Ugh. Support needed!

Hello all! I have been frustrated lately. I cannot seem to get past my 153 zone. Whenever I do so well and get low, something (eating sweets, babysitting, binge eating) brings me back up to 158 in like a day! How is that even possible?! Anyways, my point is I'm done going back and forth and ready to get to my goal! Anyone have any advice or tips along the way? I'd Really appreciate it!


  • chelle_fri
    chelle_fri Posts: 333 Member
    Reduce carbs, up your protein intake, and watch your sodium levels. Re-evaluate your caloric needs and adjust accordingly.
  • I'm in the exact same position! Sometimes your body's just happy at a particular weight, so you have to shock it into moving on from its comfort zone.... drink a tall glass of water every time you put something into your mouth, and try exercising if you're not already?
  • I exercise like an hour a day. Thank you for your help! It gets so frustrating sometimes but ill do what both of you said!
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    For me, the key has been to stop eating between meals. I decided how often I really needed to eat and established meal-times for myself. If it's not a meal, I drink water. So far so good; I'd been stuck in the 190s for a decade.
  • that's a great idea! thank you so much
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    It's the binge eating. And binge eating is mental. Replace the eating with another activity to distract yourself... I have been bad with binge eating too, the only thing that works is to exercise control, and do something else to get away from food
  • I eat smaller meals more frequently. Increased sodium intake causes the scales to move upward quickly, however, drink more water to flush out the sodium. Add more protein
  • Lextmg86
    Lextmg86 Posts: 102 Member
    I eat every 3 hours so I am NEVER over hungry and binge eat. Wherever I go I always have some kind of food in case i get hungry and my favorite snack is raw almonds. I also workout 1 hour every morning and I think ive missed maybe 2 days in the last 60 and I feel great. The key is to change up whatever your doing and experiment to try and get past that plateau.
  • PrettyGirlsOnFire
    PrettyGirlsOnFire Posts: 27 Member
    Check this out:

    You may be eating too few calories causing you to stall and your body to hold on to fat.

    Also, don't focus so much on the number on the scale. Take your measurements.

    You said you're working out an hour a day - are you doing only cardio, or are you lifting weights? When you see this 5lb gain, do your clothes still fit the same, or are you bloating making everything feel tight?
  • CindyMarie_
    CindyMarie_ Posts: 122 Member
    Don't do that. To lose weight in a healthy way you must have at least 5 meals a day. Breakfast - snack - lunch - snack - dinner. Try snacking zero calorie foods (search on google the foods that have less calories than what it takes your body to digest them). Keep in mind portion control, eat your carbs in the morning and when you workout, don't only do cardio or only weights,do both.
    I also try to eat nothing heavy past 6pm, it helps.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you only have a relatively small amount to lose, so make sure you are eating back your exercise calories, and add some strength training to your routine.
  • pamcuster
    pamcuster Posts: 770 Member
    Jillian's 30 Day Shred, a walk/run program, and serious portion control seem to be working for me! (I measured out TWO CUPS of popcorn for myself last night! :O ...we pop in lard and butter (YUM) and normally, I would eat 16-18-20 cups!)
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Do you get to 158, eat well for about 3-4 days, see your weight at 153 and then have your splurge and pop back up to 158?

    If this sounds like where you are at, you are probably pretty close to your goal, and really need to make consistency, healthy food and small calorie in take your priorities. Plan out splurges rather than trying to say you'll resist them all together. Try to keep them to 1-2x a week and allot yourself at least up to maintenance +exercise (if you don't use it all great! but then you know you aren't "undoing" any other day of the week).

    Try this and see how you do.
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    I just went through your diary and its fabulous!! The only thing I may suggest is to lower your carbs a little - stay around the 150 mark! Increase your protein - aim for 100. Keep sodium low - under 2500. Increase your water intake - 80+oz per day.

    If you're binging after your diary - well that could be the problem. But if you are sticking to what your diary portrays- WELL DONE!! Don't get discouraged!! Have you measured yourself?

    I have not lost any weight (actually gained 1.5lbs) since March BUT....I have lost almost 2" of my waist, 1.5" off my hips and almost 2" off my thighs!! So.... the scale should be used as a guideline - not the tell all of success!!!

    Are you taking multi vitamins? Try that too- get more Biotin. That helps with carb metabolism!! You're doing greta.... don't fret!!
  • So here's what you possibly can do, (and what I do because I have the SAME problem)
    I eat every two between meals I'd have healthy/fun snacks. Skinny cow bars/ice cream or fruit shakes and it's been helping with my occasional sweet tooth. For me it's all about self control, but when I find that I want MORE sweets...I pop in some sugar free gum. I hope this helps in some way lol!
  • I track everything down! As you can see a few days ago i had 3 fiber one bars! BTW, THOSE THINGS ADD UP FAST!! hehe. thanks for all of your advice guys! I will deff be trying them! I'm also going to up my calories. I looked at my TDEE and BMI and it says i should eat about 1683! So, I may try to up it to 1600 and see if im eating too less causing me to be hungry and binge? Thank you guys so much! means a lot
