Vyvanse issues

Hi all,
I recently started on Vyvanse for various reasons and it has the major side effect of suppressing my appetite. I can't lie and say I'm not happy about it. I'm losing weight fast. Curbing my appetite had always been a problem for me, no matter how much fiber and protein I include in my diet. However, I'm at the point now where I can really only eat breakfast and a really late dinner. I can barely force any food down during the day. For those of you taking this medication, how has it effected your weight loss? How did you make sure that you were getting the necessary nutrients? I don't want to eat two giant meals at the beginning and very end of the day just to be able to have enough calories. All thoughts and advice are welcome!


  • janet0513
    janet0513 Posts: 564 Member
    This may be something you should discuss with your doctor. Are you on the right dose? Can you take a day off a week?

    Other suggestions would be to make sure you eat a long of calorie dense nutritious food. Don't try to eat light versions. Incorporate meat, nuts, cheese olive oil, avacados, milk, protein shakes or bars into your diet.

    Sometimes the side effects will wane over time.
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    My son is on it with the same effects. He drinks whole milk with a carnation breakfast mixed in every night with dinner. He eats big breakfasts before the meds kick in. He eats a lot of high cal food, but he's a growing kid. :)

    Id say switch milk, eat peanut butter or other high cal healthy snacks and make yourself have something midday - I just remind my son that if he doesn't get enough fuel, he'll end up short like me.
  • melanielupien
    melanielupien Posts: 54 Member
    It is normal for you to lose weight the fist 2-3 months on it. Both of my kids are on it (20mg) and for the first 3 months they each lost 5 pounds and could care less about eating. After 3 months, they started eating again at a normal amount. The weight has stayed off them.

    It is very normal that you will lose weight :) so no worries. Your Dr will monitor your weight and he or she will change the dose if the weight is coming off too fast.

    Try eating in the morning before you take it and at least you are able to get some food in you.
  • SummerLovesPhil
    SummerLovesPhil Posts: 242 Member
    I took Strattera, which is similar, and it did the same thing to me. I enjoyed the appetite suppression while it lasted, but the effect leveled off after a month or so.
  • gradmonkey
    gradmonkey Posts: 12 Member
    Ok. I will be seeing my doctor soon but I guess if the side effects wear off, then there is not much to worry about. Now I'm worried that I'll gain it back since I'm losing so fast! (still, by fast, I mean 2lbs a week, which I don't think is dangerous).
  • saravsally
    This may be something you should discuss with your doctor. Are you on the right dose? Can you take a day off a week?

    Other suggestions would be to make sure you eat a long of calorie dense nutritious food. Don't try to eat light versions. Incorporate meat, nuts, cheese olive oil, avacados, milk, protein shakes or bars into your diet.

    Sometimes the side effects will wane over time.

    I am on 70mg of Vyvanse, with a dex booster in the afternoon..... I try to eat cottage cheese in the morning when I take my meds ( the protein helps absorbtion) (TRY... as in idealy. but rarely do) Then, as I do with my two year old, I set up a sort of snack buffet to pick from during the day. Nuts, trail mix, edamame..... whatever can sit in room temperature for the day. Then I graze like a cow as I do my thing during the day.......... Like I said, I stole this idea off of my two year old, somedays she wont eat a meal at all, so this way, I know she will put SOMETHING in her belly.
    I put fruits out for her, but not for me. Bananas make me nausous, and we who take Vyvanse (or any ADHD medication) have to avoid citric acid during the day. citric acid lessens the effect of the (d)amphetamine. So, no fruit, soda, ect. during the day. I only bring this up because most people were not aware of this.... And Im on the Max dose, and still scatterbrain out........

    Sorry to bring this up so late in the game, I just started this account yesterday.... :wink: