Warm/hot quick healthy meals?

withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
Greek yogurt with fruits/ nuts/ granola has been my go-to for the longest time! But now that the weather is getting cold where I live, I find myself wanting warmer foods. What are some quick protein-y meals that won't give me goose bumps on a chilly morning? Warm is nice, but I'll be okay with "not cold" too.

Please don't say oatmeal...


  • Dee2ol8
    Dee2ol8 Posts: 3 Member
    Mine is fried egg sandwiches, add any veggie you like to it. You could also do a variations of cobbler. I use to make peach cobbler for my clients. It's simply a layer of oatmeal(uncooked), can of peaches, chopped. Sprinkle some brown sugar, cinnamon cover with a little more oatmeal. Then pour rouhly a cup of whole milk ontop. Bake at 350 for about 45 minutes. Super delicious
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    What's wrong with oatmeal? :tongue:

    I eat my oatmeal similar to how you eat your yogurt - I cook it, then add plain Greek yogurt, fruit, walnuts, a bit of honey and a few sprinkles of cinnamon - delicious and quick! And oatmeal isn't so much different than granola, especially if you get a hearty one (avoid quick or instant oats), like Trader Joe's Multi-grain Oatmeal or something similar that's got some texture to it.

    I always have a hot breakfast, and it's either the oatmeal, or good old eggs and toast.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    I don't like how soggy oatmeal gets after cooking! Maybe I should try nuking the Greek yogurt :laugh:

    The peach cobbler sounds very delicious, but not enough protein for the calorie content :( Sadness!
  • swweis
    swweis Posts: 43 Member
    These are easy to make, store great in the freezer and about 2 min to warm up in the microwave. I don't include veggies in mine, for some reason, I just can't veggies for breakfast :sick:

  • mountain59
    mountain59 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm the same way - now that it's colder I want some thing that will warm my 'innards'. No rule says you have to eat breakfast foods for breakfast, right? Find something else that's warm and that you enjoy. How about a toasted peanut butter sandwich with banana? I love oatmeal but I also have to add enough raisins and walnuts so it won't have that soggy feeling. I KNOW exactly what you're talking about and don't like food with that texture. Eggs can be done in dozens of ways. I like to let them fry into sheet kinda... not scrambled but like a crepe kinda thing. Then I put some salsa and 1/3 cup of cheese. Warm, cheesy, and the salsa adds zest. I also have a recipe for crepes that I quadruple and freeze into individual servings -- then you can put bananas & Nutella or peanut butter on them. Or any kind of fruit and any kind of nut butter. Just heat it up. Add some hot tea and you're good to go! Good luck!
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions! I'll be trying them soon. Mmmm eggs...
  • Julicat6
    Julicat6 Posts: 231 Member
    Ok, so it has Oatmeal in it, but isn't the same texture as "oatmeal" Both of these are yummy

    1 large coffee mug,
    mash 1 banana and put in mug, add 1/4 cup old-fashioned oats or multigrain cereal, beat 1 whole egg or use 3 egg whites, stir into banana and oats, i always add cinnamon but that's personal preference. Add nuts(walnuts or pecans) if desired. Microwave for about 2 minutes until edges are dry and center is set. This tastes like banana bread.

    mash 1 banana, add 1/4 oats(I like them ground to flour in my coffee grinder) 1 scoop protein powder, 1 whole egg or 3 egg whites(1/4 cup of the egg in a carton junk), 2-3 Tbs almond milk, mix well. add cinnamon and nuts if you want. you want this thin like pancake batter. cook on a griddle with non stick spray. This one makes enough that i usually only eat 1/2 and save the rest until another meal. Doesn't need any syrup, it's plenty sweet, and I have a Sweet tooth.

    I found both of these recipes on websites, but don't remember which ones.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    This tastes like banana bread.
    A huge win in my book. :happy: