feel you. i'm in the same boat. i dont know if its the weather or idont know what. luckily for me i start a lifting program monday so i think that'll help me get back on track. maybe join a challenge group on here or begin a new program that seems exciting? set a new fun goal?
  • mwgner
    mwgner Posts: 115
    I thank all of you for your words of encouragement. I am planning out my weeks meals now, and I am going to get back into a healthy way of life. I am doing this for me. I want to be fit and have more energy to do the things that I enjoy. I will also be writing in my blog again daily, just as a way to help keep me motivated. I sincerely thank you for all your support.
  • twindus09
    twindus09 Posts: 7 Member
    *BUMP* I have been in a slump myself the past couple of months, eating healthy one day, junk food the next. But I have been reading through a bunch of threads here all day today and it has greatly helped with my motivation. I started out today eating junk but after reading some threads I finished off my meals with a healthy salad and a turkey burger. I was so proud because other then going a few Grams over my goal fat I stayed within my calorie goal. But anyways just keep pushing through and before you know it you'll be back on track.