Ladies, what is your workout routine?



  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Crossfit 2 x week
    Cardio 1 or 2 x week
    Heavy weights 2 x week
    It's a commitment but worth it with summer just around the corner here in New Zealand!
  • ohnoetry
    ohnoetry Posts: 129
    Monday: off
    Tuesday: Personal Training session (1 hr):strength/circuit training
    Wednesday: Swimming (45 mins)
    Thursday: run (about 30 mins)
    Friday: Elliptical (about 1hr)
    Saturday: usually a free day, off if I'm super sore or a long walk/run
    Sunday: yoga (1 hr)

    Not set in stone, but a typical week
  • soehlerking
    soehlerking Posts: 589 Member
    Monday: 30 minutes lifting (upper body) & 45 minutes cardio
    Tuesday: 30 minutes lifting (lower/abs) & 45 minutes cardio
    Wednesday: 60-70 minutes cardio
    Thursday: 30 minutes lifting (back/biceps) & 45 minutes cardio
    Friday: 30 minutes lifting (lower/abs) & 45 minutes cardio
    Saturday: 60-70 minutes cardio
    Sunday: REST DAY HOORAY!!

    25 y/o 5'4" 127 lbs (43 lbs lost). I eat approximately 1600-1700 cal/day, which is probably a little low given my activity level, but I'm pushing through these last 2 lbs as hard as I can.
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    I will go to the gym to lift weights 2-3 times a week and do full body each time ..takes about 1 hour ...Sun , Tues and Fri

    I will do cardio on the above 3 days after lifting for half hour to 45 mins Fri and/or Sat I do an hour of Zumba

    Thursday is my off day but sometimes will just do an easy walk or video for half hour to an hour ..nothing strenuous.

    Several mornings before work i do some dancing at home for 20 minutes or so just to get my body moving and in a good frame of mind.
  • Sweetsugar0424
    Sweetsugar0424 Posts: 451 Member
    Full body compound heavy lift 3x/week for about 30-45 mins
    Fitness classes 2x/week, either step aerobics or kickboxing

    I've done many different weight lifting routines from full body to 3 day split and now back to full body, but lifting MUCH heavier. The heavy lift is new for me (2 weeks in) so I'm not sure what exactly this will do for me yet, but I am feeling more in my 30 min workout than I did doing 2 hrs of isolation lifts.
  • Daytonsmommy
    Daytonsmommy Posts: 162 Member
    I started the Insanity program about 3 weeks ago so I'm currently doing that 6 days a week (following the calendar for my first round). Once I complete that, I'll be starting an Insanity and P90X hybrid where I'll do Insanity 3 days a week and P90X 3 days a week. Insanity is about 40 minutes at this point, but next month I think it gets closer to an hour each day.
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    I do full body lifting for about an hour 3 days a week. That's followed by 20-30 minutes of cardio. That can either be elliptical or some HIIT on the treadmill. Depends on how I feel that day. I then get in another 2 days of plain cardio of some sort. Depending on the lifting days, the non-lifting days can be either Spinning, Yoga, just a long run on the treadmill or whatever suits my fancy. I do all of my workouts at the gym. I try and keep my schedule flexible so I don't get tired of it and because my schedule can always change. I'm not always going to get there on the weekends.
  • shapeup6
    shapeup6 Posts: 46 Member
    I go to the gym 5-6 days a week. I either do the elliptical for 45-55 minutes or go for a 3 mile run.
    I am also doing Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones about 3 days a week. Looking to improve and start using heavier weights for that. On Sat & Sun I will do NMTZ as well as the gym.
  • myfitnesslife75
    myfitnesslife75 Posts: 163 Member
    I do a JumpSnap workout. Basically, high intensity, rope less jumping/skippin with light weights in the handles. In the video they say it's a 20 minute workout but it's really only 15 minutes. I alternate between this and doing one of Jillian Michaels' workouts. I only have 5 of those! Lots to mix up and choose from.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I work out pretty much every day. I do:

