Cutting calories - not seeing results!

In order to maintain my weight I would have to consume 14,481 calories each week. I'm currently cutting down to 9,100 calories weekly. Add in about 750 calories in exercise and I have a deficient of 6,131 each week. If a pound equals 3,500 calories then I should be losing 1.75 lbs each week. And I'm stuck at the SAME weight for 3 weeks! What gives?

This isn't an exact science - but I feel like skinny people just say "Eat less, move more - you'll lose weight. It's a science."

Well, my body didn't get the memo. I'm about 30 pounds from goal so it's not as though I'm getting close to where my body is comfortable. In fact, my goal is smack dab in the middle of the "healthy" range for my age, height.

Anyway, I know I need to keep going. But - it's pretty discouraging when you're doing what you're supposed to do - and NOT losing an ounce. Anyone have this problem and get through it? Advice?


  • The math is fine, but it's not reality! You will drive yourself insane if you look at the math and how much you are "supposed" to lose.

    What is the time frame we are looking at here? Your diary isn't public, so without knowing the time frame and what your diet looks like it's hard to give advice.
  • I don't really have a time frame. I'm going for a long-term change - I just want the *%$& scale to budge. Haha. Although, I admit I'm not a very patient person.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Your mistake is assuming a weight loss strategy of 1.75 lbs per week which is geared for those who have over 60 lbs of fat to lose - you do not. If you need to lose 30 lbs, your weight loss goal weekly ought be no greater than 1 lb (500 calorie deficit below 2068). The less fat mass you have to lose, the slower fat oxidation occurs. Once you have 20 lbs to lose, drop it down to 0.75 lbs per week; when you have 10 lbs to lose, drop it down to 0.5 lbs per week. Thus, start off by having a weekly intake of 11000 calories.

    As Stephanie said, those are simply predictions. For example, according to the maximum amount of fat oxidation I can experience in a 24 hour period, it's about 600 calories (30 cal x 20 lbs of fat mass). However, from previous experience, I actually can only benefit from a max 250 calorie deficit since I only lose about 0.5 lb of fat per week at my present body fat percentage.

    Lastly, do not use scale weight as your main assessment tool - stick with girth measurements and progress photos every few weeks and do body fat analysis every 3 months.
  • katamus
    katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
    Based on your math, it doesn't seem like you're eating a lot. 1200 is a BARE minimum and usually not right for most people. Set your goal to 1lb a week and read this:
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    1. Water weight fluctuations.
    2. Your diary is closed, so 85% of the info we need to help you is inaccessible.
    3. 1.75 pounds a week for wanting to lose 30lbs is FAR too ambitious, your body will do what it can to hold onto it.
  • Thanks everyone. It sounds like I need to rein it in a little bit and have more realistic expectations.
  • Oh, and I'm eating 1300 calories each day. My doctor actually told me to eat 1100 -1200 - I flat out told her she was nuts. Sometimes I go over - but usually not more than 150 above goal.
  • I think I like the idea of progess photos. I do feel like my running route has altered my shape but I haven't compared myself to my "before pics" yet.
  • I don't really have a time frame. I'm going for a long-term change - I just want the *%$& scale to budge. Haha. Although, I admit I'm not a very patient person.

    By time frame, I meant how long you have been working at losing weight so far.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    Edit: Sorry, just woke up and read it wrong.
  • mrs_joshica
    mrs_joshica Posts: 275 Member
    Hey! If this is a new change, your body may need to take some time to adjust. It sounds crazy, but when we start doing something new, it wants to know what is going on, and why are we doing it. LOL It took my body 30 days to start responding to the eat more to match my work outs & lose instead of gaining. Just make sure you are taking in enough calories to justify whatever work out you do, make sure you are taking in enough water, and not too much sodium as not to cause water weight gain or bloating. And check what it is you take in when you take those 2K+ calories in a day. Also make sure that MFP is not grossly over calculating your work out burn, and that can be managed with a HRM, or eating back less work out cals. Remember what you eat is just as important that you are eating. And let your body have some time to adjust.
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    6000 calories per week net?? That is less than 1000 per day - you are not eating enough. You're body needs fuel and you are depriving it of the fuel needed to keep the metabollism up and muscles healing.

    I don't know how much you have to lose, but 2lb per week weigh loss is geared more toward people who have a lot (like 100lbs) to lose. If you have 60lbs or less to lose you need to focus more on 1lb per week.

    Decrease carbs (I can't see your diary, but aim to stay around 150)
    Increase protein
    Decrease sodium
    Increase water

    Change up your workout routine. If your body gets used to a workout it will fall into a routine hence Plataeu!

    Keep at it - take pictures and take measurements. You can do this!!
  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member

    Lastly, do not use scale weight as your main assessment tool - stick with girth measurements and progress photos every few weeks and do body fat analysis every 3 months.


    Hide your scale for three months.

    And lift something heavy.
  • 6000 calories per week net?? That is less than 1000 per day - you are not eating enough. You're body needs fuel and you are depriving it of the fuel needed to keep the metabollism up and muscles healing.

    I don't know how much you have to lose, but 2lb per week weigh loss is geared more toward people who have a lot (like 100lbs) to lose. If you have 60lbs or less to lose you need to focus more on 1lb per week.

    Decrease carbs (I can't see your diary, but aim to stay around 150)
    Increase protein
    Decrease sodium
    Increase water

    Change up your workout routine. If your body gets used to a workout it will fall into a routine hence Plataeu!

    Keep at it - take pictures and take measurements. You can do this!!