Anybody need a buddy?

I feel like I'm not going to make the necessary changes in my life without help and really like the idea of having a small group of similar women to help motivate and support each other, kind of like our own virtual weight watchers meetings and a place to be accountable to.

I am 41 years old, 5'4" and 170lbs. I am seriously depressed that I weigh almost as much as my husband now and just hate, hate, hate this state I am in but for whatever reason seem stuck in it. Being depressed about being fat just makes me want to eat more food and drink more wine, which makes me fatter and more depressed. I felt this way with my first 10 lbs and just let it keep climbing. I've got to just start changing small things each day to build up to a lifestyle I used to have and quit this insanity. I think I am like one pound away from my BMI saying I am obese if it doesn't already. I haven't weighed myself in a bit.

So anyone is looking for friends to motivate each other add me and if you'd like to start a little group to get an extra bit of support than just your news feed let me know. I could really use some extra support!!


  • dawnmcelroy
    dawnmcelroy Posts: 8 Member
    Feel free to add me 46 and down to 165 but I started bigger then you and my husband lol.
  • lilmzritz
    lilmzritz Posts: 176
    Adding you right now :) Turning 40 next year and need to get in a better shape. Also doing the 5K Dirty Girl Mud Run in SF on Feb. so I'm prepping for that. Let's do this!
  • Masq
    Masq Posts: 191 Member
    Feel free to add me.
    I am also 41 and have about 35-40 pounds to lose. Need all the support we can get during the TRIPLE threat of holidays! Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas :devil:
