Nervous about food.

So I am new here, haven't found any friends yet, but I suppose you have to ask, right? I am finding that logging my food is making me a touch neurotic. I am not always hitting my calories for the day, and I am worried the calories I get may be from the wrong thing. I find myself hungry, but able to just ignore it so far. I don't want to screw this up. OH, and are you supposed to eat your exercise calories back? This is the first time I have tried to do this dieting thing the right way (aka eating modest portions and moving more). I am a sucker for a 'fad' diet and have tried them all with great temporary results. I want to do this right and get healthier. I would like to be able to get over my stupid reservations and get in some photos with my kiddos...


  • cndunkel
    cndunkel Posts: 5 Member
    I never eat the exercise calories because you need to burn the calories you eat. and if your still feeling hungry and its not because you are bored and have nothing else to do but eat some people are like that then just add more veggies and fruit to your meals it dosent add all the calories that you dont want and make sure you have some kinda of grain in your meals thats what will help keep you full longer and not want to eat all the time starving your self is not going to get you to your goal it will make it hard for you to get there.
  • perpetuallyengaged
    perpetuallyengaged Posts: 13 Member
    i kinda figured it was better to not eat the exercise calories back, but because i am only used to crazy 'crash' diets, it is really hard for me to process that I can eat, i don't know, a wrap that is under 300 calories for lunch and it is okay!

    I guess it will get easier as I keep going!
  • joannathechef
    joannathechef Posts: 484 Member
    Lots of people here eat their excercise calories back - if you go by MFP recommended calories there already a deficit built in to let you lose at the rate you requested.

    to lose 1 pound = 3,500 calories deficit

    So eat them or not it is up to you...some people eat only a percentage back just to be sure.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Relax. Dieting is a science, but it's not an exact one. Try to eat healthy foods, but if you want to eat a little junk, you can do that, too. For the most part, dieting is calories in vs. calories out. Try to net at least 1200 calories a day* (net = calories in minus exercise calories) and you should be fine. If you follow the basic rules, you will lose weight. If you overeat one day, just get back on the wagon. It's a long term choice, so while you're try not to mess up too badly, don't beat yourself up over a mistake.

    *Many people believe that if you go lower than 1200 calories a day, your body goes into starvation mode and starts to hoard the calories. I don't believe in precisely that number, but your metabolism will slow if you eat too few calories.

    Also, reading the link below will give you a lot of helpful information since you're green to this way of dieting:
  • cndunkel
    cndunkel Posts: 5 Member
    it is hard to knw what to eat how much to eat but you will learn what you body needs if you just keep going i use to do all the crash diets too it was very hard to stop but when i did i started eating right and working out everyday i have lost almost all the my extra weight. you dont lose it as fast as you would on one of the crazy diets but its stays. all your doing is retraining you body and mind
  • zebisis
    zebisis Posts: 157
    I will eat a few back if I am STARVING, as I usually burn 500 cal a day min in exercise. Also- I have my cals set really low- 1200, and am restricting carbs as well.
    I get a little obsessed too, with the logging, but I am trying to think of it as holding myself accountable- not obsessing. I have had plenty of years of eating what I want, and NOT keeping track, and I didn't like those results, and I am losing STEADILY doing what I am doing now, so positives all around.
    It is new, it is different, and it is good. I have lost 3.4 lbs in the last 7 days, and 3 inches off my waist and 3 inches off my hips since starting (about a month before I started logging- 2 of those inches off my waist and 2 off the hips have been lost in the last 16 days, since logging here).
    So- it works! I am really happy, so I shall continue. :)

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • MzStarrQueenB
    MzStarrQueenB Posts: 194 Member
    You can add me and join my support group if you want….

    If you set your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.....
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    Oh, honey are you in the right place.

    First, you won't mess it up. If you do, you brush yourself off and keep going.

    eating your exercise calories was new to me too, no wonder I found myself ALWAYS hungery on the fad diets.

    So, when you really want to eat a bit more, exercise more. It works out well.

    Some days you'll exercise and not eat all them back and that's ok too.

    The only wrong way to fuel your body is the "fade diet" way.

    Try to choose "closest to nature" things and as less processed as possible. That helps alot.

    try to get away for just the scale number too. Notice the other things. NSV (non-scale victories) such as someone commenting on looking better, or your pants getting loose. Those things will be what will keep us going between the pounds coming off.

    Good luck.

    Friend me if you'd like.
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    Don't restrict yourself too much too quickly- you want long-term results and it takes a while to get them. It took me a LONG time and a lot of failed fad diets to get that through my thick skull.

    Make healthier choices: whole grains, lean proteins, fresh fruits and veggies. Your caloric goal should reflect what you are trying to lose (how much)... calculate your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). You can find some websites to help you (just google it) and then make sure you are consuming at LEAST that number of calories each day. I set my MFP to moderately active (3-5 workouts per week) so I only eat back calories if I do a LOT of cardio (excess of 500 calories).

