Hi all,

I am trying to stay between 30 and 70 grams of carbs per day... which is NOTHING, as you know, especially for a carboholic such as myself!

I am getting really bored with my food and need some low-carb meal and snack help. I am cheating like crazy cause I am sick of eating all the same darn stuff every day!

Any suggestions???

Thank you!


  • MTBrob
    MTBrob Posts: 513 Member
    eat some bread.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Hi all,

    I am trying to stay between 30 and 70 grams of carbs per day... which is NOTHING, as you know, especially for a carboholic such as myself!

    I am getting really bored with my food and need some low-carb meal and snack help. I am cheating like crazy cause I am sick of eating all the same darn stuff every day!

    Any suggestions???

    Thank you!

    If you're cheating like crazy then this is not a sustainable approach to weight loss for you. Eat everything in moderation and stay within your calorie goal and you will lose!
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    I am sick of eating all the same darn stuff every day!

    Any suggestions???

    Thank you!

    what do you eat?
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    I am getting really bored with my food and need some low-carb meal and snack help. I am cheating like crazy cause I am sick of eating all the same darn stuff every day!

    If you struggle with adherence, then it's not a good dieting strategy for you.
  • sarahmichelexo
    sarahmichelexo Posts: 42 Member
    if you want to successfully do a low carb diet and are a self proclaimed carbaholic, maybe try slowly eating less and less carbs than your used to vs. cutting them out all together! I love carbs and could never give them up, but good for you and good luck!
  • kaybrose730
    kaybrose730 Posts: 143 Member

    everything in moderation and stay within your calorie goal and you will lose!

    AGREED! :)
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    It doesn't sound like a very sustainable eating approach for you. While it works for some people (and is necessary for some), there's nothing magical about eating a low-carb diet. I lost 45 pounds eating 200-300 grams of carbs a day and have maintained the weight lost.

    As others have said, find an approach that works for you that doesn't require you give up the foods you most enjoy. It has to be the right fit for you.
  • rawhidenadz
    rawhidenadz Posts: 254 Member
    If you're having this much trouble with it right off the bat, do you really see yourself being able to maintain this diet in the long run? And if you can't, what's the point of doing it now? Why suffer unnecessarily? If low carb isn't something you enjoy and are able to adhere to, there's no need to do it. Eat some carbs.
  • KolieBug27
    KolieBug27 Posts: 22 Member
    I don't think most of you are getting my point. Nothing "worked" for me in the past, that's why I want to try this, plus it was recommended by my doctor (who said don't cut them out completely cause they're important, hence the 30-70 grams per day).

    Again, I am looking for low-carb suggestions from people that DO low carb dieting. Everyone else can move along, thanks!
  • KolieBug27
    KolieBug27 Posts: 22 Member
    Mag... Hi! Meats, eggs, cheese, sausages, veggies, some fruits (grapes, tomatoes, avocados)... ???
  • KolieBug27
    KolieBug27 Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you, Laura!
  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
    I have to follow a low carb diet for medical reasons. But if you don't have any medical issues then why not make smart carb choices. You feel limited because you cut out an entire food group. Maybe that's too drastic for you. Work on making smarter, healthier choices. Cut out as many overly processed carbs as possible for you. Stick with whole grains and fresh stuff, low sugar, no high fructose corn syrup ect..... Just measure out portion sizes.
  • Junnie88
    Junnie88 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm on a medium-carb diet ( trying to stay under the 100g carbs), but sometimes I do get in your range of 30 to 70. I eat a lot of salads, nuts ( macadamia, peanuts, smoked almonds) for snacks, sometimes no sugar added yogurts and of course meat/cheese.

    I ate japanese today: yakitori cheesy beef skewers without that sugary sauce that goes with them, it was delicious.
    Another good idea: the cucumber sub


    I tried the low-carb pizza with almond flour, it was pretty horrible but some people seem to like it:

    Another tip: chicken broth actually fills me up good, and it's virtually no calories and very few carbs, if any. I'm not sure it's healthy though, given it's very salty.
  • dlegros
    dlegros Posts: 162 Member
    I remember when Atkins was very fashionable a few years ago, a local pub did an "Atkins Friendly Cheeseburger"

    It was a burger with cheese between 2 chicken breasts! :love:
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    You can look at my diary; it is open to everyone.

    The difficulty that I would have with eating 70 grams of carbs is that level would be enough for me to start craving more carbs. I have to keep my carbs low so that I don't battle constant hunger, cravings, and binging.

    So. You might need to try less carbs (keep the veggies). OR. Find an eating plan that fits you and is sustainable. I absolutely LOVE how I eat, but I also had to get to the point of getting sick of being sick to finally "get it".

    Edit: btw, you will NOT get the benefits of a low carb by "cheating". That's why this way of eating is not for everyone. You are likely better off to find an eating plan that includes the foods that you cannot live without.
  • KolieBug27
    KolieBug27 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi! I'm on a medium-carb diet ( trying to stay under the 100g carbs), but sometimes I do get in your range of 30 to 70. I eat a lot of salads, nuts ( macadamia, peanuts, smoked almonds) for snacks, sometimes no sugar added yogurts and of course meat/cheese.

    I ate japanese today: yakitori cheesy beef skewers without that sugary sauce that goes with them, it was delicious.
    Another good idea: the cucumber sub


    I tried the low-carb pizza with almond flour, it was pretty horrible but some people seem to like it:

    Thank you!
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    Mag... Hi! Meats, eggs, cheese, sausages, veggies, some fruits (grapes, tomates)... ???

    Fruit has way too many carbs to fit in. You can eat stuff like jerky, but it's loaded with sodium, so I wouldn't eat it too frequently. When I did low carb (many years ago), I ate a lot of cottage cheese with tomatoes. I frankly didn't snack much, tho, just ate big meals. Lots of eggs and bacon for breakfast, usually tuna salad or chicken salad for lunch (with a green salad or tomatoes or cucumbers), then meat with broccoli and a salad for supper. You could snack on celery or some other raw vegetable that you like, and frankly you can have it with dressing as long as you are careful about which dressing, but many dressings are high in sodium, too.

    I agree with axialmeow--keep the processed foods to a minimum.
  • KolieBug27
    KolieBug27 Posts: 22 Member
    I have to follow a low carb diet for medical reasons. But if you don't have any medical issues then why not make smart carb choices. You feel limited because you cut out an entire food group. Maybe that's too drastic for you. Work on making smarter, healthier choices. Cut out as many overly processed carbs as possible for you. Stick with whole grains and fresh stuff, low sugar, no high fructose corn syrup ect..... Just measure out portion sizes.

    The word "obese" is my medical reason... Doctor suggested this due to my weight and specially where I carry my excess weight.
  • SexyBoomer
    SexyBoomer Posts: 41 Member
    Why not try medifast?