fat to fit NSV - and a thank you.

I have two related "fat to fit" NSV's.
a) I made a quick run to Best Buy yesterday.. while there, I bumped into the guy that does server support for the company my wife works for. we chatted for a bit on various gizmo's and i headed home. The NSV was when i heard about it from my wife. I guess he told my wife he saw me, and he barely recognized me because I was all "buffed up".

B) About a week ago, I was talking to a friend of a friend about diet/exercise. Not sure if you guys are like me, but I find I talk about this with great passion because I know the difference it has made in my life. Anyway, I thought i was doing a good job of encouraging/motivating him but then he said "that's easy for you to say, but i'm not all jacked up like you are". I then showed him my before and after pics and he said he could not believe that other guy was the same person.

I am not a big ego fed beast. and really hope that i do not sound vain by posting this. I just realized this morning while talking to my amazing wife that my original mental picture is starting to come true. When i started this journey about 1 1/2 years ago, I stated that I desired to go from fat to fit. I guess i should explain what i visualize when i say that. I have friends that are literally marathon runners, but still obese. one of them in particular looks very unhealthy to me in terms of skin tone, etc. I wanted to still eat real foods, but change my relationship with food. My wife and I are doing this as a team, and we eat very clean most of the time (lean protein, lots of veggies) but we still are able to have our favorite indulgences. the big difference is that we understand that they are treats, and not things we can eat every day. we both work out hard, and also are both in the habit of weighing ourselves daily (it works for us). I started in size 49 pants, and I am now in 34's. I no longer make strange noises trying to get up from the couch, I enjoy feeling fit and strong, and having my doctor tell me that i "aced" my physical this year was wonderful. The people on MFP have been great overall, and we feel this shared goal has introduced us to some new friends. I do NOT describe what we are doing as a "diet" or even try to think of a goal weight. I think of this as a journey, where we will reach various milestones, and continue on this journey for the rest of our lives. I guess i see "diet" and "goal weight" as sounding temporary.. Diet is avoided because I see plenty of ways one can drop weight, drink a shake and a balanced dinner, buy our packaged meals, etc.. I firmly believe that anyone CAN drop weight with those methods, but I personally do not think I could maintain that for the rest of my life. I dont like saying my "goal" weight, because I visualize a player giving it all they have to reach the goal line, and then realize that when they reach the goal that they STOP. Mind you, when my wife and I call our eating habits a "lifestyle" it does sound a bit cheesy at times.

this was not meant to lecture, or to brag, but to say thank you for our fellow MFP members that are trying to make positive changes in their life with a core motivation of just wanting to feel better and live a healthy life.

Thanks again,


  • 25tofit
    its awesome when you have not only online support but family support as well. thanks for your story :)
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Mike you sound healthy both inside and out, congratulations to the both of you.
  • jackflak
    jackflak Posts: 153 Member
    Excellent successes!! And doubly so since your better half is working together with you!! Keep on rocking it!!
  • sugboog29
    sugboog29 Posts: 630 Member
    Congratulations!! You are a true inspiration! Like you when I start talking about food/exercise I get very passionate. Luckily most people really listen (I think they are just polite), but I know I have made a difference in at least one of my sisters. She has started eating healthier and has lost 15 pounds. I am so proud of her!

    Keep up the great work...you look good!!
  • mike_littlerock
    mike_littlerock Posts: 296 Member
    Excellent successes!! And doubly so since your better half is working together with you!! Keep on rocking it!!
    Thanks! Its humorous to me that people will ask "whats your secret", and then they fade off for a moment as we tell them there is no secret, just eat right and workout.. do the right stuff 85-90% of the time and it just happens. The reality is that we do have a secret, the real secret is doing it as a family. My wife and i are very supportive of each other, and we help keep each other on track. The kids are grown, but they enjoy healthier meals, and know that they will not find junk food in our house.
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