Biting the bullet

Hi all! I have been a member of MFP for quite a a while but have never given it 100%. I wish I could buy some will power somewhere or sticking power even. I gave birth to our second child 6 months ago and thought by now I'd gave a handle on things but the only handles I've got are those hanging over my trackie bottoms. Really need some 'thinspiration' and hoping that connecting with those of you with similar struggle might help spur me on. So, got in the scales this morning and its actually going up - shouldn't come as such a surprise when I head for the biscuits when I'm fed up at home with two little ones. It's not healthy and it's not right. I've never been this weight and I don't want to see those numbers on the scale again! So I'm 5ft 4 and current weight of 13stone 4lb (186lbs) Which I'm embarrassed to disclose publicly :(
I need your help. Would love to get down to 164 by Christmas - a weight I remember feeling good at when my first child was 1 and I look back on photos thinking how healthier I looked. Long term goal would be between 140- 147lbs but it has been such a very long time since I said goodbye to those numbers on the scales.
Is it achievable? Am I giving myself a ridiculous first goal to achieve? I recently bought "Run Fat ***** Run" to read to get in touch with my inner voice that tells me to move more and eat less but I tend to muffle her with munching.
Any like minded similar people in the same boat as me? Lets find our oars and get rowing!
(Apologies for any spelling/typing mistakes but typing this on iPhone while bouncing baby in the rocker)


  • teenytinyme
    teenytinyme Posts: 13 Member
    Might also add that I am aged 33 and live in Ireland... Anybody?
  • alan589
    alan589 Posts: 58 Member

    It is achievable. I have been using mfp for about 7 weeks now and I am 17lbs down!

    I have been on all sorts of diets and yo-yo'd up and down for years but this is working.

    Go for it you have nothing to lose........ except weight of course!

  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    bullets are not heathy no nutritional value what so ever I would avoide bitting them
  • teenytinyme
    teenytinyme Posts: 13 Member
    Well done Alan! That's a great loss! I'm a serial dieter. Most recently Slimming World but found the meetings dragged on and made me hungry with all their talk of food haha :)
    Before that I last did Herbalife after my first child was born but this time round I need something more affordable and still achievable!
    Do you mind if I add you?
  • teenytinyme
    teenytinyme Posts: 13 Member
    bullets are not heathy no nutritional value what so ever I would avoide bitting them

    Funny guy! lol
  • lisamlc
    lisamlc Posts: 61
    It is achievable, I am much heavier than you and also aiming for a similar target. have lost 39lbs in just under three months and if I can do it, ANYONE can. Set yourself small goals, both for weight loss and for exercise goals and reward yourself when you meet them. get your OH on side as that has been crucial to me.

    Good luck!
  • YOU HAVE THE POWER! I read a quote when I was in your same position, kinda trying but not really trying, and it kicked me in the butt...
    "It's not that some people have Willpower and some dont. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not."
    I thought to myself, "Well Heck, I am READY to change!" and put it in my head that I CAN DO THIS!!! I got tired of using excuse after excuse and NOT going anywhere but UP in weight. SO, I just DID IT!!! Made a schedule and starting sticking to it...logged EVERYDAY and kept myself going.

    It is all about kicking yourself in the butt, making a schedule, and sticking to it! Make your goals PUBLIC so that others can see what you are trying to achieve (which you have just done). For me, it makes me accountable to living up to what I have set out to do. AND, then you get addicted to making sure it happens and then go further each time! :)

    Your goal is TOTALLY reachable if you put yourself into it!! GOOD LUCK and FEEL FREE to add me for some "KICK IN THE BUTT" and motivation!!! Also, help motivate helps to motivate yourself!! :-)
  • alan589
    alan589 Posts: 58 Member
    By all means!

    Atkins, Scottish Slimmers weight watchers etc etc etc .

    Unfortunately it is just good old common semse and discipline. At last I have found mine.

  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    Hello Teenytinyme,

    I am exactly the same height as you and after children I got up to 14 stone (196 lbs). A combination of laziness, and emotional eating (my daughter passed away). It took me 2 and a half years after stopping... starting... stalling... then starting again to get to 165. I have one more stone (14lb) that I want to lose but I've decided not to set myself a date for that it is more of a goal. I have also decided to focus of losing fat instead of weight because I want to hang on to my muscles. I started to crank up the work in August when I signed up here and I really love my new lifestyle.

