
Soooooo, after upping cals, going off of ZOloft, trying to eat MOSTLY clean, working out (lifting too) I am so SICK of not being able to lose :( IT has been almost a year since I've seen any loss (and no I'm not losing inches).

Been off Zoloft for a month. If eating at a calorie deficit was really all it took, i'd be at goal weight. It just is not working. IN the past 5 months I've tried eating LOTS of cals (like 1700), eating less (1000), eating South Beach..... let's see, what else.....?

Anyway, I'm tired. ANyone know how long it takes Zoloft to leave the system? (ALthough I'm not 100 % convinved it was the total problem.)

MY TDEE is around 2100, depending on whichsite you use. BMR around 1700, but when I eat that high I gain.

Sorry for the rant. Many of you have been patient and kind and I don't really expect answers cuz i'm beginning to think this is just not possible for me.

BTW my food diary over the past 1 1/2 weeks is erratic and with more processed foods due to my complete and utter frustration and depression. This hasn't been the usual for me.


  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    How do you measure your food? Could you be underestimating your calories or overestimating your burn?

    The higher the number get the easier it is for estimations to be off I think. Have you tried something inthe middle like 1500 or have you thought about geting a HRM one you wear all tehtime like Body Media to tell you exactly what you are burning? I was never on Zoloft but with all SSRIs I think you have to taper off of them and you really should do that with your doctor's supervision. Please talk to your doctor if you think the medicin is an issue. Different drugs work different with differnt people..
  • Astraea1976
    Astraea1976 Posts: 21 Member
    Everyone is different!

    For instance I should be eating 1850 cals to maintain my weight and so for loss i am to eat 500 less (i currently take in 1300). I have done this for 2 months and not exercised anymore than i used to (which is none) and i have lost 6.6kg (in my terms over 1 stone)

    medication can play a major part in weight gain but it can also be a trick of the mind! Believe in yourself you can do it

    I am rooting for you!
  • painauxraisin
    painauxraisin Posts: 299 Member
    Can't help but I'm sooooo with you on this. Damn frustrating isn't it ?!!
  • mjj79
    mjj79 Posts: 415 Member
    How do you measure your food? Could you be underestimating your calories or overestimating your burn?

    The higher the number get the easier it is for estimations to be off I think. Have you tried something inthe middle like 1500 or have you thought about geting a HRM one you wear all tehtime like Body Media to tell you exactly what you are burning? I was never on Zoloft but with all SSRIs I think you have to taper off of them and you really should do that with your doctor's supervision. Please talk to your doctor if you think the medicin is an issue. Different drugs work different with differnt people..

    I use a scale or measuring cups. I usually just use the cals burned MFP says, which still doesn't take me above my BMR. I've considered a HRM but am not convinced it will make a big diff. for me. I did talk with DOc and she was ok with me stopping Zoloft.

    I can't remember if I've tried 1500.... It's close to what I'm doing now.

    Thanks for your thoughts and help. Kind of you to take the time.

    The doc did say if I continue to not lose she will test my cortisol and other hormone levels.
  • mjj79
    mjj79 Posts: 415 Member
    Can't help but I'm sooooo with you on this. Damn frustrating isn't it ?!!

    Yep. Sorry you're there too :(
  • mjj79
    mjj79 Posts: 415 Member
    Everyone is different!

    For instance I should be eating 1850 cals to maintain my weight and so for loss i am to eat 500 less (i currently take in 1300). I have done this for 2 months and not exercised anymore than i used to (which is none) and i have lost 6.6kg (in my terms over 1 stone)

    medication can play a major part in weight gain but it can also be a trick of the mind! Believe in yourself you can do it

    I am rooting for you!

    COngrats on the loss and thanks :)
  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    How do you measure your food? Could you be underestimating your calories or overestimating your burn?

    The higher the number get the easier it is for estimations to be off I think. Have you tried something inthe middle like 1500 or have you thought about geting a HRM one you wear all tehtime like Body Media to tell you exactly what you are burning? I was never on Zoloft but with all SSRIs I think you have to taper off of them and you really should do that with your doctor's supervision. Please talk to your doctor if you think the medicin is an issue. Different drugs work different with differnt people..

    I use a scale or measuring cups. I usually just use the cals burned MFP says, which still doesn't take me above my BMR. I've considered a HRM but am not convinced it will make a big diff. for me. I did talk with DOc and she was ok with me stopping Zoloft.

    I can't remember if I've tried 1500.... It's close to what I'm doing now.

    Thanks for your thoughts and help. Kind of you to take the time.

    The doc did say if I continue to not lose she will test my cortisol and other hormone levels.