    30 min of cardio followed by heavy weight lifting. I do one muscle group along with either abs or legs. In the afternoon I take the dog for a 3.5 mile walk at a 4-4.5 mph pace. If I don't hit the gym I either take a rest day or do a cardio DVD.
  • Jamie571
    Jamie571 Posts: 16 Member
    Monday: Cardio on the stairmill for about 30 minutes. 65 steps/minute for the first 3 minutes, 70 steps/minute for 12 minutes and increasing at 5 steps per minute every 2 minutes until I get to 105 steps/minute or I run for 30 minutes depending on my mood.
    Tuesday: Heavy lifting day with a trainer
    Wednesday: Cardio on stairmill or treadmill depending on my mood
    Thursday: Lift with trainer but more of a cardio type workout but there are some heavy weights in there depending on how "mean" he feels like being to me :wink:
    Friday: Heavy Lifting day with trainer
    Saturday: Lifting with a trainer but more of a cardio type workout
    Sunday: either a rest day or I do cardio depending on how sore I am
    All of my workouts are about 30-45 minutes.

    I workout with one trainer 2 days a week and I also lift with another trainer who is a friend. I try to have one rest day a week but sometimes that doesn't happen. I'm 5'10", 145lbs and 18.5% body fat. I have been maintaining this weight and body fat since August. I eat about 1700 to 1800 calories a day. It seems to work for me :happy:
  • tattedchic
    tattedchic Posts: 66 Member
    I workout at the gym 5 days a week, every day I lift heavy for about 30-45 min, followed by 20-30 min cardio on the treadmill or elliptical. I finish off with 15-20 min in the sauna (not sure if that helps but I like to think it does). Sometimes I'll change it up for the 5th day and just do a yoga class or go hiking.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Nike Training Club (free app!) 3 days a week, 30 -- 45 minutes with the heaviest weights I can handle or each move, rotating through legs, back, shoulders, arms, etc. - tons of great workouts in that app. Usually followed by 20 minutes of cardio with Kickbox Fast Fix (Jillian MIchaels DVD).

    The other three days I get out and run an average of 3.5 miles.

    Rest at least one day every week.
  • jealous_loser
    I have been doing NROLFW for a bit now. Just finished Stage 2.

    Weight training 3 x per week
    When it was nice out I had 2-3 days a week of running 5k and/or tennis.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    heavy lifting 3x/week (New Rules of Lifting for Women) (45-90 minutes usually incl. stretching & warmup)

    cardio 2-3x/week (usually HIIT, jogging/walking, and/or elliptical, sometimes 10 minutes on the rowing machine).
  • Lsteedly85
    Lsteedly85 Posts: 76 Member
    3 days a week strength training, rotating which areas I focus on. Currently following Les Mills, high reps... workouts range from 30 to 55 mintues.
    3 days a week running (training for Disney Princess Half Marathon), following every run I do a 20 minute stretch/yoga type video.

    I've done a ton of workout routines over the last two years, loving the balance of strength and cardio training :)
  • sunshinesquared
    sunshinesquared Posts: 2,733 Member
    Bumping..for some new ideas!
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    I mostly listen to my body to decide what I'm going to do each day but it's generally...

    Heavy lifting 3-5x a week (sometimes with a P90X video)
    HIIT running 2x a week
    Rest when I feel I need it

    Oh. And I ride horses.
  • GuruOnAMountain
    GuruOnAMountain Posts: 489 Member
    I've been into fitness for about 5 or 6 years now, so I vary it to mix things up.

    When I first started I used to go to Body Attack 3 times a week.

    Nowadays and average week for me would be something like:
    Monday - Body Attack
    Tuesday - Gym
    Wednesday - Body Attack
    Thursday - Metafit and Gym
    Friday - Metafit and Gym or Body Attack
    Saturday - Usually a rest day if I'm working for most of the day or else Body Attack in the morning
    Sunday - Gym

    But as I say, I don't have this set in stone. If I feel like a change I'll go out on my bike or go swimming instead. Similarly if I'm feeling it in my joints after too many hard workouts I'll switch up to swimming or cycling to give them a rest. Just started the C25K programme as well and just fitting that in around my existing workouts.
  • moswald2
    RIght now I am doing P90X and am in my third week. Prior to that I did boot camp classes 3 x a week but found it expensive and difficult to make it to the gym as the classes were from 6 to 7 and 20 minutes from my house. When I am done with this work out routine I'm going to do the 30-day shred and then back to P90X again :)