Help?! Frustrated, gluten free and running



  • kkbmommy
    kkbmommy Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks! Having a heck of a time getting the percentages right on MFP as I'm not that into carbs as I see them mostly as cheap filler but finding it difficult to eat enough calories without them. I did reset my activity level and it now has me eating 1470 a day which is seriously so much food. Looking back at my journal and how little I was eating I see the problem. I haven't gone to sleep with a rumbling tummy as my intake after workout was sometimes closer to 900, no wonder I wasn't loosing. It's been a week and *gasp* I've dropped 1/2 a lb. I was terrified all week that I'd gained but have not...maybe there is something to this eating more. We will see.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    Thanks! Having a heck of a time getting the percentages right on MFP as I'm not that into carbs as I see them mostly as cheap filler but finding it difficult to eat enough calories without them. I did reset my activity level and it now has me eating 1470 a day which is seriously so much food. Looking back at my journal and how little I was eating I see the problem. I haven't gone to sleep with a rumbling tummy as my intake after workout was sometimes closer to 900, no wonder I wasn't loosing. It's been a week and *gasp* I've dropped 1/2 a lb. I was terrified all week that I'd gained but have not...maybe there is something to this eating more. We will see.

    Steak is always a fine option.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    I do find it ironic that you mentioned regular breads are fortified...guessing that means remove the vitamins and they'd also be worthless? Grin.
    How else are they going to make us eat their low nutritional value field yield? They fortify it because it's cheaper to feed a civilization fortified food then it is to produce the real stuff and make it affordable. Think of it, we live in a country where there is an abundance of food and no population control; ever wonder if we're going to run out of food? I have. I see we eat cloned animals (man made livestock) and they genetically mutate crops (not cross breed) to provide better yield (man made crop fields). The end result? Food that can easily be renewed and can hit our stomach to keep us "alive" (but results in malnutrition and disease).

    The grin meant I was trying to make a joke. I'm pretty aware of exactly what you're saying. In fact, I agree with you and have always found it pretty funny when people go on and on about the value of bread and what I'm missing. The reality is I can easily take a vitamin pill and get the same stuff that's in wheat. It's just the play on words that tickled my funny bone.

    It's the same reason I get really annoyed with what they are feeding kids in schools. They are programming them to eat junk and/or be satisfied with junk. I think kids, if they got a hold of real food, would probably demand it. Instead, they get slop like broccoli that's overcooked with fake cheese...strange meat patties and other horrifying things that you couldn't pay me to eat.
  • kkbmommy
    kkbmommy Posts: 29 Member
    Yes it is! And great for my anemia as well...great point. Thanks a bunch for all of your tips!
  • kkbmommy
    kkbmommy Posts: 29 Member
  • kkbmommy
    kkbmommy Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks for the tips!
  • kkbmommy
    kkbmommy Posts: 29 Member
    Not sure if I have to thank all of you separately but you guys are all really awesome! I did enjoy the discussion about breads and all of your tips! I am seriously impressed with the responses and how helpful this website is(the people on here)
    Muchos gracias!