    Did your doctor check your thyroid? I was told I was in post partum depression and put on Zoloft for almost ten years before finding out that my sister was diagnosed with hashimotos hypothyroidism. It turns out I have it too. Your symptoms sound so similar to mine. Hopefully this info helps.
  • mjj79
    mjj79 Posts: 415 Member
    How do you measure your food? Could you be underestimating your calories or overestimating your burn?

    The higher the number get the easier it is for estimations to be off I think. Have you tried something inthe middle like 1500 or have you thought about geting a HRM one you wear all tehtime like Body Media to tell you exactly what you are burning? I was never on Zoloft but with all SSRIs I think you have to taper off of them and you really should do that with your doctor's supervision. Please talk to your doctor if you think the medicin is an issue. Different drugs work different with differnt people..

    I use a scale or measuring cups. I usually just use the cals burned MFP says, which still doesn't take me above my BMR. I've considered a HRM but am not convinced it will make a big diff. for me. I did talk with DOc and she was ok with me stopping Zoloft.

    I can't remember if I've tried 1500.... It's close to what I'm doing now.

    Thanks for your thoughts and help. Kind of you to take the time.

    The doc did say if I continue to not lose she will test my cortisol and other hormone levels.

    Did your doctor check your thyroid? I was told I was in post partum depression and put on Zoloft for almost ten years before finding out that my sister was diagnosed with hashimotos hypothyroidism. It turns out I have it too. Your symptoms sound so similar to mine. Hopefully this info helps.

    Thank you! I do get checked regularly b/c my mom's is basically dead (she's on medication). So far (as of May) mine is sill fine.
  • BlackKat75
    BlackKat75 Posts: 210 Member
    I use a scale or measuring cups.

    This may be the issue. Measuring cups often hold far more than the weight they say in the nutrition label. When I started weighing portions rather than using measuring cups, I found that there was sometimes a 20-40% increase in the amount of calories I was actually consuming. For example, 1/2 cup of old-fashioned oats according to the nutrition label is 40 grams, which constitutes 150 calories. However, when I weighed my 1/2 cup of oats, it was 51grams, which constitutes 191 calories. If you're doing that with everything you eat, you could be missing a lot of calories each day. I conducted an experiment in the month of September when I logged every single thing I ate and I was shocked to discover that I had been missing 50-60 calories a day in little things like - garlic, spices, black coffee, gum, the milk in my coffee, etc.
  • mjj79
    mjj79 Posts: 415 Member
    I use a scale or measuring cups.

    This may be the issue. Measuring cups often hold far more than the weight they say in the nutrition label. When I started weighing portions rather than using measuring cups, I found that there was sometimes a 20-40% increase in the amount of calories I was actually consuming. For example, 1/2 cup of old-fashioned oats according to the nutrition label is 40 grams, which constitutes 150 calories. However, when I weighed my 1/2 cup of oats, it was 51grams, which constitutes 191 calories. If you're doing that with everything you eat, you could be missing a lot of calories each day. I conducted an experiment in the month of September when I logged every single thing I ate and I was shocked to discover that I had been missing 50-60 calories a day in little things like - garlic, spices, black coffee, gum, the milk in my coffee, etc.

    Oh wow. I'll have to check this out. Thanks.
  • mfp_1
    mfp_1 Posts: 516 Member
    Is your scale digital?

    If so, the scale is *easier* to use than cups.
    It allows infinite variation of amount. Cups and spoons are fixed sizes.
    The scale doesn't care about full, sifted or heaped.
    The scale doesn't need washing (if you put your plate on it), cups do.
    The scale allows tare (add&weigh): put the plate on the scale and reset to zero for each food.
    The scale is precise for very small amounts: just press one button to use grams
  • Kaiukas
    Kaiukas Posts: 111 Member
    When you said your thyroid has been checked, what do you mean exactly? Were you just tested for serum Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH) as it is done in the screening context? TSH can be normal in patients with central hypothyroidism due to disease in the hypothalamus or pituitary gland or in rare patients with pituitary resistance to thyroid hormone.

    It may not be applicable to you, but it may be helpful information for some.
  • traceygl1967
    traceygl1967 Posts: 72 Member
    I am facing same problem . I am on zoloft weigh and measure all my food
    Exercise daily use a hrm so not overestimating burn drink eight glasses of water a day
    I have tried everything from 2000 cals( someone said I wasn't eating enough) to 1500 calories
    Eating exercise calories and not eating exercise calories.
    According to my fitbit and hrm I am burning 3000 plus calories a day but whatever deficit I eat at I lose very occasionally.
    It has took me 5 months so far to lose just 12lb :(
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    I know you said your diary hasn't been what you'd like so I looked back in September and notices a lot of high sodium foods like cheese, processed meats, I don't know if the nuts were salted........

    If you want to just try something to shake things up you might look at salt intake.

    Good luck.