    I am happy to share how I did it with you so friend me if you wish. I'm in London

  • lorettaasmith
    lorettaasmith Posts: 418 Member
    22 pounds by Christmas is a totally achievable first goal! You just gotta get! Good luck with your journey!
  • teenytinyme
    teenytinyme Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks Lisa and seriously well done to you on such a great loss.
    I've really noticed since being on maternity leave that I'm an emotional eater. Boredom, stress, frustration have me heading in the wrong direction. Also, I reward myself far to often when I excercise. OH and I were doing great before we went on holiday - he was on a health buzz too but we have laxed big time. I'm off to do the shopping shortly so going to make a concerted effort to buy healthy stuff and run past the goodies. I might need to wear blinkers :)
  • i'm similar to your body, in that im 5ft 4 in and weigh 190 ( i was down to 180) my highest weight was 237 and lost 57 pounds but have stopped going down and started gaining. It's very dificult for me to do any exersice because of having a back disability. I had 3x surgeries in a yr and a half time and the last one was a back fusion. i did get up to walking 2 miles 2-3x wk but can only walk .5 miles once or twice a wk due to another rarely bad flare up. The drs are talking about another surgery :( i get very frustrated because i can't work out and the main way i've lost weight is by watching what i eat. Being in this much pain and having to deal with all the emotional stuff with my back has been making me want to eat more recently hence, the weight gain. I saw this sight and figured maybe i could find more inspiration to stay on track. I also, want to get down to 145. hope ur journey goes well and remember that if you stay focused you will reach your goal.
  • teenytinyme
    teenytinyme Posts: 13 Member
    22 pounds by Christmas is a totally achievable first goal! You just gotta get! Good luck with your journey!

    Thanks Loretta. I will keep telling myself I can do it. I will do it.

    And in the off chance I don't, I need you people to give me a kick up the *kitten*/*kitten*/backside whatever you call it where you come from :)
  • adbaker12345
    adbaker12345 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi There,

    Just seen you blog. Me too have loads and loads of weight to loose. I piled on the pounds since having my children 10 years ago. Just keep going. I've only started the diet properly this week and have tried to stick to it as best I can. I've joint a gym and decided to shop online so that I can plan my foods better. I'll let you know how I got on in weigh in on Monday morning.
  • Oh and the the 57 pounds lost was during the time of the 3x surgeries.
  • mom2handh1975
    mom2handh1975 Posts: 224 Member
    You can absolutely do this! All you need to do is start. Log your food. Every single thing, every bite, every day. It is time consuming at first, but it gets faster the more you do it. I know the emotional eating that accompanies the parenting of small children. I was dropped into single motherhood while my husband was deployed to Iraq a few years back. There's not a lot of time for you, and you're probably exhausted. I get it. But making a little time for you will make everyone happier. If you want to be friends, I'm cool with that. Just send me a request. I'm 37 and a mom of 2 (now 8 and 11) who lives in Michigan, United States. Good luck on your journey! :happy:
  • Good Morning,

    I once heard that when your brain tells you that your hungry, it's really saying that your thirsty. Try drinking one glass of water before you eat your meals. You can add flavors to your water if you like; just check the calories on the pkg. I use to drink Lipton Green Tea but I noticed it had 100 calories, well NOW I drink water and add Arizona green tea flavor to the bottle because it's ZERO calories. That MEANS I get to add that 100 calories to lunch, supper or snack time! YAY.. Plus water is the best think for you and your digestive track. Soon you want drink anything else. My soda's taste yucky now...

    Try these things:
    1. Believe in yourself, that you can do it!
    2. Remember to think of calories as you select your food for the day. You can still have great foods and snacks, but just select low calories.
    3. If you stay away from fried foods and sodas, this will automatically LOWER your weight quickly. (I lost 2lbs in one week, just by stopping the sodas.
    4. Record, Record, Record your calories.. even if it's the next morning. Before you know it, you will be selecting better foods.
    5. On the weekends, treat yourself to a special meal; but don't go overboard.
    6. If you exercise even just 30 minutes a day; this will help your digestive track and tone you up! (walk, crunches, jogging, etc.)
    7.Eat breakfast like a KING, Lunch like a Princess, and Super like a Beggar.

    Good Luck and BELEIVE in yourself....
    Have a Wonderful and Bless DAY!!!
  • hi i'm angela
    Got myself into quite bad eating habits when my relationship broke up three years ago.. never really got out it,till now, i'm a stone and a half overweight and i need to shift it for my self esteem,so mabye i can bite the bullet and find love again.
    i find this really helpful
    could do with some mates on here for support so feel free to add me
    xx :smile:
  • kentmac
    kentmac Posts: 101 Member
    22 lbs by Christmas might be a bit lofty, but it should be doable if you really want it.

    More importantly, pick some behavioral goals for yourself in the short term. Go to the gym a certain number of times per week. Eat protein with your meals and hit your calorie goal every day. Set the behaviors in place and the numbers on the scale (and the changes in the mirror) will follow!

    Best of luck teenytiny! Feel free to ask any questions if you feel lost along the way!
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    It's key to realize that you are in control of what you put into your mouth. I drifted through a couple of decades thinking I was out of control and had been possessed by the munchie monster. I couldn't change until it hit me hard that I was doing it to myself on purpose. Nobody was force-feeding me to the point of misery but me.

    Still, I don't know how successful I will be. I've decided to take my attention off how much weight I am losing because I've been discouraged by the scales too many times in the past. Instead, my focus is on my eating habits. I log every bite and refuse to allow myself to eat between meals no matter how hungry I think I am. I'm a grown up, not an infant; I can wait. I drink a pint of water between each meal (4).

    And then there's the exercise. Hey - you can look forward to developing more upper body strength as the baby grows.