Hello New From Missouri

BlueyedMLE Posts: 9 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
:flowerforyou: Hello I am new to MFP and looking for Support(friends) I am a Military Wife, and I am a native to Virginia but because my loving husband is in the military we are now in the middle of NOWHERE Missouri... I am hoping to reach other military wifes(and others) that are having the same problem as I am losing weight. My goals are to get to a healthy weight so my hubby and I can bring a bundle of joy into the world! I have a lot to live for and today I start walking up that path ... who would like to join me??


  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Hi there MLE. I am in MO also - a native and not an MW - but at least there's a common state! Us natives call it the State of Misery... if you're very new, just wait until August. LOL Welcome to MFP, I'm fairly new as well and everyone is so welcoming and helpful that I'm sure you'll have no trouble finding a fitting support system! In the meantime, welcome to both the site and the state and best of luck both in health and bundles! (want one of mine??? LMAO!!)
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Hi. Welcome to MFP. :)
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    we are now in the middle of NOWHERE Missouri...


    My first thought was Whiteman AFB, but that's not really the middle of nowhere (at least, not by my standards:wink: ). Then I remembered my dad talking about Leonardwood being the armpit of Misery. Thus my guess.

    I am neither a MW nor a native of Missouri. As a point of fact, I've never actually LIVED in the state. Although I do have several family members living there (Ozark, Laurie, Gravois Mills), and I did live in Kansas City (Kansas) for 5+ years.

    There are many great people on here who are more than willing to support and help. First place to look is on the message boards. On the General Diet board there are several stickied topics. They have GREAT information, as well as links to MORE great info! Those posts answer a LOT of the questions you may have. If you can't find the answer you're looking for, just ask! We're more than happy to chime in with our opinions. (Warning: don't blindly trust the answers you get on the boards. People mean well, but what worked for me, may not work for you! It may even hinder your process. Research, and talk with your doctor when it comes to matters of health.) Sorry didn't mean for that to sound negative.:blushing:

    Remember: A journey of 1000 miles starts with 1 step. You've taken the first one, now it's time to take the second!:flowerforyou:
  • pbxr
    pbxr Posts: 100 Member
    Hi there! :flowerforyou:

    I'm also in Missouri, though I'm originally from NC. We aren't a military family, but we live close to Ft. Leonard Wood (just one town over). Is this near where you are? I've been here (on myfitnesspal) just over 2 weeks & I've lost 7 pounds so far ~ WOOT! I'm working to be more disciplined with portions and exercise. Anyhoo, I'm all for support ~ we need all the encouragement we can get, right? Welcome! :happy:
  • BlueyedMLE
    BlueyedMLE Posts: 9 Member
    I call it Missery too.. I have been here 5 years too long... and I am at Whiteman AFB... Which when you come from the coast and go to a land locked state is Nowhere to me.. LOL .. We are closer to Kansas City... almost 2 hours (on a good day..:wink: )Thank you guys for all the support and love.. I hope the scales are really nice to you the next time you step on it:flowerforyou:
  • pbxr
    pbxr Posts: 100 Member
    Which when you come from the coast and go to a land locked state is Nowhere to me.. LOL ..

    I know what you mean! Even though we lived in western NC, we could still get to the ocean in 3.5 hours... We've only been here 7 months ~ and we are enjoying it ~ but I do miss knowing that salt water could be reached rather quickly if the need arose. :wink: Best wishes for your new journey here! :smile:
  • Hi MLE...My fiance is from MO ( St.Joe's and most recently Holt). He moved to MA to be with me and I have to say the ocean is like 10 minutes from our house. I'm actually making my 1st trip to MO next week. Haha he was asking his Mom what historical sites he could show me that could top The Atlantic Ocean,Plymouth Rock, and Historical Revolutionary Boston...and all we could come up with was the Pony Express museum ( I laughed and said "Cool the 1st mailbox"), and the house where Jesse James was killed in. Enjoy your time here at MFP I like to think we are an awesome bunch of ppl with kind words and lots of encouragement. Maybe even some good advise..LOL...Good luck on your journey of healthy living!!
  • Welcome, MLE. I'm from St. Louis. I have no idea where your base is, but it sounds dreary! I wish you much joy and education on your weight loss journey here on MFP. I have found that joining a support group really helps me be accountable.
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