    You can do this chica!!
  • ronkelley2
    ronkelley2 Posts: 66 Member
    i dont think about calories till i log-on! remember that it is about self honesty that make the weight fall off. that is the only thing we can do any thing about. i changed my exercise habits more than any thing. remember that it is health that we want.. if it become to much thinking talk to your doctor. we will support you in any way we can help!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ronkelley2
    ronkelley2 Posts: 66 Member
    i dont think about calories till i log-on! remember that it is about self honesty that make the weight fall off. that is the only thing we can do any thing about. i changed my exercise habits more than any thing. remember that it is health that we want.. if it become to much thinking talk to your doctor. we will support you in any way we can help!!!!!!!!!!!!! add me if you want:)
  • perpetuallyengaged
    perpetuallyengaged Posts: 13 Member
    HOLY COW! I am supposed to NET (?!) 1200 calories. So, today I ate 1183 calories (some of which were totally not great for me) and then I did some walkin' and mowed the lawn (holy aerobic lawn mowing! riding lawn mower ruined me, going back to the good ol' pull start, complete with cursing!) and these two activities (theoretically) burned 480ish now i am supposed to eat something? does that mean that my current net is like 700 ish?

    OH, and I wanted to ask, I am not a good water drinker, or anything drinker really, but I am working on it. I am drinking 64 oz a day, and I am in the bathroom all the time! I had to get up 2x last night! i am noticing that the more i drink the thirstier i am as well! any idea when my body will adjust? or is this just the way hydrated people live? :)
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    I love food. It tastes good, it keeps me alive, it helps me gain or lose weight depending on my goals, it's a good social activity, its fun to cook. Love it.

    I don't log my exercise - I don't care to and I find MFP inaccurate. It's also inaccurate of its suggestions. If you're looking to NET 1200 then yes eat back your calories. Eating only 1200 is a terrible idea.

    Also - count macros, not calories. Better approach.
  • Susanthecatwhisperer
    When I started MFP, I just logged what I ate, and didn't look at or worry about calories etc. I agree, so much water, so many bathroom trips. I just drink when I'm thirsty. I'm far from perfect, but, I'm SLOWLY getting to my goal. In 5 months, I'm halfway there. I'm really happy with it. Don't worry about it, you're just starting. It gets easier! I promise. :flowerforyou:
  • perpetuallyengaged
    perpetuallyengaged Posts: 13 Member
    I love food. It tastes good, it keeps me alive, it helps me gain or lose weight depending on my goals, it's a good social activity, its fun to cook. Love it.

    I don't log my exercise - I don't care to and I find MFP inaccurate. It's also inaccurate of its suggestions. If you're looking to NET 1200 then yes eat back your calories. Eating only 1200 is a terrible idea.

    Also - count macros, not calories. Better approach.

    crap. wth are macros? sometimes i really wish i hadn't prayed at the altar of hamburger helper since birth! i am more clueless than i though!
  • Rebeccawks
    Rebeccawks Posts: 61 Member
    Lol. Calm down macros are fats/carbs/proteins-the biggies. (also numbers that everyone plays around w depending on their goals). Micros are the smaller stuff like vitamins and minerals (all those tiny nutrients).

    I love food. It tastes good, it keeps me alive, it helps me gain or lose weight depending on my goals, it's a good social activity, its fun to cook. Love it.

    I don't log my exercise - I don't care to and I find MFP inaccurate. It's also inaccurate of its suggestions. If you're looking to NET 1200 then yes eat back your calories. Eating only 1200 is a terrible idea.

    Also - count macros, not calories. Better approach.

    crap. wth are macros? sometimes i really wish i hadn't prayed at the altar of hamburger helper since birth! i am more clueless than i though!
  • kbchmacdonald
    I always eat back my exercise calories and this is the first time in my life I've been able to lose and maintain. Yeah, I want to lose more, but haven't done badly so far with this less-punishing strategy.
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    Protein - the nitrogenous peptide structures that are everything "you." Not just lean muscle, DNA codes genes code RNA code proteins that make your eye color, hair shape, skin tone, digestive enzymes, voice box... You are the proteins you make.
    Fat - long carbon chains either saturated or partially unsaturated with hydrogen atoms either as free fatty acids (triglycerides) or attached to a head of another functional group like phosphate, a protein, or small carbohydrate chain. All are essential for the structure of cell, vacuole, and organelle membranes with different functions. Also important to the function of the brain and endocrine system (hormones).
    Carbs - non-essential macronutrient that breaks down into glucose molecules for readily available energy use (or storage into triglycerides in adipose tissue if not utilized)
    Water - not really a nutrient by any mean, doesn't fit the profile. But I mention it because people dont drink enough water considering you are composed of 70% H2O.

    Micronutrients are the vitamins, minerals, cholesterol, and other functional pieces found in wholesome foods required by the body to function properly. Deficiency in any micronutrient certainly may not be fatal but it could have negative health impact and deter you from your goals.
  • Kstoriale88
    Don't be scared of food. You need it to live just be aware of what you up in your mouth. I know how growing up on hambgurger helper and frozen foods are. It,took me a while to understand the balance between carbs,protein,fat balance. The list that mfp has saying in,RED you are over on protein and sugar was redicuolous. I look at the pie chart and try to make a peace sign. Its simple and funny but,works for me. P.s. If you are working out protein and water are your friends. Relax and enjoy the foods you love(in moteration)
  • perpetuallyengaged
    perpetuallyengaged Posts: 13 Member